For Yoko Abe, hearing the news of her 67-year-old son’s death must be unimaginable pain! Abe Yoko is currently 94 years old. Not long ago, her son just celebrated her birthday with her. How long ago, he was assassinated!

2024/07/0114:34:33 hotcomm 1488

For Yoko Abe , hearing the news of the death of her 67-year-old son, her pain should be unimaginable!

The white-haired person gives the black-haired person a gift!

Yoko Abe is currently 94 years old. Not long ago, her son just celebrated her birthday with her, and not long after that, he was assassinated!

For her, being able to live one more day now is a gift from God. It should have been Shinzo Abe who paid tribute to her, but things were unpredictable and bad luck befell her like this.

For Yoko Abe, hearing the news of her 67-year-old son’s death must be unimaginable pain! Abe Yoko is currently 94 years old. Not long ago, her son just celebrated her birthday with her. How long ago, he was assassinated! - DayDayNews

2 years ago, Abe Yoko's father Kishi Nobusuke was assassinated the day before he resigned as prime minister. He was seriously injured and finally escaped death.

When Yoko Abe learned the news that her son Shinzo Abe had been assassinated, how much she hoped that her son could escape death, but luck is not always there, and Shinzo Abe died!

At present, Akie Abe is holding Shinzo Abe’s ashes and first returned to his home in Shibuya District, Tokyo. Later, he will bury her husband’s ashes in his hometown, where he will be buried with the man who died of illness on the eve of taking office as prime minister. Father, buried together.

For Yoko Abe, hearing the news of her 67-year-old son’s death must be unimaginable pain! Abe Yoko is currently 94 years old. Not long ago, her son just celebrated her birthday with her. How long ago, he was assassinated! - DayDayNews

Shinzo Abe’s ashes are about to be buried, but along with several doubts behind the shooting, it seems to have become a mystery!

first: Temporary change of plans!

The suspect tried to assassinate Shinzo Abe more than once, but he gave up because the security was too tight and he couldn't get in.

It is worth noting that Shinzo Abe’s speech on the streets of Nara City was a temporary decision. He was originally going to Nagano City. How did the suspect make sufficient preparations in a short time after learning about it, and why did he choose to go to Nara? City, security is lax?

gave the suspect an opportunity? Is it simply due to negligence?

So many coincidences, temporary changes in plans, careless security, not reacting when the first shot was fired... Coincidence among coincidences, is there something fishy behind it?

For Yoko Abe, hearing the news of her 67-year-old son’s death must be unimaginable pain! Abe Yoko is currently 94 years old. Not long ago, her son just celebrated her birthday with her. How long ago, he was assassinated! - DayDayNews

On July 9, the Nara Police Headquarters in Japan said that it could not be concluded that there were no security problems when Shinzo Abe was assassinated! The answer to the question of

is still unknown.

Second: The medical staff on site are unprofessional!

Many sources are saying that after Shinzo Abe was shot, he was still conscious and was said to be able to speak.

In other words, if it can be dealt with, or the rescue team can arrive in time, there is still hope that Shinzo Abe can be brought back from hell!

There is news that it took 50 minutes for the helicopter to arrive, and some say that the ambulance waited for 10 minutes. In fact, the best rescue time has been missed... In a sense, it is unprofessional of the medical staff. , ruining the possibility of Shinzo Abe’s survival!

For Yoko Abe, hearing the news of her 67-year-old son’s death must be unimaginable pain! Abe Yoko is currently 94 years old. Not long ago, her son just celebrated her birthday with her. How long ago, he was assassinated! - DayDayNews

The suspect opened fire and Shinzo Abe fell to the ground. Then there was chaos. A group of people were rescuing Shinzo Abe who was wandering in the gate of hell.

Some people are doing chest compressions, and some people are raising Abe 's legs. These people seem to be in a mess, without any structure... Everyone involved in the rescue seems to be working hard to save them. , however, it was a disservice.

The last cause of death announced by the Japanese police was massive bleeding caused by a ruptured artery.

For Yoko Abe, hearing the news of her 67-year-old son’s death must be unimaginable pain! Abe Yoko is currently 94 years old. Not long ago, her son just celebrated her birthday with her. How long ago, he was assassinated! - DayDayNews

Third: The church mentioned by suspect Tetsuya Yamama is vague! Is Tetsuya Yamama crazy?

At first, after the suspect Tetsuya Yamama was arrested, the Japanese police said that the suspect's confession was unorganized. What does it mean? In other words, Tetsuya Yamama is mentally ill!

then said that Tetsuya Yamayama originally targeted the cadres of a certain religion, but there was no chance, so he attacked Shinzo Abe instead.

also said Shinzo Abe is not a church cadre, and this shooting case has nothing to do with the church!

For Yoko Abe, hearing the news of her 67-year-old son’s death must be unimaginable pain! Abe Yoko is currently 94 years old. Not long ago, her son just celebrated her birthday with her. How long ago, he was assassinated! - DayDayNews

There are currently lawyers preparing to apply for a not guilty plea for Tetsuya Yamama. The reason for

's defense is that the suspect Tetsu Yamayama suffers from mental illness.

For Yoko Abe, hearing the news of her 67-year-old son’s death must be unimaginable pain! Abe Yoko is currently 94 years old. Not long ago, her son just celebrated her birthday with her. How long ago, he was assassinated! - DayDayNews

The above three aspects of mysteries are still a mystery, with only clues.

Some of the answers are already clear, but they are getting more and more confusing.

As you can imagine, some answers may be revealed a little bit, while some mysteries seem difficult to uncover!

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