After three years, HBO's 9-minute "Ji" drama finally returns. Gentleman Jack Season 2. It's rare to get such a high rating in this genre. Plus, it has a father from BBC and a mother from HBO. It's absolutely right to say that it is the strongest "Ji" drama!

2024/06/2522:16:33 hotcomm 1758

After three years, HBO’s 9-minute “Hime” drama is finally back.

is getting more and more exciting -

" Gentleman Jack " Season 2

Gentleman Jack

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

Although Douban has not released the score for the second season yet, the score for the first season of is as high as 9.1.

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

It’s rare for a show in this genre to get such a high rating. Plus, having a father from BBC and a mother from HBO, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with calling it the strongest “Ji” drama!

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

The heroine in the play is definitely the first lesbian in history. The prototype is Anne Lister.

With his handsome appearance, resolute style, neutral attire and self-evident sexual orientation, he was once nicknamed "Gentleman Jack" by locals.

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

She was a famous entrepreneur, traveler and diarist in Yorkshire in the 18th century. "Gentleman Jack" is adapted from her diary.

Anne wrote a diary of about 4 million words throughout her life, which recorded the customs and customs of Britain in the 18th century, the intrigues among entrepreneurs and the development of the coal mining industry.

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

But the most attractive thing is her rich and tortuous emotional experience.

A bohemian and free-spirited person, she realized her sexual orientation very early. She fell in love constantly and maintained physical relationships with many women.

Among them, the two most unforgettable ones for her are Hobart and Ann Walker, which are a bit like white moonlight and cinnabar moles...

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

"Gentleman Jack" mainly tells the story of her and Miss Walker. The first part can even be Included in "Annie's Flirting with Girls".

Annie is 12 years older than Walker. The former is romantic and unrestrained;

the latter is shy and reserved, maternal and solo, just like a play between the big bad wolf and the little white rabbit.

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

html The 127-year-old Walker's parents died. She inherited a huge amount of wealth. She was rich and beautiful. Her relatives always coveted her property. Coupled with the social constraints on women at that time, Walker did not dare to open her heart to anyone. He is always taciturn and his body is extremely weak.

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

The two people met because of a car accident.

However, this is not a story about a hero saving a beauty...

In fact, when Walker was in a car accident, Anne was still far away abroad, flirting with her first love, Hobart!

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

At that time, Walker and his aunt returned to their manor by carriage.

As a result, a rampaging carriage passed by the road, not only hitting Walker's vehicle, but also knocking a child down the hillside.

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

The incident happened suddenly. The boy's leg was seriously injured and he was in urgent need of medical treatment.

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

They had no choice but to seek help from the nearest Xibudden Manor, which was Anne's house.

Anne's family entertained them, not only helping to treat the boy, but also giving warm hospitality to the frightened Walker and his aunt.

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

After Walker stayed here for some time, Anne returned home due to grief.

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

Her first love, Hobart, succumbed to the world and chose to get engaged to a rich boy. Unable to bear the blow, Anne chose to go home to heal.

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

At first, when she heard that Walker was at home, Annie had a look of disdain on her face, thinking that this was just another silly person and she would definitely not be able to talk to her.

The moment he saw the other person, his face changed instantly, and he was determined to take her down...

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

After three years, HBO's 9-minute


was obviously coveting the beauty of the other person, and he also insisted that he fell in love with her money.

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

did what she said, and Anne began her long journey to pursue her wife.

The first trick is to gain a sense of presence.

She took the initiative to visit Walker's house, chatting with her and giving her all kinds of compliments.

encouraged Walker to be strong and not to be led by others.

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

When Walker's distant relatives came to borrow money from her again, looking at the hesitant Walker, Anne took the initiative to teach her to write a letter to refuse. This was the first time that Walker became tough.

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

During this process, Anne was pleasantly surprised to discover that Walker had already had a crush on her and had admired her when she was young.

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

This also strengthened Anne's belief in marrying her.

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

Although in that era, homosexuality was not tolerated by the world, and gay men would even be sentenced. But Anne refused to bow to society, and she insisted on walking a bright path of her own.

The second move is to welcome them even if you refuse them.

After many attempts to confirm that Walker also had a crush on her, but was still unclear about his true feelings and did not dare to pierce the window paper, Annie took the initiative.

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

came up to kiss Walker when the two were deeply in love. As a result, Walker, who was unprepared, ran away in panic.

Annie immediately started "acting" when she saw this. Lonely and guilty, she said that her reckless behavior had made Walker disgusted, and pretended to be hurt when her wishful thinking was rejected.

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

This move successfully aroused Walker's pity, and his constant explanations made Walker become the guilty person.

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

After this "battle", Annie also successfully got Walker to come out as gay.

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

The two began a shameless underground affair...

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

However, there are always people who want to disrupt the situation.

Walker was raped by a married man when he was young and ignorant. After the man's wife died, he used this as a threat to ask Walker to marry him.

Walker was wavering about this. At this time, she had long passed the marriageable age. Other women got married and had children early. The world was prejudiced against her for never getting married.

The man is a priest with a decent career and is very suitable as a marriage partner.

Moreover, he had a relationship with Walker, which has always been a big stone in Walker's heart. She felt ashamed, and it seemed that marrying him was the best choice.

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

But this means having to make a decision with Anne.

So, Anne took action again.

The third move is to declare sovereignty.

She first told Walker that she was ill and would not see the pastor behind closed doors, and returned the letters and biographies sent by the pastor.

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

then took the initiative to find the pastor and warned him that he already knew about his evil deeds.

categorically denounced the pastor for taking advantage of Walker's vulnerability and taking advantage of her insecurity.

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

and threatened that if he didn't go back quickly, he would tell the world about his behavior and let him die.

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

The other party was obviously shocked by Anne's momentum and left in despair.

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

After the Flirting with Girls trilogy ended, the relationship between Annie and Walker stabilized, and the first part was in a state of he at the end.

However, in the second part, the core conflict between the two gradually emerged.

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

htmlThe 112-year age difference and different emotional experiences make them destined to have different attitudes towards relationships.

Walker was young and fell in love with Anne early on. He loved her wholeheartedly and was an absolute true love.

But Anne is already in her 40s, and her first love hurt her too deeply. It is difficult for her to treat new people with 100% love and enthusiasm.

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

Previous generations planted trees, but it is difficult for future generations to enjoy the shade.

Walker loves Annie, but Annie can only say she "likes" Walker.

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

If this develops, there will definitely be a big quarrel between them, and maybe Anne will be tortured severely later...

In addition to telling the relationship between Anne and Walker, "Gentleman Jack" also has many discussions on women's rights. For example, women only have Only by getting married can you gain honor and wealth, and only by getting married can you avoid being judged by others.

This kind of prejudice made many women hate to marry at that time. Even the rich and handsome Walker almost married with a huge fortune to help the poor.

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

But the appearance of Anne is obviously the awakening of feminist consciousness.

Women can also do business, and they will be more prosperous than men.

Anne inherited her wealth from her uncle, skipping over her incompetent father.

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

At that time, the coal mine business had a good prospect. Other businessmen thought that Anne was a woman, so they wanted to start a price war and even took the opportunity to steal her coal mine.

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

Annie was not only uncompromising on the price, which made the other party anxious and worried, but then she boldly decided to mine it herself, catching the other party off guard.

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

As a large landowner, we never look at feelings when renewing a lease, but only look at the other party's ability to maximize the value of the land.

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

But when the tenants’ family members were sick, she would visit them in person and help find doctors and schools for their children to enroll in.

She is a real heroine who distinguishes between public and private affairs, acts resolutely, and dares to act!

At present, the first episode of the second season of "Gentleman Jack" has been released. Fans who like this type of drama can download it and check it out.

After three years, HBO's 9-minute

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