On the evening of November 30, in the 8th 2020 "Promise to the People - TV Political Questioning" program hosted by the Nanning Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, leaders from the Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau, the Municipal Agriculture and Rural Affair

2024/05/1808:29:37 hotcomm 1924

On the evening of November 30, in the 8th 2020 "Promise to the People - TV Political Questioning" program hosted by the Nanning Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, leaders from the Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau, the Municipal Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau and other units were questioned about political affairs. Received a special gift - fungus culture medium. 70% of a fungus culture medium is rice straw, which can generate benefits of forty or fifty yuan. The political question that night focused on the environmental issues of straw burning. Representatives of the people who asked questions at the scene expressed the hope that relevant departments could truly turn waste into treasure by increasing the comprehensive recycling and utilization of crop straw, so that farmers can increase their income and become rich.

On the evening of November 30, in the 8th 2020

The scene of the TV political question program that day.

1 Straw burning still has a collection and transportation system that needs to be improved

At present, straw burning has become an important factor affecting the improvement of regional ambient air quality in Guangxi. It is now the autumn harvest and sugarcane crushing season in Nanning City, and it is also a period of high incidence of open-air straw burning. According to statistics from Nanning's straw burning ban intelligent video surveillance system, from October 1 to November 20, in less than two months, a total of 5,713 open-air straw burning fire spots were discovered in the city.

Nanning City’s work plan for the management of the ban on open burning of crop straw and garbage requires that each administrative village (community) should organize an inspection team for the ban on open burning of straw to prevent, promptly detect and discourage violations of regulations for open burning of straw. However, among the 33 fire spots discovered by the political conduct supervisor during the visit, only two of them had inspection team members arrive at the scene in time to deal with them.

During the interview, some people who burned straw said that they knew the relevant policies prohibiting straw burning, but due to the lack of disposal channels, in order not to affect the farming of the next season, they could only burn the straw. Some companies that specialize in the comprehensive utilization of straw resources said that they are willing to increase the amount of straw recycling. The companies also have this processing capacity, but it is difficult to implement it by collecting and transporting straw from households to households.

Department Commitment

Wei Haopeng, Party Secretary and Director of the Nanning Ecological Environment Bureau, said that Nanning currently has 139 monitoring points installed, accounting for only 15% of the designated burn-free zones. He believes that the problem of straw burning also reflects the work style of cadres, and supervision and law enforcement are not in place. The fundamental solution to the problem is comprehensive utilization and returning straw to the fields. At the same time, it is necessary to increase publicity, increase training for grid supervisors, and increase law enforcement.

2 Traffic noise is a nuisance to residents and residents are looking forward to rectification.

In recent years, with the development of urban transportation infrastructure, the number of newly built, renovated and expanded overpasses has increased, and the resulting traffic noise nuisance to residents has become more and more prominent.

On the evenings of November 10th and 23rd, supervisors, with the assistance of staff from the Nanning Ecological Environment Monitoring Center, conducted traffic noise tests on ten bridges in the city. The results showed that the noise exceeded the standard.

At Beihu Overpass, the average noise value measured was 75.3 decibels, and the maximum noise value was 102.8 decibels; at Baisha Xingguang Overpass, the average noise value measured was 68.8 decibels, and the maximum noise value was 90.6 decibels.

According to the "Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Noise Pollution", the noise in the areas on both sides of the main roads in the city shall not exceed 70 decibels during the day and 55 decibels at night. Excessive noise has caused great annoyance to residents around these bridges, and residents have said that it affects their night's rest.

It is understood that in 2018, entrusted by the municipal department, the former Nanning Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau organized noise monitoring of 29 bridges in the urban area. It was found that these 29 bridges all had traffic noise problems that exceeded the standard, and sound insulation and noise reduction facilities needed to be improved. But so far, there are still 23 bridges with incomplete sound insulation and noise reduction facilities, including the 10 bridges measured recently. Some are not installed at all, and some are partially installed. Some bridges that have been handed over for many years have not installed sound insulation and noise reduction facilities, such as Jiangbin Overpass, Zhongxing Bridge, Lingtie Bridge, Nanjian Overpass, etc.

That night, the TV political inquiry also exposed issues such as frequent environmental chaos and numerous complaints from residents in the sand and gravel yard in Yongning District, Nanning City.

Department Commitment

Party Secretary and Director of the Nanning Municipal Municipal and Garden Administration Bureau Lan Lan said that Nanning City still needs to complete 23 bridges with sound insulation facilities, with a total length of 11,100 meters. The construction of sound insulation facilities for these 23 bridges is included in next year's urban construction plan, and all sound insulation screens will be built as soon as possible.

source: http://resource.cloudgx.cn/files/gxapp/News/202012/01/634059.html?_s=1606804979

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