My grandparents died young and I never met them, so their photos are especially precious to me. Facing the photos, I imagined the life, separation, and death that a beautiful family like my ancestors had gone through in those troubled times.

2024/07/0311:54:32 history 1425

No amount of words can describe the image of the photo - the charming appearance of the ancestors. My grandparents died young and I never met them, so their photos are especially precious to me.

A family portrait of three generations living under one roof. Facing the photos, I imagined the life, separation, and death that a beautiful family like my ancestors had gone through in those troubled times.

My great-grandmother is sitting upright, holding my father in her arms, my grandfather is in the middle, and my grandmother is standing on her side.

My grandparents died young and I never met them, so their photos are especially precious to me. Facing the photos, I imagined the life, separation, and death that a beautiful family like my ancestors had gone through in those troubled times. - DayDayNews

Without such photos, how could I imagine that my grandparents who died young had such outstanding temperament, such talent and beauty. The charming charm exuded in the photos can never be reproduced again.

My grandparents died young and I never met them, so their photos are especially precious to me. Facing the photos, I imagined the life, separation, and death that a beautiful family like my ancestors had gone through in those troubled times. - DayDayNews

The blurry image did not affect my grandfather's majestic mental outlook in the slightest, nor did it detract from the unyielding character of ordinary intellectuals in the troubled times of the Republic of China.

My grandparents died young and I never met them, so their photos are especially precious to me. Facing the photos, I imagined the life, separation, and death that a beautiful family like my ancestors had gone through in those troubled times. - DayDayNews

Without this photo, how could I have imagined that my beautiful and unfortunate grandma was such a gentle woman, Lin Huiyin an intellectual woman.

My grandparents died young and I never met them, so their photos are especially precious to me. Facing the photos, I imagined the life, separation, and death that a beautiful family like my ancestors had gone through in those troubled times. - DayDayNews

Seeing this mottled photo, I was filled with admiration - grandpa is so handsome! That firm look, that dignified appearance, that elegant demeanor, that is a character created by the times, and the younger generation can no longer surpass it.

My grandparents died young and I never met them, so their photos are especially precious to me. Facing the photos, I imagined the life, separation, and death that a beautiful family like my ancestors had gone through in those troubled times. - DayDayNews

A woman as tender as water, with a pair of loving eyes, how could she not bend her back? This kind of style of the Republic of China is really difficult for future generations to describe.

My grandparents died young and I never met them, so their photos are especially precious to me. Facing the photos, I imagined the life, separation, and death that a beautiful family like my ancestors had gone through in those troubled times. - DayDayNews

A photo of my grandma in 1953. She was already a mother of five children and had gained weight.

My grandparents died young and I never met them, so their photos are especially precious to me. Facing the photos, I imagined the life, separation, and death that a beautiful family like my ancestors had gone through in those troubled times. - DayDayNews

My grandparents died young and I never met them, so their photos are especially precious to me. Facing the photos, I imagined the life, separation, and death that a beautiful family like my ancestors had gone through in those troubled times. - DayDayNews

My grandma passed away in 1966, before I was born. Grandpa passed away earlier, and his body was completely wiped out in the turbulent years. The photo of the tombstone made me burst into tears...

My grandparents died young and I never met them, so their photos are especially precious to me. Facing the photos, I imagined the life, separation, and death that a beautiful family like my ancestors had gone through in those troubled times. - DayDayNews

We are so lucky that we cannot see our ancestors. Only to pay homage to the photos left behind. My grandfather was a talented man who died young. My grandmother has a pretty face, but her beauty is not good for her. In troubled times, he is jealous of talented people.

Woohoo! We don’t know when our ancestors were sick, and we don’t know when our ancestors died. We can't support them when we are alive, and we can't support our souls when they die. The collection does not rely on its coffin, and the secretion does not come to its hole. The sky in the sky has its ultimate limit!

From now on, my ancestors are at the end of the sky, and I am at the corner of the earth. Although we are not dependent on each other in life, my soul can be connected with me. Alas! The words are limited but the love will never end, the ancestor knew it! Shangxiao.

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