In the first year of Jianwen, King Zhu Di of Yan raised his troops to rebel. After three years, he sent his troops south and conquered Nanjing. He ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, which was the founder of the Ming Dynasty. So everyone raised an interesting ques

2024/07/0312:37:33 history 1121

In the first year of Jianwen, King Yan Zhu Di raised his troops to rebel. Three years later, he sent his troops south and conquered Nanjing. He ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor as Ming Chengzu. So everyone raised an interesting question, if If Zhu Yunwen's father Zhu Biao is still alive, will King Yan raise an army to rebel?

In the first year of Jianwen, King Zhu Di of Yan raised his troops to rebel. After three years, he sent his troops south and conquered Nanjing. He ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, which was the founder of the Ming Dynasty. So everyone raised an interesting ques - DayDayNews

The answer is, no. why? Let’s talk about the reasons from several aspects.

First of all, Zhu Biao is the only candidate for the prince. Zhu Yuanzhang attaches great importance to this son. Although Zhu Di was indeed very powerful among the vassal kings at that time, he was far behind compared with Prince Zhu Biao. Zhu Biao is the eldest son of Zhu Yuanzhang and Empress Ma . Although Zhu Di also said that he is the legitimate son, many historical records show that Zhu Di is not actually the child of Empress Ma. We cannot go back in time on this, so naturally there is no way to know clearly. You know, let's just treat him as the legitimate son, but when the brothers are ranked like this, he is the fourth eldest son. In those days, the crown prince was the eldest son. Even if Zhu Di occupied the legitimate son's place, he could not occupy the eldest son's place.

Let’s not talk about this for now, let’s talk about the aspects in which Zhu Yuanzhang showed his importance to Zhu Biao! Zhu Yuanzhang proclaimed himself emperor in 1368, and Zhu Biao was established as the prince in the same year. In other words, he had just ascended the throne, and Zhu Biao, who was only 13 years old, was his ideal successor.

Of course, Zhu Yuanzhang has been trying his best to train the heir to the throne from the beginning, so when choosing teachers, he looked for some highly respected old men, such as Li Shanchang, Xu Da, Chang Yuchun , etc., of course, Zhu Biao must have learned a lot under the education of these people.

In the first year of Jianwen, King Zhu Di of Yan raised his troops to rebel. After three years, he sent his troops south and conquered Nanjing. He ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, which was the founder of the Ming Dynasty. So everyone raised an interesting ques - DayDayNews

And since ancient times, many emperors have not dared to truly delegate power to their sons, fearing that he would become too powerful. But this Zhu Yuanzhang was different. He began to gradually let go in the Hongwu decade. "The internal affairs of the DPRK began in advance." Please punish the prince, and then report to the emperor.", what does this mean? Zhu Yuanzhang is generously giving Zhu Biao the imperial power, and there is no need to worry that Zhu Biao will one day pose a threat to the throne.. So people often teased the relationship between father and son. The guards hurriedly came to tell Zhu Yuanzhang: "Your Majesty, something bad has happened. The prince has rebelled!" Zhu Yuanzhang was full of excitement after hearing this: "It's true or false, this child is finally willing to Rebellion? Give him my Jade Seal . The ministers who did not participate in this rebellion will be demoted! Finally, remember to give him more troops, and I will abdicate immediately! " Although this dialogue is quite funny! , is also a bit outrageous, but Zhu Yuanzhang in history did love this child very much.

Zhu Yuanzhang's love for Zhu Biao is also reflected in one point, that is, every time he commits violence, the prince comes to ask for forgiveness, and he is eventually granted. Could it be that Zhu Yuanzhang is so unprincipled? No, how could he be so unprincipled to others, only to Zhu Biao, whom he liked? Some people think that the reason why Zhu Yuanzhang did this was to pave the way for Zhu Biao and make the ministers and people like him like him, so he staged these dramas with Zhu Biao in order to help Zhu Biao get Everyone’s approval.

And this son who was carefully cultivated by the emperor was indeed very powerful. This is the second reason why Zhu Di would not have rebelled if Zhu Biao had not died, because Zhu Biao was very suitable to be the emperor. If Zhu Biao had not died at all, What happened to Zhu Di?

In the first year of Jianwen, King Zhu Di of Yan raised his troops to rebel. After three years, he sent his troops south and conquered Nanjing. He ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, which was the founder of the Ming Dynasty. So everyone raised an interesting ques - DayDayNews

Although Zhu Biao was only a prince at that time, his prestige in the court was unquestionable. When Zhu Yuanzhang was galloping on the battlefield, he handed over all affairs in the court to the prince Zhu Biao. Zhu Biao managed the government and allowed him to Zhu Yuanzhang was relieved, and Zhu Biao helped his father manage the government for more than ten years. Although was not in charge of it every day, in these ten years, he, who was in his early twenties, had never managed such a large court. Unfortunately, Zhu Yuanzhang was on the front line, and Zhu Biao was able to prepare sufficient food, military pay, and equipment for them at the back, which relieved Zhu Yuanzhang from many worries. It can be seen that his professional skills are very good, and he seems to have received the true inheritance from his father.

So why is Zhu Biao so capable? In fact, it is because he holds a very powerful force in his hands. This force is the old ministers who were not liquidated under Zhu Yuanzhang's strict rule. They all followed Zhu Yuanzhang in the north and south and were loyal. These forces are the most powerful since the founding of the country. Zhu Yuanzhang handed a group of people into the hands of Zhu Biao. If Zhu Di wanted to seize power, it would be impossible and basically had no chance of winning.

Moreover, Zhu Biao, as the eldest son of Zhu Yuanzhang, was also the eldest brother of his other brothers and sisters. He had loved his younger brothers and sisters very much since he was a child. When these younger brothers and sisters got into trouble, Zhu Biao would help them intercede for mercy. He was also very concerned about his younger brothers and sisters. situation, so he has a good relationship with his younger siblings. Some people think that if Zhu Biao had not died young, Zhu Di would not have rebelled at all, and would even have supported his brother in becoming the emperor. The relationship between the brothers would still be very good in the future.

In the first year of Jianwen, King Zhu Di of Yan raised his troops to rebel. After three years, he sent his troops south and conquered Nanjing. He ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, which was the founder of the Ming Dynasty. So everyone raised an interesting ques - DayDayNews

Zhu Biao was not only good to his own family, he was also good to the people. During the days when he was in charge of the government, he insisted on benevolent government. During those years, wars continued and the people were in dire straits. However, Zhu Biao's benevolent government helped him gain support from the people. Ming Dynasty made important contributions to the restoration of national strength. Because his personality is relatively gentle, it is in sharp contrast to Zhu Yuanzhang's violent personality. Moreover, Zhu Biao also has extremely high emotional intelligence and has won the support of many people in the court. As the saying goes, the world belongs to those who win the hearts of the people. It is also a part that other princes cannot have.

We need to understand whether Zhu Di would have launched a mutiny against the court if Zhu Biao had not died. We must also understand why Zhu Di rebelled against the imperial court at that time. In fact, the most direct reason for is that after Zhu Yunwen came to the throne, he followed Zhu Yuanzhang and began to implement the policy of reducing the vassal state. At that time, the relatively powerful vassal king Zhu Di was considered the number one.

In fact, when Zhu Yunwen came to the throne at the beginning, he was not satisfied with Zhu Di. After all, Zhu Yunwen was just a yellow-haired boy and not as strong as his father. How could he take on the important responsibilities of the court? It's just that Zhu Di was not forced to rebel at that time, and Zhu Yuanzhang had already paved the way for Zhu Yunwen before his death, and Zhu Di did not have the ability to directly usurp the throne.

In the first year of Jianwen, King Zhu Di of Yan raised his troops to rebel. After three years, he sent his troops south and conquered Nanjing. He ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, which was the founder of the Ming Dynasty. So everyone raised an interesting ques - DayDayNews

Not long after Zhu Yunwen came to power, he began to sharpen his sword against King Yan and ordered the prince not to control civil and military officers. This order seemed to block Zhu Di's way. Afterwards, Zhu Yunwen, on the advice of the minister, also implemented 24-hour surveillance on Zhu Di. , and took the opportunity to arrest him, forcing Zhu Di to pretend to be crazy and act stupid to protect himself. During this period, he understood that no matter what, the imperial court must cut down its vassals. If he continued like this, he would not get any good results. If he did well, he would be imprisoned for the rest of his life. If he did not do well, he might lose his head directly. So he In the end, he had to choose to secretly recruit troops and build weapons, and then find the right time to rebel and seize the throne. At that time, Zhu Biao was a person who implemented benevolent government, and he also had his own ideas. There was a high probability that would not reduce the vassal. Naturally, there was no such thing as Zhu Di being forced into a hurry. Therefore, after Zhu Biao ascended the throne, Zhu Di will not rebel against .

In addition, Zhu Di's adviser Yao Guangxiao had followed Zhu Di for many years and often conveyed to him the idea that Zhu Yunwen could not take on the great responsibilities of the world. After Zhu Biao's death, among Zhu Yuanzhang's sons, Zhu Di was the most capable. , so Yao Guangxiao suggested that Zhu Di, who was powerful and had led troops to fight victorious battles, seize the throne. In his opinion, Zhu Yunwen was too young to convince the crowd. Zhu Di was different. Not only was Zhu Yunwen much older, but he did lead troops to fight. Experience, managing the army is certainly not a problem, and Zhu Di did have the ambition to seek power and usurp the throne after Zhu Biao's death.

In the first year of Jianwen, King Zhu Di of Yan raised his troops to rebel. After three years, he sent his troops south and conquered Nanjing. He ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, which was the founder of the Ming Dynasty. So everyone raised an interesting ques - DayDayNews

At that time, when Zhu Di was revolting, his army was victorious in the first stage, but Zhu Yunqi's side, because the emperor's grandfather killed many people before his death, made him When fighting against Zhu Di's rebellion, he found that he could not win at all. He is a talented person, but Zhu Di's victory this time was not that easy. He also spent a lot of time, energy and military strength. After all, if the rebellion is unsuccessful, he will lose his head, so he will make a lot of efforts in the early stage. , to ensure the success of in this Jingnan battle.

After three years, the incident finally won, but it is worth mentioning that Zhu Yunwen disappeared from history since then. No one knows where Zhu Yunwen went when Zhu Di attacked Nanjing. Some people even believe that during Zhu Di's reign, he ordered Zheng Hehtml to sail to the West 27 times just to find his nephew Zhu Yunwen.

has said so much, in fact, has Zhu Yuanzhang's love for Zhu Biao, coupled with his personal abilities, he is a person very suitable to be the emperor, but he died young, and the later Zhu Yunwen was indeed younger, not Zhu Di's opponents also cut down the feudal vassals in order to consolidate the imperial power. In the end, Zhu Di had no choice but to launch the Jingnan Campaign.

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