Editor's note: As a great Marxist, Mao Zedong persisted, developed and defended Marxism in his criticism of non-Marxist social trends, enabling Marxism to continuously advance in complex ideological struggles.

2024/07/0305:27:34 history 1329

Editor's note: As a great Marxist, Mao Zedong insisted on, developed and defended Marxism in criticizing non-Marxist social trends, allowing Marxism to continuously advance in the complex ideological struggle. This is specifically manifested in the following: using Marxism to study China's actual problems in criticizing the Guild socialist ideological trend, adhering to the theory of proletarian violent revolution, and actively promoting Marxism; adhering to a materialist view of history in criticizing the Chinese populist ideological trend, Elucidate the Marxist view of farmers and the distribution principles of the underdeveloped socialist stage; affirm the value of Marxism in criticizing historical nihilism, adhere to the Marxist class struggle theory, and explain the connotation of the people's democratic dictatorship. Mao Zedong's criticism of non-Marxist social trends of thought set a shining example for us to treat Marxism with a scientific attitude and defend Marxism with the spirit of truth.

Mao Zedong was a great Marxist and a pioneer in the Sinicization of Marxism. In order to explore the truth and path to save the country and the people, after studying, comparing and identifying the complicated social trends of thought and development paths, Mao Zedong gradually realized that only by "finding another path, creating another environment and method" can China be saved from the fire and the people. In danger. As Marxism was introduced into China, Mao Zedong "rapidly developed in the direction of Marxism" and soon "became a Marxist" and was determined to be a believer, interpreter, defender and practitioner of Marxism. We are the creators and developers of Marxism and constantly promote the sinicization process of Marxism. In the struggle against non-Marxist social trends, Mao Zedong not only unveiled their hypocrisy, but also explained the scientific nature and truth of Marxism, opened a new chapter in the development of Marxism in China, and established the foundation for persistence, development and defense. A shining example of Marxism. This article uses Mao Zedong's criticism of Geelt socialism, populism and historical nihilism as an example to appreciate Mao Zedong's critical style, principled stance and theoretical contribution.

Editor's note: As a great Marxist, Mao Zedong persisted, developed and defended Marxism in his criticism of non-Marxist social trends, enabling Marxism to continuously advance in complex ideological struggles. - DayDayNews

1. Adhere to Marxism in criticizing the Kilt socialist trend of thought

When Marxism first entered China, various social trends of thought were turbulent and fiercely contested, and Kilt socialism was one of them. Guild Socialism (Guild Socialism) originated in the United Kingdom in the early 20th century as a kind of socialism that opposed violent revolution, rejected state control, advocated a reform path, implemented production autonomy, and advocated changing capitalist countries through the power of workers' guilds. A trend of thought in nature. The main representatives of this trend of thought include Arthur Joseph Penty, Samuel George Hobson, Berlant Russell, etc. They advocate political and economic dualism, oppose large-scale modern industrial production, and reject continuous expansion. State control, advocating moderate economic reforms, attempting to sever the connection between politics and economics in order to restore the economic organizational form of the medieval era and achieve dual political and economic freedoms. In fact, this is a social trend that disguises itself as socialism to deceive the working class and safeguard the capitalist system. With the rise of the May Fourth Movement, Zhang Dongsun, Liang Qichao, Zhang Junmai and others used periodicals such as "Liberation and Transformation", " New Youth" and " Weekly Commentary" to widely publicize Geert socialism. In their view, "China's only disease is poverty, and the solution is to develop industry using capitalist methods." For this reason, they consider themselves socialists, advocate sentimentalism, oppose the dictatorship of labor and peasants, advocate labor-capital coordination, and use Guild socialism to reject Marxism in order to consolidate "their ideological position." This has brought great ideological obstacles to solving China's practical problems and spreading Marxism.It was precisely because of his insight into the utopian, conservative, and moderate characteristics of Gilt socialism that Mao Zedong used the basic viewpoints of scientific socialism he had mastered to define it as utopian communism, moderate rationalism, and conservative reformism , believes that it cannot really solve China's current problems. Only by launching a social revolution and changing the production system can China be saved from danger.

First, use Marxism to study China’s actual problems in criticizing the utopia of Guild socialism. In essence, Guild socialism is the product of the reconciliation of liberalism and socialism, and has a serious utopian color and utopian character. On the one hand, Guild socialism overemphasizes individual will and freedom, and advocates the reconciliation of state management rights and industry autonomy, that is, decentralizing state power to avoid state autocracy, increasing guild power to obtain full freedom, and realizing the balance of state and guild power. Dual balance. On the other hand, Guild socialism emphasizes that the state has supreme special power and hopes that the state can directly participate in, coordinate and intervene in production, competition and conflicts between industries, but it only "hopes that the state will use 'spiritual leadership'" , without using force to exercise his authority.” Whether it is the "dual balance of power theory" or the "state's spiritual leadership theory", they all have serious theoretical flaws and are utopian. No matter how the state and the guilds are reconciled, it is impossible to achieve absolute equality between the two. It is possible to eliminate the traditional functions of the state, and the result can only be a socialist utopia. It was based on historical materialism that Mao Zedong had a keen insight into the utopian nature of Guild socialism, and pointedly pointed out that it "makes sense in theory, but cannot in fact" and "all authoritarians in history have , or imperialists, or militarists... no one is willing to end it by himself." Regarding China's "situation within the territory," reform cannot solve the real problems. "'Using peaceful methods to achieve communist goals' is It won’t work.” It’s even more unworkable to use capitalism to revitalize China’s industry. After studying the "Communist Manifesto" translated by Chen Wangdao, Kautsky's "Class Struggle", Kirkup's "History of Socialism" and other works, Mao Zedong was deeply inspired and infected by Marxism and believed that Marxism "is the correct view of history" "Explanation", Marxist methods must be used to solve China's problems, and "on-the-spot investigation and research are indispensable." It can be said that the reason why Mao Zedong was able to point out and criticize the utopian nature of Guild socialism is inseparable from the fact that he has mastered the basic principles of scientific socialism.

Editor's note: As a great Marxist, Mao Zedong persisted, developed and defended Marxism in his criticism of non-Marxist social trends, enabling Marxism to continuously advance in complex ideological struggles. - DayDayNews

Second, adhere to the proletarian theory of violent revolution while criticizing the reformist path of Guilt socialism. attempts to develop industry, develop the economy, and enhance national strength through capitalist production methods. However, in modern China, where warlords are fighting, political power is in turmoil, and ideological trends are surging, current China's problems cannot be solved by relying solely on the bourgeois nature of the warmest reform path. Kilt socialists also believe that transforming the national spirit is "an urgent task for China today." If "spiritual thinking is not emancipated and morality is not transformed, then the material economic organization cannot be transformed." To this end, Zhang Dongsun proposed the idea of ​​transforming the national spirit through the principles of the "third civilization". In this regard, Mao Zedong severely criticized: "The current school education is a capitalist education." The development of this kind of education is undoubtedly the use of capitalism to transform the people, and it is bound to create an atmosphere for the spread of Guild socialism. Mao Zedong believed that the path advocated by the Kilt socialists could only be used as an auxiliary means and could not be used as the main way to solve the current problems in China. To fundamentally solve the current problems in China, we must take a new path beyond reformism, that is, launch a Russian-style violent revolution, because violent revolution "contains more possible properties than other transformation methods." This is just as Engels said: "Revolution is everywhere and at any time the inevitable result of various circumstances that are completely independent of the will and leadership of a single party or an entire class."It is possible to seek a way out for China through reform, but China's national conditions determine that violent revolution is the only way to go. Under the influence of Marx's theory of violent revolution, Mao Zedong clearly proposed at the Xinmin Society Changsha membership conference to use the method of "transforming China and the world" to solve China's current problems, and received the support of the majority of the participants. History has fully proved that adopting the method of "large-scale transformation" and launching a violent revolution united by workers and peasants is the only correct way for modern China to get out of its predicament.

Third, actively promote Marxism in criticizing the rationalism of Guild socialism. With the deepening of the May 4th Movement, modern China has also entered a period of transition in which " Western learning spread to the East." Western rationalism has had a profound impact on how my country's advanced intellectuals transformed China. Zhang Dongsun was deeply influenced by rationalism. He pointed out: "Rationality is in us, and control is in us." In order to achieve the goal of transforming China with Gilt socialism, Zhang Dongsun over-exaggerated the role of reason and blindly advocated that scientific socialism "is never as powerful as reason." However, Guild socialism is seriously conservative, so it is limited to reform without resorting to revolution. This is also due to rationalism. In order to curb the negative influence of rationalism-infused Guelt socialism on the Chinese people, Mao Zedong actively devoted himself to the practice of promoting Marxism. He successively founded the Changsha Cultural Book Society, Hunan Russian Research Association , and Hunan Marxism Research Association. Actively promote Marxism to Chinese advanced elements. Mao Zedong pointed out: "Historical materialism is the basis of our party's philosophy." Only by setting up the banner of Marxist revolution can "everyone have something to hope for and know where to go." In order to help members of the Xinmin Society understand the essence of Kilt socialism and establish the belief in following the Russian revolutionary path, Mao Zedong severely criticized Kilt socialism on the one hand, and actively promoted Marxism on the other, truly realizing the goal of criticizing non-Marxism. The organic unity of social ideological trends and propaganda of Marxist theory. With Mao Zedong's unremitting efforts, the Changsha Communist Group was secretly established within the Xinmin Society, and a group of staunch Marxists were also developed into the Hunan Communist Youth League. This not only attracted advanced elements and laid the foundation for the official establishment of the Communist Party of China. The organizational foundation also removes ideological obstacles for our party to launch a proletarian revolution. Mao Zedong's criticism of Guild socialism profoundly demonstrated the high theoretical literacy of a mature Marxist , and also pointed out the way forward for the depressed and hesitant Chinese people.

Editor's note: As a great Marxist, Mao Zedong persisted, developed and defended Marxism in his criticism of non-Marxist social trends, enabling Marxism to continuously advance in complex ideological struggles. - DayDayNews

2. Developing Marxism in the refutation of populist trends of thought

(Populism) As a unique social and political trend of thought, although it has "embarrassing uncertainty" in concept, in the context of Marxism, it is A non-Marxist ideology. There are various types of populism, among which Russian populism has the most serious impact on our country. This kind of populism originated from Russia's "populist faction fell into an extremely romanticized imagination of Russian farmers and their village organizations due to their criticism of capitalism." That is, relying on Russian farmers to directly cross the capitalist stage and force the transition to socialism. This “has a huge influence in China and within our party.” When discussing whether the economic construction of new democracy requires the use and development of capitalism, some comrades in the party believe that our country can directly leapfrog the capitalist stage and directly enter socialism from the current social form. Therefore, when dealing with productivity issues, Feeling impatient and aggressive. Regarding this ideological tendency that emerged within the party, Mao Zedong profoundly pointed out from a Marxist standpoint with clear logical thinking and superb theoretical literacy that the economic task of new democracy is to remove the system that hinders the development of capitalism and ensure that "those who are not 'manipulators' National livelihood' but a private capitalist economy that is beneficial to national livelihood and protects all legitimate private property." "The basis of new democratic society is the factory,...not the decentralized individual economy....The decentralized individual economy is not the basis of democratic society (old democracy, new democracy, socialism, all included). This is where Marxism differs from populism. "In "Explanation of the Coalition Government", Mao Zedong clearly pointed out: "Only through democracy can we reach socialism. This is a natural principle of Marxism." In order to avoid the infringement of populism on Marxism and the harmful effects of populism on the Chinese people, Mao Zedong profoundly analyzed the characteristics of populism and clarified the harm of populism, which is of great significance for adhering to the guidance of Marxism and promoting the development of Marxism in China.

First, in criticizing populism. Historical idealism uses historical materialism to analyze whether a new democratic society should develop capitalism. Influenced by Russian populist trends, some comrades in our party resolutely resist all economic development paths with a capitalist nature regardless of China's reality. , demanding direct entry into the socialist society. This is just as Mao Zedong said: "Some people in our party have been unclear about this issue for a long time, and there is a kind of populist thought. "Looking at its theoretical roots, populism is actually an idealistic view of history in which thinking determines existence. It denies that there must be an appropriate economic basis to promote social development, and believes that "history has no predetermined pattern and no 'script'." Socialism can be established and developed in any time and space. In order to prevent the negative influence of populism from further expanding within the party, Mao Zedong cited examples of Russian populists and severely criticized them: Russian populists tried to use farmers and village communities. The idea of ​​realizing socialism is reversing the course of history and is inconsistent with the objective laws of social development. "They are extremely 'left' and want to build socialism faster and not develop capitalism. As a result, they became counter-revolutionaries. "We must use the level of productivity to determine whether to fully develop capitalism as the fundamental criterion for judging Marxism and populism, rather than simply relying on economic or social characteristics. For this reason, Mao Zedong In the report to the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China, it was pointed out that China currently "needs the broad development of capitalism" and "must allow the private capitalist economy to obtain the convenience of development within the scope of being unable to control the people's livelihood." When analyzing China using the basic principles of historical materialism. On the basis of practical problems, Mao Zedong proposed a "two-step" development strategy of democracy and socialism. Without "a new thorough democratic revolution of a bourgeois nature led by the Communist Party," the establishment of socialism can only be utopian. It can be seen from this that Mao Zedong's important assertion based on China's actual situation of fully developing capitalism to enhance my country's productivity is not a distortion and denial of Marxism, but a transcendence of Russian populism and an insistence on historical materialism. and creative use.

Second, the Marxist view of peasants is explained in criticizing the populist view of heroic history. Populists believe that Russian farmers have a large number of people, clear social ideals, and the rights to own land, village autonomy, and freedom of speech. rights and collective labor habits, which provided opportunities and possibilities for Russia to directly enter socialism. Therefore, they regarded Russian farmers as an important force in social development and the historical subject of social change, and advocated relying on the power of farmers to directly transition to society. However, this understanding is seriously out of touch with reality. They not only overestimate the current theoretical awakening and political consciousness of the Russian peasants, but also ignore the emerging revolutionary power of the proletariat. In order to prevent this wrong idea from spreading within the party, Mao Zedong criticized the heroic view of history of Russian populism, explained the Marxist view of peasants, and clarified the ideas and delineated the boundaries for party members who were deeply influenced by populism to correctly understand the problem of Chinese peasants. Mao Zedong attached great importance to the role of peasants in the revolution. If "the peasants are forgotten, there will be no democratic revolution in China... Even reading a million Marxist books will be useless, because you have no power." For this reason, he regarded the peasants as allies of the revolution. Army, main force and decisive force.However, Chinese farmers, who are deeply influenced by the small-scale peasant economy, are conservative, backward, selfish, and undisciplined. Without education, they will not spontaneously generate socialist ideas, nor will they consciously carry out a socialist revolution. This is just as Lenin said: "Peasants are not socialists. If we treat farmers as socialists and formulate our socialist plan based on this, we will build this plan on sand." Although farmers are the important part of the revolution, strength and decisive factors, but their "weakness" determines that they cannot consciously become revolutionary subjects and play a political role independently, so they must rely on the leadership of the proletarian party . This is also the issue between Marxism and populism in the outlook on farmers. fundamental distinction. Organically combining the leadership of the proletarian party with the revolutionary power of Chinese farmers was Mao Zedong's continuation and innovation of the Marxist view of farmers. It was on this basis that Mao Zedong denounced the populist trend of thought that emerged within the party, corrected the populist tendencies of domestic farmers, achieved the transcendence of Russian populism, and established a correct mass history for upholding the leadership of the proletarian party. The concept has laid a solid theoretical foundation.

Editor's note: As a great Marxist, Mao Zedong persisted, developed and defended Marxism in his criticism of non-Marxist social trends, enabling Marxism to continuously advance in complex ideological struggles. - DayDayNews

Third, the underdeveloped socialist stage distribution principle is elucidated in criticizing the absolute egalitarianism of populism. Demanding absolute equality is an important feature of populism. It focuses not on equal opportunities, but on equal results. This erroneous tendency can easily affect small producer farmers and party members with peasant origins. Populists regard farmers as natural socialists, and they try to develop socialism based on the standards of the small-scale peasant economy. This is actually a kind of petty bourgeois egalitarianism. Mao Zedong pointed out: "Recently, many people are demanding absolute equality, but this is an illusion and cannot be realized. ... If absolute equality is demanded, it will not be achieved not only now but also in the future." This kind of "integration of the entire social economy "Transforming into a uniform 'average' small-peasant economy" is by no means socialist; it is "just an illusion of peasant petty bourgeoisie." Engels once pointed out: "The distribution of a society is always related to the material survival conditions of the society." Only in the historical period when the productivity is highly developed, can it be possible to talk about the complete elimination of income gaps. When the productivity has not yet been developed enough to meet everyone's needs at the same time, This was impossible to achieve in the underdeveloped stage of socialism, and it was even more difficult to achieve in the revolutionary war years when material conditions were extremely scarce. In order to correct this ideological tendency in the country, Mao Zedong proposed that all baseless and unreasonable absolute egalitarianism must be opposed. At this stage, distribution can only be done "according to the principle of 'everyone according to his ability, and each according to his work'". He also warned party members not to be tainted by the idea of ​​absolute egalitarianism. In addition, Mao Zedong also proposed that farmers should be "raised to the proletarian level" through education. "If you don't believe in this, you are not a Marxist." By criticizing the ideological tendency of "absolute egalitarianism", Mao Zedong elaborated on the distribution principles of the underdeveloped socialist stage, allowing the people to clearly understand the opposition between populism and Marxism on distribution issues. If the influence of absolute egalitarianism in populism on the people is not curbed in time, it is very likely that the means of free confiscation and violent robbery of social wealth will be used to achieve absolute equal distribution, with disastrous consequences.

Editor's note: As a great Marxist, Mao Zedong persisted, developed and defended Marxism in his criticism of non-Marxist social trends, enabling Marxism to continuously advance in complex ideological struggles. - DayDayNews

3. Defending Marxism in the refutation of historical nihilism

After an arduous and long-lasting revolutionary struggle, the Communist Party of China has overturned the "three big mountains" pressing on the Chinese people and is about to usher in the founding of New China. Just before the founding of New China, the U.S. government and officials, led by Truman and Acheson, tried their best to fabricate and distort the true causes and significance of the Chinese Revolution in the form of the "Relationships between the United States and China" white paper and letters. , tried their best to deny and vilify the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the struggle of the people, and attempted to create "political conspiracy theories" to exclude their actions of supporting Chiang Kai-shek against the Communist Party and beautify their culpability in opposing the Chinese people.In order to prevent these empty words and rumors from deceiving and harming the Chinese people, Mao Zedong personally wrote "Abandon Illusions and Prepare for Struggle", "Farewell, Stuart " and "Why Discuss the White Paper?" ""Friendship" or aggression? ""The Bankruptcy of the Idealistic View of History". In these five articles, Mao Zedong used historical facts to expose false statements, used revolutionary justice to resist ulterior motives, used collectivism to fight individualism, and used historical materialism to refute the idealistic view of history. He not only refuted the historical nihilism argument in the white paper and letters, but also used historical materialism to refute the idealistic view of history. It has removed the ugly and hypocritical veil of U.S. imperialism and eliminated all kinds of ideological confusion that the white paper may have caused. It has gathered the forward strength of the Chinese people's united struggle and provided a platform for the leadership of the Communist Party of China to unite and lead all the Chinese people to win the final victory of the revolution and win the victory of the revolution. It laid an important ideological foundation to welcome the founding of New China.

First, affirm the value of Marxism in refuting the "negative theory of revolution" of historical nihilism. The nihilism of the American white paper and letters about the Chinese revolution is mainly reflected in two aspects: distorting the true reasons for the outbreak of the revolution in China and denying the important value of the Chinese revolution. On the one hand, in order to distort the real reason why China launched the revolution, Acheson talked about how China has always "tamed and melted the invaders", "regarded itself as the center of the world" and "the highest expression of civilized mankind" for more than 3,000 years. It is the "aggressiveness" and the "advanced nature" of Western technology that triggered the awakening of the Chinese people, promoted China's development and triggered the Chinese revolution. Regarding these mysterious and far-fetched arguments, Mao Zedong profoundly pointed out that it was not Western advanced technology that triggered the Chinese revolution, but imperialist aggression that aroused the resistance of the Chinese people; it was not Western invasion that promoted China's development, but " "The Russian Revolution awakened the Chinese people"; it was not the advanced Western culture that infected the Chinese people, but Marxism-Leninism that changed the direction of China's development. The essence of Western imperialism's aggression against China is to "use terror to transform the world" based on bourgeois ideas, and its fundamental purpose is to reduce China to their colony. On the other hand, in order to deny the important value of the Chinese revolution, the white paper and letters deliberately confused the Communist Party of China with the late Qing government and the Kuomintang government, accusing the Chinese Communist Party of "dereliction of duty" like the late Qing government and the Kuomintang government, and believed that the outbreak of revolution in China was also "a dereliction of duty". "It's meaningless" and will not help solve the Chinese people's problem of eating. China's only way out is to rely on flour aided by the United States. In fact, the real purpose of the white paper and letters denying the important value of the Chinese revolution is to emphasize and exaggerate the role of the United States in China, forcing China to become attached to and dependent on the United States and become their colony again. Regarding such remarks with ulterior motives and evil intentions, Mao Zedong got to the bottom of the problem in one sentence: The reason why the previous revolutions launched in modern China did not truly solve the Chinese people’s food problem was because they “failed to overthrow the oppression and exploitation of imperialism and feudalism.” Therefore, it is very necessary and important for the Chinese Communist Party to launch a revolution. Only through revolution can we completely overthrow the "three big mountains" that are pressing on the Chinese people and vigorously develop productivity, can we truly independently solve the Chinese people's feeding problem. Mao Zedong also gave a specific plan for this: "Revolution plus production can solve the problem of food." Among them, adhering to the guidance of Marxism and the leadership of the Communist Party of China are the key to the success of the revolution, the magic weapon to realize that the people are the masters of the country, and vigorous development The prescription for productivity and the guarantee to solve the Chinese people’s feeding problem. In order to further prove the guiding value of Marxism and the leadership of the Communist Party of China, Mao Zedong used the "old liberated areas that have solved the land problem" as a factual example to refute the fallacies of the white paper with more evidence.

Editor's note: As a great Marxist, Mao Zedong persisted, developed and defended Marxism in his criticism of non-Marxist social trends, enabling Marxism to continuously advance in complex ideological struggles. - DayDayNews

Second, adhere to the Marxist class struggle theory in refuting the "political conspiracy theory" of historical nihilism. In order to continue to promote the political conspiracy of colonizing China, the U.S. government tried its best to beautify the image of the American invaders through white papers and letters in order to cleanse them of the crimes they committed against China.In order to find a basis for continued aggression, the white paper begins with vague words to exaggerate the friendly relations between China and the United States since the Opium War: "From a very early period in our history, the American people and government have cared about China. Although The vast distance and vastly different backgrounds separate China and the United States, but the bonds that unite the Chinese and American people in religion, charity, and culture have been deepening the United States' friendship with China." In order to make this lie more convincing and deceptive, the white paper also fabricated specific historical "facts" about the United States' "aid" to China. For example, "use the Boxer Indemnity to educate Chinese students, abolish extraterritoriality during World War II, and provide large-scale aid to China during and after the war, etc." Mao Zedong clarified these nonsense and contrary to facts: educating Chinese students is to mentally control the Chinese people, abolishing extraterritoriality is to help Americans clear their names, and large-scale aid to China refers to helping Chiang Kai-shek Kill millions of Chinese. Mao Zedong not only exposed Acheson's lie that "invasion was written as 'friendship,'" he also used historical facts to profoundly expose the aggressive nature of the United States and its colonial intentions against China. The fundamental reason why Mao Zedong clarified the true face of Sino-US relations since the Opium War was to warn the Chinese people not to believe the rumors of the US government, because as an imperialist country, the United States "is very vicious" and "its nature cannot be changed. ". Marx and Engels once stated in the "Communist Manifesto" that the destruction of the bourgeoisie and the victory of the proletariat are equally inevitable. In other words, as long as the bourgeoisie does not perish, we must fight against it resolutely. Based on this, Mao Zedong clarified the logic of imperialism, which is to "make trouble, fail, make trouble again, fail again, until destruction... They will never violate this logic. This is a Marxist law." And "struggle, fail, fight again, fail again, fight again, until victory - this is the logic of the people, and they will never violate this logic. This is another law of Marxism." Therefore, it is impossible to persuade the imperialist reactionaries to turn back through self-criticism. "The only way is to organize forces to fight against them." To this end, Mao Zedong shouted the slogan "Prepare for struggle", especially to ask those "people who still have certain illusions about the relationship between China and the United States" to give up their illusions and prepare for struggle. History has fully proved that Marxist class struggle theory provides important theoretical guidance for us to overthrow imperialist aggression. Mao Zedong’s use of Marxist class struggle theory to refute the lies in the U.S. white paper and letters also effectively exposed the U.S.’s real attempt to create a “political conspiracy theory.” , creating a good public opinion environment for the Chinese Communist Party to win the final victory of the revolution.

Third, clarify the connotation of the people's democratic dictatorship in the "Totalitarian Government Theory" that refutes historical nihilism. In order to achieve the purpose of containing and suppressing China, Acheson and the white paper deliberately denigrated the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party and defined the government led by the Chinese Communist Party as a "totalitarian government." The white paper and letters use all parties and countries that have contact with the Communist Party of China to slander the Communist Party of China: they use the Kuomintang’s nihilistic remarks to slander the Communist Party of China to define the Communist Party of China as a totalitarian government that is highly centralized, dictatorial, abuses power, deceives the people, and restricts freedom; By discrediting the nature of the Soviet government, it characterized the Chinese Communist Party as a "right-wing totalitarian government" controlled by the Soviet Union and a "running dog of red imperialism." In fact, "the 'right-wing totalitarian government' that Acheson calls... the U.S. government is the first such government. All bourgeois governments, including the reactionary governments of Germany, Italy, and Japan who are sheltered by imperialism, They are all such governments... Everything about them is the opposite of the people's government. It is democratic to the bourgeoisie, but dictatorial to the people." The government led by the Communist Party of China is "a government of people's democratic dictatorship. For the people, it is not a dictatorship or dictatorship, but a democracy."This government is the people's own government. "This government is a dictatorship or dictatorship over internal and external reactionaries. It does not give any internal or external reactionaries the right to carry out counter-revolutionary activities." It was precisely by learning Marxism-Leninism from the Soviet Union and learning from the Russian revolutionary path that China overturned oppression. The "Three Mountains" of the Chinese people established a people's democratic regime. The real intention of the U.S. government in slandering and slandering the Chinese Communist Party is to sow discord between China and the Soviet Union and overthrow the people's power, thereby recruiting "'democratic individualist' elements for the U.S. colonization of China. "Create an environment and provide opportunities. According to this, Mao Zedong not only exposed the true intention of the United States to slander the Chinese Communist Party, emphasized the nature of the totalitarian government of the United States, exposed the ulterior motives of the U.S. government to colonize China, but also explained the essence of the people's democratic dictatorship It is to ensure that the people are the masters of the country, thus curbing the spread of historical nihilism and clearing ideological obstacles for the Communist Party of China to lead the Chinese people in united struggle.

In summary, when Marxism is introduced into China, Marxism is established as a guiding position and promoted. At an important time point in the process of the Sinicization of Marxism, Mao Zedong took Marxism as the theoretical footing and China's concrete reality as the starting point for practice. He launched a fierce criticism of the social trends of Geelt socialism, populism, and historical nihilism, truly exposing the Their essence, representation and intention have effectively prevented China from going astray, wrong and wrong. In the process of criticizing non-Marxist social trends, they not only reflect Mao Zedong's firm belief in and resolute maintenance of Marxism, but also reflect Marx. The arduous journey of "every step of socialism has to go through a battle" also demonstrates Mao Zedong's method of criticism that combines theory and practice, integrates phenomenon and essence, and balances destruction and construction. First, the method of criticism that combines theory and practice. The above three examples of non-Marxist social thoughts have a common feature in epistemology, that is, they all start from subjective will or subjective thoughts, are seriously divorced from historical facts, and ignore specific specific realities, so the truth becomes arbitrary fabrication in them. Rumors, facts have become errors of subjective conjecture. It was precisely because he saw through the epistemological misdirection of non-Marxist social trends that Mao Zedong insisted on using Marxism to guide China's specific practice and enriched Marxism with China's specific practice. It achieves the organic combination of scientific truth, historical facts and concrete reality. Secondly, the criticism method integrates the phenomenon and essence. Any non-Marxist social thought is an organic unity of surface appearance and deep roots, and only grasps their specificity. Representations are far from enough. Their inner essence must be unearthed through these representations, and they must be uprooted and eradicated completely. Mao Zedong not only analyzed the realistic representations of these non-Marxist social trends, but also unearthed the true roots of their emergence. and inner nature, thereby exposing the true face of non-Marxist social trends from the outside to the inside, completely eradicating all possibilities for them to take root and multiply in China. Finally, destructive criticism is a method that balances destruction with construction. To completely defeat non-Marxist social trends of thought at the root. Constructive criticism is to positively analyze one's own theory in the criticism. Destructive criticism is the premise of constructive criticism. Constructive criticism is the purpose of destructive criticism. These two aspects are developing are equally important and complementary to each other in the process of Marxism. Mao Zedong not only refuted non-Marxist social trends of thought, but also defended and developed Marxism in the process of refuting, truly realizing the balance between destructive criticism and constructive criticism, and made important contributions to the development of Marxism in China. At present, the struggle in the ideological field of our country is still complicated, the ulterior motives of hostile forces in trying to disintegrate socialism still exist, and the challenges to Marxism from various erroneous ideological trends are still present. To this end, we must fully learn from Mao Zedong’s stance, attitude and method of criticizing non-Marxist social trends of thought, persist in using Marxist viewpoints and methods to overcome the challenges of all erroneous ideological trends, eliminate the erosion of all erroneous ideological trends, and constantly use fresh and rich ideas to China’s practice has opened up a new realm for the development of Marxism in contemporary China.

(Author: Chen Yubin, doctoral student at the School of Marxism, Nankai University; Source: "Ideological Education Research" Issue 6, 2022)

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