Zhuge Ke, courtesy name Yuanxun, was the son of Zhuge Jin, the general of the Eastern Wu Dynasty, and the nephew of Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of the Shu Han Dynasty. It can be said that he came from a famous family, became famous at a young age, and was favored by Sun Quan

2024/07/0215:00:33 history 1659

Zhuge Ke, whose courtesy name is Yuan Xun, is the son of Soochow general Zhuge Jin and the nephew of Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of Shu Han Dynasty. It can be said that he came from a famous family, became famous at a young age, and was loved by Sun Quan in his early years. In 252, Sun Quan fell seriously ill and appointed Zhuge Ke as the general, prince and tutor, and became an important minister. However, only one year later, Zhuge Ke was executed by powerful officials and the three tribes of Yi were subjugated.

Zhuge Ke, courtesy name Yuanxun, was the son of Zhuge Jin, the general of the Eastern Wu Dynasty, and the nephew of Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of the Shu Han Dynasty. It can be said that he came from a famous family, became famous at a young age, and was favored by Sun Quan  - DayDayNews

Today we will take a look at some short stories about Zhuge Ke and Sun Quan in their early years:

1. Zhuge Ke got a donkey

Ke’s father Jin had a face that looked like a donkey. Sun Quan gathered the ministers and asked someone to bring in the donkey and examine its face. The title is Zhuge Ziyu. Ke knelt down and said, "Please give me the word "Bi Yi". Because of listening and writing. Ke continued, saying "Zhi donkey." Sitting up and laughing, Ke Ke was given the donkey. ——"Three Kingdoms·The Biography of Zhuge Ke"

Zhuge Ke, courtesy name Yuanxun, was the son of Zhuge Jin, the general of the Eastern Wu Dynasty, and the nephew of Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of the Shu Han Dynasty. It can be said that he came from a famous family, became famous at a young age, and was favored by Sun Quan  - DayDayNews

Zhuge Ke's father, Zhuge Jin, had a long and narrow face like a donkey's. One day, Sun Quan summoned the ministers and sent someone to bring in a donkey, and put a long label on the donkey's face, which read: Zhuge Ziyu. Zhuge Ke knelt down and said, "Please give me a pen to add two characters." So he gave him the pen. Zhuge Ke went on to write: "The donkey." Everyone present laughed. So Sun Quan gave the donkey to Zhuge Ke.

Zhuge Ke, courtesy name Yuanxun, was the son of Zhuge Jin, the general of the Eastern Wu Dynasty, and the nephew of Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of the Shu Han Dynasty. It can be said that he came from a famous family, became famous at a young age, and was favored by Sun Quan  - DayDayNews

2. Zhuge Liang is not as good as Zhuge Jin

Another day, Quan asked Ke, "Which one is wiser, your father or your uncle?" He said to him, "My father is the best." Quan asked why, and he said, "My father knows what he is doing." My uncle didn't know anything about it, so he thought it was better. "Quan is a big gimmick."

Another time, Sun Quan saw Zhuge Ke and asked him: "Who is better, your father or your uncle (referring to Zhuge Liang)?" Zhuge Ke responded: "My father is better." Sun Quan asked him the reason, Zhuge Ke Ke said: "My father knows who to serve, but my uncle does not, so my father is better." Sun Quan laughed after hearing this.

Later, an envoy from the Shu Kingdom arrived, and the ministers gathered together. Sun Quan said to the Shu envoy: "This Zhuge Ke likes riding horses very much. Go back and tell Prime Minister Zhuge to choose a good horse for his nephew." Zhuge Ke immediately knelt down in front of Sun Quan and thanked him. Sun Quan felt strange and asked him: " The horse hasn't arrived yet, why do you thank him in person? "Zhuge Ke said: "Shu is like your majesty's stable outside. Now that you have a decree, the good horse will be delivered. How can I not thank you?"

Zhuge Ke, courtesy name Yuanxun, was the son of Zhuge Jin, the general of the Eastern Wu Dynasty, and the nephew of Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of the Shu Han Dynasty. It can be said that he came from a famous family, became famous at a young age, and was favored by Sun Quan  - DayDayNews

三, Toast Zhang Zhao

At a banquet, Sun Quan saw that Zhuge Ke was young and asked him to pour wine for everyone in turn. When he arrived in front of Zhang Zhao, Zhang Zhao refused to drink and said, "Isn't this in line with the etiquette of respecting the elderly?" Sun Quan said to Zhuge Ke, "Can you find a suitable reason to let Mr. Zhang drink this glass of wine? "

Zhuge Ke held the wine glass and said to Zhang Zhao: "When Lu Taigong was 90 years old, he still held weapons and commanded the troops in battle. Now the emperor considers your safety when fighting, and keeps you in the rear; when holding banquets, he takes your status into consideration. , I always ask you to be in front, isn't this respecting you?" Zhang Zhao had nothing to say, so he had to drink.

Zhuge Ke, courtesy name Yuanxun, was the son of Zhuge Jin, the general of the Eastern Wu Dynasty, and the nephew of Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of the Shu Han Dynasty. It can be said that he came from a famous family, became famous at a young age, and was favored by Sun Quan  - DayDayNews

At another party, a white-headed bird flew in front of the palace. Sun Quan casually asked: "What kind of bird is this?" Zhuge Ke replied: "This is the white-headed ." Zhang Zhao was the oldest and had white hair. He suspected that Zhuge Ke was teasing him and said, "I have never heard a bird singing before." If this name has "Pulsatilla", can you find another " White-headed Po"? "

Zhuge Ke replied: "Not all bird names can be in pairs. There is a bird called "Parrot Mother". "Can General Fu Wu find another "parrot father"?" Zhang Zhao could not answer. Prince Sun Deng once mocked Zhuge Ke and said: " Zhuge Yuanxun should eat horse shit." Zhuge Ke said: "I hope the prince eats eggs." Sun Quan said: "Others ask you to eat horse shit, but you let others eat it. Eggs. Why is this?" Zhuge Ke said, "Because horse shit and eggs come from the same place."

Zhuge Ke, courtesy name Yuanxun, was the son of Zhuge Jin, the general of the Eastern Wu Dynasty, and the nephew of Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of the Shu Han Dynasty. It can be said that he came from a famous family, became famous at a young age, and was favored by Sun Quan  - DayDayNews

Great ambition but little talent, ruining the family and genocide

The above short stories are all from "The Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms: The Biography of Zhuge Ke", Chen Shou added the sentence " Ke's talent is swift, all of this kind is also ", which means That is to say, most of Zhuge Ke's quick thinking are similar things. However, judging from the development of facts, Zhuge Ke's little cleverness did not ensure a good ending for him.

It can be seen from the above stories. , Zhuge Ke is indeed very smart and has eloquence, but in my opinion these are just insignificant cleverness, and some of them are even "flattering". For example, Zhuge Ke said that Zhuge Liang is not as good as Zhuge Jin because Zhuge Liang is in Shu Han. There are even records showing that Zhuge Ke once told Sun Quan that Zhuge Liang was inferior to him for the same reason.

Zhuge Ke, courtesy name Yuanxun, was the son of Zhuge Jin, the general of the Eastern Wu Dynasty, and the nephew of Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of the Shu Han Dynasty. It can be said that he came from a famous family, became famous at a young age, and was favored by Sun Quan  - DayDayNews

It is obvious that Zhuge Ke was "showing off his wits" and "flattering" in front of Sun Quan. The advantage is that he can gain Sun Quan's trust and love. Sun Quan appointed him as the leader of the East Palace staff to assist the prince in governing affairs. Sun Quan was seriously ill, and Zhuge Ke became the leader of the Tuogu ministers.

Zhuge Ke, courtesy name Yuanxun, was the son of Zhuge Jin, the general of the Eastern Wu Dynasty, and the nephew of Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of the Shu Han Dynasty. It can be said that he came from a famous family, became famous at a young age, and was favored by Sun Quan  - DayDayNews

Zhuge Liang once commented that Zhuge Ke was "sparse by nature", Yangqie also said that "Yuanxun (Zhuge Ke's word) was talented but sparse". Zhuge Jin, Zhuge Ke's father. It even predicted that "if we fail to prosper our family, we will be ruined." Sure enough, although Zhuge Ke was talented, he was killed by the powerful minister Sun Jun and the young emperor Sun Liang at the banquet. Death, and the Yi tribe really fulfilled Zhuge Jin's prediction of the "Da Chi Wu tribe"!

Zhuge Ke, courtesy name Yuanxun, was the son of Zhuge Jin, the general of the Eastern Wu Dynasty, and the nephew of Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of the Shu Han Dynasty. It can be said that he came from a famous family, became famous at a young age, and was favored by Sun Quan  - DayDayNews

Talented people are often accompanied by arrogance. The result is that they are self-willed, cannot listen to other people's opinions, and are very critical of themselves. Be confident. No one is perfect, and being modest and cautious is the most important thing in life. Drawing lessons from the past, each of us should remember this in our lives.

References: Pei Songzhi's Notes on the Three Kingdoms, Three Kingdoms by Lu Simian. Historical Stories》

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