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2024/06/2802:12:33 history 1755

Hello everyone, I am A Nuan. If you like to watch A Nuan talk about historical figures, you can pay attention. I bring you "fresh" stories about historical figures every day~Thank you all.

A counselor refers to a person who designs and offers plans. In ancient China, there were a considerable number of scholars who were "excellent in their studies" but unable to serve in official positions. They often regarded themselves as "masters" and "lords" as "keepers", "strategists", "staff", etc. , make suggestions, solve problems, and sometimes even die in return.

Throughout the history of China, looking at the stories of legendary figures who became emperors and established careers, if we look at the reasons for their success, in addition to their own talents and strategies, more importantly, there are many talents around them, among whom counselors are the most important. Although they do not have to fight on the battlefield in person, their role is often more important than the generals who fight and kill outside. The strategies formulated by the counselors can often determine the final outcome.

The following is a list of the ten most famous counselors in Chinese history.

The tenth place is Hong Chengchou

Hong Chengchou (1593-1665), whose courtesy name was Yanyan and his nickname was Hengjiu. He was an official in the Ming Dynasty and surrendered to the Qing Dynasty after the defeat of Songshan. He was one of the rebel ministers in the late Ming Dynasty, but he was also an important minister in the Central Plains of Dingding in the Qing Dynasty. He was a Jinshi in the 44th year of Wanli . He made many military exploits for suppressing the peasant uprising in the late Ming Dynasty. He was later promoted to the "Governor-General of the Three Sides" of Shaanxi Province. In the Chongzhen year, he was transferred to the "Governor-General of Ji Liao ". However, After the Battle of Songjin, he defected to the Qing Dynasty and was deeply valued by Huang Taiji.

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After the Qing army entered the pass, Emperor Shunzhi attached great importance to Hong Chengchou, promoted him to a bachelor's degree, and took charge of the southern war effort. Hong Chengchou formulated a strategy of "focusing on pacification and supplementing by suppression", and pacified the Jiangnan area at a very low cost. Moreover, Hong Chengchou suggested that the Manchus "learn Chinese and learn Chinese", understand the etiquette and customs of the Han people, advocate Confucianism, and downplay the differences between Manchus and Chinese. He also put forward opinions on ShunzhiEmperor welcomes the Dalai Lama. Many of his opinions were adopted by the Manchus and vigorously promoted. Under the promotion of Hong Chengchou, traditional Chinese culture was continued and all ethnic groups lived in harmony. In the 16th year of Shunzhi, Hong Chengchou supervised the Qing army and captured Yunnan before returning to Beijing. In the fourth year of Kangxi, that is, in 1665 AD, after the death of Hong Chengchou, Emperor Kangxi issued an imperial edict, bestowing the posthumous title "Wen Xiang" on the young master. The capital was buried in a lane and a ditch, and an imperial monument was erected.

No. 9, Liu Bowen

Liu Bowen (July 1, 1311 ~ May 16, 1375), whose real name is Liu Ji, was born in Qingtian, Zhejiang. He was a statesman and writer in the late Yuan and early Ming dynasties, and the founding father of the Ming Dynasty. Because his family was well off when he was young, Liu Bowen received a good tutor since he was a child and has always loved reading and learning. During the reign of Emperor Mingzong of the Yuan Dynasty, Liu Bowen became a Jinshi in high school and became an official of the Yuan Dynasty. However, as an official in the dark Yuan government, Liu Bowen was frustrated everywhere, unable to display his talents and depressed. Therefore, he chose to return to his hometown of Qingtian, retreat into the mountains and forests, concentrate on writing books, and create a masterpiece "Yu Ion" that expresses his political views.

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In 1360 AD, Zhu Yuanzhang invited Liu Bowen out of the mountain by "visiting the thatched cottage three times". After that, Liu Bowen followed Zhu Yuanzhang on his expeditions to the north and south, and often helped Zhu Yuanzhang to "get out of trouble in times of crisis" . After Zhu Yuanzhang unified the world, Liu Bowen put forward three major suggestions: the first was benevolence and virtue, the second was centralization, and the third was public education . Therefore, Liu Bowen formulated "Da Ming Law" .

Liu Bowen was proficient in astronomy, art of war, mathematics, etc., and was especially good at poetry. Together with Song Lian and Gao Qi, he was known as one of the "Three Masters of Poetry in the Early Ming Dynasty". At the same time, he assisted Zhu Yuanzhang in establishing the Ming Dynasty. Zhu Yuanzhang called him "my son's wife." There are good sayings circulated among the Chinese people: "Zhuge Liang, the military advisor of the former dynasty, and Liu Bowen, the military advisor of the later dynasty" are popular among the Chinese people. Liu Bowen was eventually deprived of his salary due to a frame-up by Prime Minister Zuo Hu Weiyong . He went to Beijing to apologize and died soon after. He was given as a gift to the Grand Master by Emperor Wuzong of the Ming Dynasty, with the posthumous title "Wencheng" . He is famous for his magical calculations and strategizing . He still has extensive and profound folk influence in mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, as well as Southeast Asia, Japan and South Korea.

No. 8, Zhao Pu

Zhao Pu (922 AD to 992 AD), courtesy name Zeping, was born in Ji County, Youzhou (now Beijing), and later moved to Luoyang. Five Dynasties to In the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty, he was a famous politician and the founding hero of the Northern Song Dynasty. Zhao Pu moved to Luoyang with his father when he was 15 years old, and studied officialdom since he was a child. In the seventh year of 's virtue, that is, 960 AD, Zhao Pu and Zhao Kuangyin launched the "Chenqiao Mutiny", overthrew the Zhou Dynasty, established the Song Dynasty, and later assisted Zhao Kuangyin to "cut down the vassal and seize the town" , the deposed generals of the imperial army were the premeditators of Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin "Yellow Robe" , and also the director of "Release Military Power over a Drink of Wine" .

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Although Zhao Pu read little, he loved to read "The Analects of Confucius". His saying that "half of the Analects governs the world" had a great influence on later generations and became a famous saying of "Confucianism governs the country". The governance policies he participated in formulating have always affected the rule of the Song Dynasty for the next three hundred years. Zhao Pu has been in politics for 50 years, and he was 71 years old. Song Taizong personally wrote the eight-point Shinto stele and gave it to him. He also gave it to Shangshu Ling and the King of Han Dynasty. He was given the posthumous title of "Zhongxian" and was paid by Emperor Taizu of Song Dynasty. At the time of Emperor Lizong of Song Dynasty, he was One of the twenty-four heroes of Zhaoxun Pavilion.

No. 7, Wei Zheng

Wei Zheng (580 ~ February 11, 643) was forthright and outspoken, and he was honest and clear. Zi Xuancheng, Tang Dynasty Julu people, which is now Julu County, Xingtai City, Hebei Province, prime minister of the Tang Dynasty, an outstanding politician, thinker and writer. In his early years, Wei Zheng participated in the "Wagang Uprising" and followed Wei Gong Li Mi . He was not allowed to be reused. In the first year of Wude, that is, 618 AD, he surrendered to the Tang Dynasty, persuaded the British Duke Li Ji to surrender, and assisted Prince Yin Li Jiancheng.

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In the first year of Zhenguan, that is, 627 AD, he assisted Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty to create the "Reign of Zhenguan" , and became a famous prime minister of his generation, ranking fourth among the "Twenty-Four Heroes of Lingyan Pavilion" , Wei Zheng was known for his direct remonstrance and bold speech, and was the most famous remonstrator in Chinese history. Wei Zheng participated in the compilation of "Qun Shu Zhi Yao", Sui Shu Preface, "Liang Shu", Chen Shu , "Qi Shu" general introduction, etc. is the most famous among them and is widely circulated. The list of admonitions "Admonishment to Taizong's Ten Thoughts " is listed ---. Most of his remarks can be found in "Zhenguan Politicians" . Wei Zheng died in the 17th year of Zhenguan and was awarded Sikong, the governor of Xiangzhou, with the posthumous title "Wenzhen".

Sixth place, Zhuge Liang

Zhuge Liang (181~234), courtesy name Kongming, was born in Yangdu, Langya, Xuzhou, which is now Yinan County, Linyi City, Shandong Province. He was the prime minister of the Shu Han Dynasty during the Three Kingdoms period and an outstanding politician and strategist. In his early years, Zhuge Liang followed his uncle Zhuge Xuan to Jingzhou. After Zhuge Xuan's death, Zhuge Liang lived in seclusion in Longzhong. Later Liu Bei visited the thatched cottage three times, invited Zhuge Liang out, and united with Soochow Sun Quan to defeat Cao's army in the Battle of Chibi, forming a tripartite power of the Three Kingdoms. . Liu Bei established the Shu Han regime in Chengdu, and Zhuge Liang was appointed prime minister to preside over the government.

Hello everyone, my name is A Nuan. If you like to watch A Nuan talk about historical figures, you can pay attention. We will bring you

After Liu Chan succeeded to the throne, Zhuge Liang was named "Marquis of Wuxiang" and led Yizhou as a pastoralist. Zhuge Liang was diligent and prudent, handling all political affairs personally, and strictly enforcing rewards and punishments. He also formed an alliance with Soochow to improve relations with ethnic minorities in the southwest. He also made five northern expeditions to the Central Plains, mostly using food to achieve nothing. He eventually became ill due to overwork, and died of illness in 234 AD, the twelfth year of Shu's founding, in , Wuzhangyuan, now in Qishan, Baoji City, Shaanxi Province, at the age of 54.

Liu Chan named him Marquis Zhongwu, and Huan Wen of the Eastern Jin Dynasty named him King Wuxing.Zhuge Liang's representative prose works include "The Master's Model", " Commandments Book" , etc. He created inventions such as the Kongming Lantern and the Wooden Ox and the Flowing Horse, and modified the continuous crossbow to be able to fire ten rounds in one crossbow, which was known as Zhuge Liannu in history. To briefly summarize the life of Zhuge Liang, the first prime minister of the Three Kingdoms, "dedicated himself to death and died" , he was a representative figure of loyal ministers and wise men in traditional Chinese culture.

PS: In the next issue, I will talk to you about five other more powerful counselors in history. Guess who they will be?

I hope everyone will pay more attention to it. Welcome everyone to discuss the big and small things in ancient history, and enjoy the wonderful things ~ Thank you all

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