In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Xigu District Forestry and Grassland Bureau organized party members to go to the Zhang Yiwu Revolutionary Martyr Memorial Hall to carry out Party Day activities with the theme of "Pursuin

2024/05/2600:07:32 history 1156
In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Xigu District Forestry and Grassland Bureau organized party members to go to the Zhang Yiwu Revolutionary Martyr Memorial Hall to carry out Party Day activities with the theme of

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, party members of the Xigu District Forestry and Grassland Bureau went to the Zhang Yiwu Revolutionary Martyr Memorial Hall to carry out party day activities with the theme of "Pursuing the Red Historical Memory and Remembering the Glorious Revolutionary Years" to review the oath of joining the Party and remember the revolution. Martyrs, recall the revolutionary history and inherit the glorious tradition.

In the lobby on the first floor of the memorial hall, all party members presented flower baskets to the martyrs, held a solemn swearing-in ceremony, and followed the commentators to visit the exhibition areas of the memorial hall. Pieces of historical relics, pieces of historical pictures, and books of historical materials truly reproduced the glorious struggle life of Communist Party member Zhang Yiwu. Everyone had a close experience of the revolution of the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries who sacrificed their lives and made selfless contributions. feelings. The heroic deeds and fearless revolutionary spirit of the martyrs infected every party member present and gave all party members a profound ideological baptism.

Through this theme party day activity, party members and cadres further strengthened their ideals and beliefs and improved their ideological awareness. Party members and cadres participating in the event expressed that they must inherit and carry forward the fine traditions and hard-working style of the older generation of revolutionary martyrs such as Zhang Yiwu, not forget their original aspirations, keep their mission in mind, faithfully perform their duties, forge ahead, and strive to improve their overall quality and Professional capabilities, based on job responsibilities, make new and greater contributions to the high-quality development of the forestry and grassland industry in Xigu District, and welcome the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with practical actions.

(Source: Website of the People's Government of Xigu District, Lanzhou City) [For submissions and regional cooperation, please email Information Newspaper to reply within 24 hours. ]

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