Li Jing, the god of war in the Tang Dynasty, why did he travel to the Shang Dynasty to become Nezha's father? Become the king of Tota again?

2021/12/2921:36:06 history 251

Li Jing, the god of war in the Tang Dynasty, why did he travel to the Shang Dynasty to become Nezha's father? Become the king of Tota again? - DayDayNews

Speaking of the name Li Jing, people will always think of "Journey to the West" " Fengshen Yanyi" and other mythological novels, commanding the commander-in-chief of one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers, he is holding the pagoda. Heavenly King; also think of his famous son-the third prince Nezha. However, in the long history of real history, Li Jing is an out-and-out military strategist. One of the twenty-four heroes of Lingyan Pavilion. Tang Ares.

Li Jing, the god of war in the Tang Dynasty, why did he travel to the Shang Dynasty to become Nezha's father? Become the king of Tota again? - DayDayNews

So how did Li Jing, the founding general of Datang , crossed to Shang and became Nazha's father? Why do you support the tower and become the king of the myth? All this boils down to the war arena in the late Sui and early Tang dynasties.

Li Jing, the god of war in the Tang Dynasty, why did he travel to the Shang Dynasty to become Nezha's father? Become the king of Tota again? - DayDayNews

Li Jing, the word pharmacist, was born in 571 AD in Sanyuan, Yongzhou (now Sanyuan County, Shaanxi). His uncle was the famous general of the Sui Dynasty who destroyed Chen Han Qinhu . He was the pioneer of Emperor Wen of Sui to destroy Chen. He crossed the Yangtze River at night and captured Chen's queen master . was born in such a house of generals, coupled with the influence of Guanlong nobles who advocating military skills, Li Jing has demonstrated outstanding military strategies since he was a child. He was regarded by his uncle as "the one who can discuss the skills of Sun and Wu, but he is the only one".

Li Jing, the god of war in the Tang Dynasty, why did he travel to the Shang Dynasty to become Nezha's father? Become the king of Tota again? - DayDayNews

at the end of the Sui Dynasty,Heroes from all walks of life come together. At that time, Li Jing from the county of Mayi (now Shuo County, Shanxi Province) found out that the Li Yuan was left behind in Taiyuan, and he prepared to inform the Emperor Yang of . , after all, he could not run on his own. Li Yuan's army of Jinyang raised troops . Due to the road blockage, Changan broke the city and Li Jing was captured. After , because of Li Shimin admired his talent and courage very much, he was released and entered the Qin shogunate.

Li Jing, the god of war in the Tang Dynasty, why did he travel to the Shang Dynasty to become Nezha's father? Become the king of Tota again? - DayDayNews

When the Tang Dynasty was established, it only occupied a part of China, and other places were still separatized by various lords. Therefore, Li Jing even gram Jingmen and Yidu in 621 AD, and it took only two months to destroy Nanliang. After that, Li Jing appeased the Lingnan area, brought down the minority leader Feng Ang , and successfully suppressed the rebellion of the Fu Gonger in the Jianghuai area. So far, the Li Tang dynasty has realized the unity of the country.

Li Jing, the god of war in the Tang Dynasty, why did he travel to the Shang Dynasty to become Nezha's father? Become the king of Tota again? - DayDayNews

Taizong Li Shimin praised him: "Li Jing is Xiao Xian, Fu Gong Er elder, and the ancient famous generals Han, Bai, Wei, Huo, how can you reach it!" Zhenguan three years (AD 629) In order to solve the problem of the East Turkic rebellion, Li Jing led three thousand elite cavalry, like the Huo Qubing back then, Li Jing attacked the city in one fell swoop. Captured Jie Li Khan in Yinshan,In World War I, more than 10,000 beheaded and more than 100,000 captured, the East Turks perished.

Li Jing, the god of war in the Tang Dynasty, why did he travel to the Shang Dynasty to become Nezha's father? Become the king of Tota again? - DayDayNews

Li Jing relieved the disasters on the northern border of the Tang Dynasty in one fell swoop, and made the Western Regions Mobei and other regimes bow their heads. Therefore, Taizong Tang was revered as " Khan ." In the 9th year of Zhenguan (AD 635) Tuyuhun invaded Liangzhou, Li Jing, who had already passed the sixties, was again in command. After more than ten battles, Tuyuhun returned to the Tang Dynasty and Li Jing completed the last great cause of his life. .

Li Jing, the god of war in the Tang Dynasty, why did he travel to the Shang Dynasty to become Nezha's father? Become the king of Tota again? - DayDayNews

In the 23rd year of Zhenguan (649 AD), Li Jing, a god of war, Tang Weiguo, died of illness at the age of seventy-nine. Emperor Taizong buried him with Zhaoling and built his tomb into Tieshan , The shape of Jishishan, to commemorate his great achievements in suppressing the Turks and Tuyuhun. In 731 AD, Tang Xuanzong ordered Li Jing to share the Jiang Ziya Temple, and Li Jing formally entered the national ceremony. From this moment on, Li Jing's image in the folk began to move towards mythology step by step.

Li Jing, the god of war in the Tang Dynasty, why did he travel to the Shang Dynasty to become Nezha's father? Become the king of Tota again? - DayDayNews

The Tang Dynasty notebook "Sui and Tang Jiahua" once recorded the myth that Li Jing rained for the dragon. In many historical materials of the Tang Dynasty, there are also records of people praying to Li Jing Temple due to severe drought or locust plague , and they were finally saved from disaster. While and Li Jing are being mythological step by step, the reputation of a deity from Buddhism is gradually spreading in the land of China.That is , also known as .

Li Jing, the god of war in the Tang Dynasty, why did he travel to the Shang Dynasty to become Nezha's father? Become the king of Tota again? - DayDayNews

Vishamen is one of the four guardians of Buddhism. Buddhism believes that the four kings guard one day each to maintain the order of the world. Moreover, Bishamen was mainly introduced into the Central Plains from northwestern region during the Han Dynasty. After hundreds of years of localization, it was symbolized as the god of war and had the responsibility of protecting the country and religion. Gradually, the image of King Bishamon was influenced by the culture of the Central Plains, showing unique Chinese aesthetic characteristics: wearing a golden armor, wearing a crown, holding a halberd in his right hand, and supporting the tower in his left hand.

Li Jing, the god of war in the Tang Dynasty, why did he travel to the Shang Dynasty to become Nezha's father? Become the king of Tota again? - DayDayNews

and Li Jing’s main battle exploits were the Northern Turkic and Xiding Tugu, both of which occurred in the northwest region. This is consistent with the spread of Buddhism. Li Jing and Bishamon are both gods of war, and Li Jingshen It was valued by Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty and loved by the people. passed through the five generations of to the Song Dynasty. Due to the fermentation of time, the image of Li Jing gradually merged with the image of King Bishamon.

Li Jing, the god of war in the Tang Dynasty, why did he travel to the Shang Dynasty to become Nezha's father? Become the king of Tota again? - DayDayNews

Finally, the "Ghost Valley Down the Mountain" section of "Leyi Tuqi Seven Kingdoms Spring and Autumn Pinghua" in the Yuan Dynasty was rolled out: "The Four Generals of the Dugu Horn, Five Horses" The melee, such as the black evil true martial sage, Bishamentota, Li Tianwang." Also in the Yuan Dynasty, Yang Jingxian wrote in the ninth volume of "Yang Donglai Criticizes Journey to the West": "The heavenly soldiers will always return with a million, and the golden pagoda will climb high. In the north of the town, the world is well-known and surnamed, Li Tianwang under Pishamen."

Li Jing, the god of war in the Tang Dynasty, why did he travel to the Shang Dynasty to become Nezha's father? Become the king of Tota again? - DayDayNews

So far, Li Jing and Tota Tianwang have been thoroughly integrated and developed. After entering Ming Dynasty, in various scripts, novels, and romances, Li Jing is Tota Tian. The King Tota is Li Jing. And he also has a son-Nezha (Luo Jiuba, transliteration , Sanskrit is Nalakuvara, where "Rajupo" refers to "Nazha"). In Buddhism, The sons under the throne are also revered by people, and his third son is Nezha.

Li Jing, the god of war in the Tang Dynasty, why did he travel to the Shang Dynasty to become Nezha's father? Become the king of Tota again? - DayDayNews

"Vaishamon King Ritual" in Tang Dynasty contains: "Tianwangdi" The third son, Prince Nezha, often follows the king of heaven when holding the tower. " And "The Treasures of the Buddhist Monk" also recorded: "Ask,'Prince Nezha analyzes the flesh and returns to the mother, then turns the bones into the father, and then incarnates on the lotus flower, saying for the parents how the unexamined is the prince's body." " These records provide thought resources for the story of Li Jing Nezha and his son in later novels.

Li Jing, the god of war in the Tang Dynasty, why did he travel to the Shang Dynasty to become Nezha's father? Become the king of Tota again? - DayDayNews

The change from the famous Tang dynasty Li Jing to the deified "Tuota Heavenly King" Li Jing is China The expression of culture's absorption and development of foreign culture, this change also perfectly reflects the inclusiveness and openness of Chinese culture.


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