What does CCTV often broadcast "kidney overdraft, need to make up" mean?

In the past few years, CCTV often played such a shy advertisement. When someone had a lack of energy and was tired, the female partner told him, "The kidney is overdrawn, and I need to make up for it", and immediately afterwards, he eagerly offered it. "Miracle medicine", then the female companion told the audience in a heart-warming manner, "Eat the XX treasure film, he is good and I am fine." Friends who have seen it can fill up the advertisement screen at that time by themselves.

In the advertisements broadcast by CCTV, the saying may be the "kidney" in the five internal organs of Chinese medicine, and does not represent a specific organ, but more about Chinese medicine. Some of the matching functions of the "kidney" cover the tissues and organs of the human body's reproduction, urinary, nerve, bone and other systems. They mainly regulate the functions of the whole body and provide "basic substances" and "primitive power" for life activities. The kidney is located at the waist, one on the left and one on the left, so it is called "the home of the kidney". For example, first, Chinese medicine refers to " kidney as the congenital base", which mainly means that the function of the kidney determines the strength of the human body’s innate endowment, growth retardation, and the ups and downs of the visceral function; "Sikaihe" and "shensi two stools" refer to the normal urine production and excretion if , kidney yang, and kidney qi is full. Third, Chinese medicine calls " the kidney governs the absorption of qi", that is, although breathing is controlled by the lungs, it requires the coordination of the kidneys. The kidneys help the lungs to inhale and lower the qi. It is called "". The kidney qi is abundant and the intake is normal, so that the airway of the lungs can be unobstructed and breathing evenly. Fourth, Chinese medicine says that "the kidney governs the essence of the body", and the essence of the kidney includes two aspects: innate essence and acquired essence. Congenital essence, endowed by parents, is the basic material for human fertility and reproduction; acquired essence, derived from diet, is transformed by the spleen and stomach, and is the basic material for nourishing viscera, tissues and organs, and maintaining human life activities. Therefore, the kidney is responsible for storing essence, and this function is closely related to the growth, development and reproduction of the body. All the above are the concept of kidney in Chinese medicine.

In Western medicine, the kidney refers to a single organ, which we commonly call the "waist". At the back of the waist, it is shaped like a broad bean, reddish brown, and located behind the peritoneum. The shallow fossa on both sides of the spine is about 10-12 cm long, 5-6 cm wide, 3-4 cm thick, and weighs 120-150 grams (similar to the size of one's fist). It mainly acts through the production and excretion of urine Its main role is to excrete metabolites and harmful substances entering the body, through the production of urine, maintain water balance, maintain electrolyte and acid-base balance in the body, regulate blood pressure, promote red blood cell production, and promote the activation of vitamin D.

The kidney is located behind the waist, resembling a broad bean, reddish brown, about 10-12 cm long, 5-6 cm wide, 3-4 cm thick, and weighs 120-150 grams

broad bean, and kidney The appearance is very similar

Therefore, the kidney in Chinese medicine basically includes the genitourinary system in Western medicine (double kidneys, ureter, bladder, prostate) and part of the hematopoietic, endocrine, and nervous systems Function.

Therefore, if you think you have a problem with your "kidney", for example, if you feel that you have a kidney deficiency, eat some animal "yams" or tonic some precious Chinese medicinal materials, whether this tonic method has an effect on yourself is just one The question of "the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees wisdom".

After reading this article, I believe you have your own unique insights on the issue of "kidney deficiency". If you feel that you have backache, fatigue, and energy loss, Or go to a professional Chinese and Western medicine nephrologist to help solve the problem.Don't secretly "tonify" the kidney by yourself. In clinical work, we have found that there are many cases of kidney damage caused by tonic. Therefore, we must remember that we must be cautious when it comes to strengthening the kidney!
