How should the staple food be eaten? Combination of thickness

's latest dietary guidelines suggest that: food is diverse, mainly cereals.

First of all, we need to know why we cannot do without staple food or cereals?

The three major energy-supply nutrients of the human body are carbohydrates, fats and proteins. The first priority functional nutrient is carbohydrates, and carbohydrates are the main source of energy required by the brain. So we need carbohydrates. Therefore, carbohydrates currently account for the largest proportion of the total daily calories required by the human body, reaching 65%.

Here is a little mention of the ketogenic diet therapy circulating on the Internet, which is to abandon carbohydrates and change to fat as the main functional nutrient. It will bring serious hidden dangers to health in the long run, which will be described in detail later.

So, how to choose cereals, that is, how should the staple food be eaten better? This is a problem worthy of our attention.

At present, the main staple food on the table in our country is rice and flour foods. The current rice is mainly fine white rice and refined white noodles. Both rice and flour, the source of these two staple foods, have been over-processed. For example, white rice has removed the outer layer of husk and aleurone during processing, leaving only endosperm . The husk is rich in dietary fiber, minerals, fat and vitamins. The aleurone layer is rich in protein, minerals and vitamins. The endosperm contains a lot of starch, a small amount of protein, vitamins and minerals.

It can be seen that in the processing of white rice, most of the nutritional value such as vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber are lost, so white rice is easy to cause obesity and blood sugar Elevated. And coarse grains preserve more valuable nutrients than fine grains.

Therefore, we can pay attention to the combination of thickness and thickness in the selection and consumption of staple food.

While focusing on cereals, do not over-pursue fine white rice and flour. Increase the intake of coarse grains and beans to increase the intake of dietary fiber, minerals and vitamins, delay the increase in blood sugar, and help reduce calorie intake. Controlling weight can also promote intestinal peristalsis and prevent colon cancer.

But also pay attention: coarse grains and miscellaneous beans have a poor taste and are not as easy to digest as fine grains. Excessive intake will increase gastrointestinal burden. At the same time, because of the high dietary fiber content, excessive intake will hinder the absorption of calcium and other nutrients. Not conducive to balanced nutrition.

So it is recommended to mix the thickness and fineness when cooking rice.

Remarks: Elderly people with poor digestive function and children with weak gastrointestinal function should eat less whole grains and chew slowly; patients with gastrointestinal diseases, such as stomach, , intestinal ulcer and patients with acute gastroenteritis, Chronic pancreatitis, chronic gastroenteritis patients should eat whole grains.
