Before leaving, the drinking friend gave An Dabao a gourd. He said that this gourd was a treasure and could hold at least tens of thousands of kilograms of wine. An Dabao thought his drinking friend was joking and didn't care.

2024/07/0112:33:32 funny 1819
Before leaving, the drinking friend gave An Dabao a gourd. He said that this gourd was a treasure and could hold at least tens of thousands of kilograms of wine. An Dabao thought his drinking friend was joking and didn't care. - DayDayNewsBefore leaving, the drinking friend gave An Dabao a gourd. He said that this gourd was a treasure and could hold at least tens of thousands of kilograms of wine. An Dabao thought his drinking friend was joking and didn't care. - DayDayNews

Bao Hulu

An Dabao met a drinking buddy while traveling. Before leaving, the drinking friend gave An Dabao a gourd. He said that this gourd was a treasure and could hold at least tens of thousands of kilograms of wine.

An Dabao thought his drinking friend was joking and didn't care. When he got home, he wanted to pour some water into the gourd, so he turned on the tap. Unexpectedly, after filling for a long time, the gourd was not full. What was even more amazing was that the weight of the gourd did not change at all. Only then did An Dabao realize that his drinking friend was right, this was a treasure!

Before leaving, the drinking friend gave An Dabao a gourd. He said that this gourd was a treasure and could hold at least tens of thousands of kilograms of wine. An Dabao thought his drinking friend was joking and didn't care. - DayDayNews

In the evening, An Dabao showed off his gourd to his family, and everyone was stunned.

A few days later, An Dabao drove to refuel. The price of gasoline had increased again. An Dabao cursed, and suddenly he had an idea. The next day, he took the gourd to the gas station and asked the staff to add 10,000 yuan of gasoline to the gourd. The staff of

thought An Dabao was crazy. An Dabao said: "I'm not crazy. This is a treasure gourd. Just add it." The staff was dubious and started to add more and more. The staff was stunned: this gourd is so magical. Got it! After refueling, An Dabao happily returned home with the gourd in his arms, thinking, let's go, I'm not afraid this time.

The family had dinner in the evening. An Dabao's father took a sip of wine and said, "It's better this time. I'm not afraid of the price increase. Yesterday I went to the winery and bought two thousand kilograms of sorghum white, which is enough for me to drink for several years."

An Dabao was startled and asked quickly: "Where did you put the wine?" His father said: "Of course it was in the treasure gourd." Just as An Dabao was about to speak, his mother dropped the chopsticks on his father's head and scolded him. Said: "Old man, why didn't you tell me when you were buying wine? I bought a thousand kilograms of soy sauce and put it in a gourd! My soy sauce was all thrown away..."

An Dabao was about to talk about gasoline. The son ran into the back room, took out the gourd, and ran with a sad face, shouting: "Oh my god, my Coke! One hundred bottles!"

Author: Guo Zhenyu

Before leaving, the drinking friend gave An Dabao a gourd. He said that this gourd was a treasure and could hold at least tens of thousands of kilograms of wine. An Dabao thought his drinking friend was joking and didn't care. - DayDayNewsBefore leaving, the drinking friend gave An Dabao a gourd. He said that this gourd was a treasure and could hold at least tens of thousands of kilograms of wine. An Dabao thought his drinking friend was joking and didn't care. - DayDayNewsBefore leaving, the drinking friend gave An Dabao a gourd. He said that this gourd was a treasure and could hold at least tens of thousands of kilograms of wine. An Dabao thought his drinking friend was joking and didn't care. - DayDayNews

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