When the market was about to end, the donkey seller said to the fellow villagers: "Whoever can make this donkey laugh or cry, I will give it to him for free." When everyone heard this, they became interested and started talking. After helping the people, no one made the donkey la

2024/07/0103:47:32 funny 1105

When the market was about to end, the donkey seller said to the fellow villagers:

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A donkey seller led a donkey in the market and was selling it, but the price was too high and no one cared. When the donkey seller was about to leave the market, he said to the fellow villagers: "Whoever can make this donkey laugh or cry, I will give the donkey to him for free.

When the market was about to end, the donkey seller said to the fellow villagers:

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But if you didn't make me laugh or cry, you had to pay two taels of silver. If you only laughed but didn't cry, or just cried but didn't laugh, you only got one tael of silver. After hearing this, everyone became interested, so after the group came down, no one was left. People make donkeys laugh and cry, and those who sell donkeys earn a lot of money. Only a few people beat and scold donkeys. The donkeys cry a few times, and they only lose a few taels of silver. This is a young man who came forward and said, "I'm here," and then led him. The donkey arrived at the donkey shed, and after a while the donkey came out with its front two hooves raised and the old man laughed wildly.

When the market was about to end, the donkey seller said to the fellow villagers:

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After a while, the young man led the donkey into the donkey shed again, but he didn't hear any beating or scolding inside. The young man immediately led the donkey out again. Under the watchful eyes of the public, they saw that the donkey was sobbing very sadly with its ears drooped, and there were big tears in its eyes.

When the market was about to end, the donkey seller said to the fellow villagers:

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See the man selling the donkey. Zhuang had to give the donkey to the young man without taking any money. Everyone asked the young man how he did it. The young man said it was so simple. I took the donkey into the donkey shed and said to it: "You are not as big as me." , the donkey burst into laughter as soon as he heard it, so how did it make him cry?

When the market was about to end, the donkey seller said to the fellow villagers:

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This is even simpler. I went in, unbuttoned my pants and said to him: "See for yourself! Is it bigger than that? The donkey only took one look and started crying sadly. ! This one is indeed much bigger than that one. I have no choice but to give it to me. It’s worth two or three hundred taels of silver! Ha! Ha!

When the market was about to end, the donkey seller said to the fellow villagers:

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When the market was about to end, the donkey seller said to the fellow villagers:

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When the market was about to end, the donkey seller said to the fellow villagers:

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