When netizens meet for the first time, most of the situations are like this! After 10 a.m., the women dress up and the men prepare their money. When we meet, the woman pretends to be embarrassed, and the man usually praises the woman for being prettier than the photo, and then th

2024/06/2908:07:32 funny 1738

When netizens meet for the first time, most of them usually look like this! After 10 a.m., the women dress up and the men prepare their money. When we meet, the woman pretends to be embarrassed, and the man usually praises the woman for being prettier than the photo, and then the man asks the woman what she likes to eat, and the woman says whatever she wants. The two go to eat, and after the meal they start walking around and watching the show. Movies passed by in a blink of an eye.

When netizens meet for the first time, most of the situations are like this! After 10 a.m., the women dress up and the men prepare their money. When we meet, the woman pretends to be embarrassed, and the man usually praises the woman for being prettier than the photo, and then th - DayDayNews

The woman didnā€™t say anything about going home. The man said letā€™s go sing. The woman said it was too late. The man said it was okay. I will take you home in a while. The woman thought, ā€œThis man is so sunny.ā€ , the man said that your singing must be very nice, the woman started singing, and the man listened. Others cost money to sing, but your singing costs money! I have to say it's good, it's good... It was a bit late at this time, the man said let's go, I'll take you home, the woman thought, this man didn't like me, she was still a little small. Lost, the two of them began to wonder in their hearts, how could they not go home?

When netizens meet for the first time, most of the situations are like this! After 10 a.m., the women dress up and the men prepare their money. When we meet, the woman pretends to be embarrassed, and the man usually praises the woman for being prettier than the photo, and then th - DayDayNews

After a while, the man said that itā€™s so late and Iā€™m not worried about you going home. I also didnā€™t stay enough. I want to stay with you for a while longer. Even if we just sit there and don't talk, I will be very happy. The woman would say I have to go home. The man could only say reluctantly and reluctantly, "Then I'll give it to you." The look of reluctance and grievance made him want to laugh.

When netizens meet for the first time, most of the situations are like this! After 10 a.m., the women dress up and the men prepare their money. When we meet, the woman pretends to be embarrassed, and the man usually praises the woman for being prettier than the photo, and then th - DayDayNews

But it turned out that the two of them had been dragging their feet for half an hour, but they had actually walked less than a few meters. Everyone knew that, but they didn't say it out loud. Later, the woman said, "It turns out it's so late!" I can't go home. The reason may be that the dormitory is closed, the community door is closed, or a friend has returned, etc. The man will be serious and can only say, "How about I find you a hotel?" The woman will say that I am scared to live alone. The man will say that I am really worried about leaving you alone as a woman, or I will Stay with you! For your sake, I will try not to go home for one night. The woman said, "Then you have to promise not to touch me." The man said, "Don't worry, I'm not a bad person," (but he was thinking something that all male compatriots know [laughing]) and then smiled slightly.

When netizens meet for the first time, most of the situations are like this! After 10 a.m., the women dress up and the men prepare their money. When we meet, the woman pretends to be embarrassed, and the man usually praises the woman for being prettier than the photo, and then th - DayDayNews

I entered the hotel, watched TV and chatted for a while. The men would say from time to time that you are really good-looking, and the women would say shyly, "You are the only one with a sweet tongue, are you guys like this?" The man said no, that's why I treat you like this. In my heart, you are special and special, which always makes me have the urge to take good care of you for the rest of my life.

When netizens meet for the first time, most of the situations are like this! After 10 a.m., the women dress up and the men prepare their money. When we meet, the woman pretends to be embarrassed, and the man usually praises the woman for being prettier than the photo, and then th - DayDayNews

Then the boy pretended to bump into the girl casually for a while, and the girl pretended not to know. At this time, the boy got bolder and said why the bed seems so uncomfortable when it reaches the waist. Is there something underneath where I sleep? He made an excuse to get closer to the girl, and slowly the two of them got closer and closer. Later, when the matter was over, he brushed off his clothes and hid his merit and fame. Is this how you first fell in love with your wife? If you have any good opinions, please leave your valuable comments. #check-in challenge bureau#

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