The director of a primary school in a certain school is female and is in her sixties. The director is recognized by everyone as a strong woman and a contemporary "Mulan". In recent years, the director has brought up his brilliant achievements during meetings and criticized indivi

2024/05/2414:41:32 funny 1493

The director of a primary school in a certain school is female and is in her sixties. The director is recognized by everyone as a strong woman and a contemporary

criticized the teachers for being irresponsible and lacking empathy; not taking things seriously, posting messages to the class group without opening their eyes, and making typos;

criticized the teachers for not teaching hard and not being able to influence students with love, so the students had to transfer to another school.

The director of a primary school in a certain school is female and is in her sixties. The director is recognized by everyone as a strong woman and a contemporary

During several meetings, the director changed the topic and talked about Buddhism. The director said that there is reincarnation. Do everything with your heart and be a good person. Good people will be rewarded. The director of

said that some teachers are young and do not care about progress and dedication.

The director of a primary school in a certain school is female and is in her sixties. The director is recognized by everyone as a strong woman and a contemporary

will be conducting the final quality test these days. Due to the epidemic, the bureau arranged to conduct the exams in batches. The school also determines within the school which grade will pass the exam and which grade will leave the school.

After the exams for grades 3 and 6 were completed yesterday, the director issued a notice, which made people laugh.

The director of a primary school in a certain school is female and is in her sixties. The director is recognized by everyone as a strong woman and a contemporary

A teacher went out to invigilate the exam today, and the director issued another notice:

The director of a primary school in a certain school is female and is in her sixties. The director is recognized by everyone as a strong woman and a contemporary

Afterwards, the director explained in the group: I was too busy to watch.

The director of a primary school in a certain school is female and is in her sixties. The director is recognized by everyone as a strong woman and a contemporary

The teachers communicated privately, and the director was: The old man is brave and has ambitions for thousands of miles; the martyrs are ambitious in their old age.

Some teachers also said: Lian Po is old, can he still make a living?

The director of a primary school in a certain school is female and is in her sixties. The director is recognized by everyone as a strong woman and a contemporary

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