The practice of smoked bacon (with spices formula and processing methods)

2020/12/2310:50:33 food 1550

The practice of smoked bacon (with spices formula and processing methods) - DayDayNews

Smoked bacon formula and processing method

Ingredients: 5000 grams of pork belly.

Spices: 50 grams of pepper, 30 grams of star anise, 30 grams of cumin, 30 grams of dried chili, 20 grams of kaempferi, 20 grams of white pepper, and 20 grams of cloves.

Ingredients: 250 grams of refined salt, appropriate amount of high-grade liquor, appropriate amount of fresh cypress branches, appropriate amount of fresh orange peel. The specific production method of


1. The pork belly is changed to a knife and cut into long strips of uniform size. One end of the strip is cut with a knife to facilitate drying in the later stage. After cutting, apply a layer of high white wine, the purpose is to soften the meat slices can also increase the flavor and remove the smell of pork.

2. Put the spices: 50 grams of pepper, 30 grams of star anise, 30 grams of fennel, 20 grams of kaempferi, 20 grams of white pepper, and 20 grams of cloves. Put them in a stone mortar and mash them for later use.

3. Pour 250 grams of refined salt into a dry pot and add the mashed spices: 50 grams of pepper, 30 grams of star anise, 30 grams of cumin, 20 grams of kaempferi, 20 grams of white pepper, 20 grams of cloves and 30 grams of dried chili Stir-fry on low heat until the aroma emerges, remove and set aside.

4. When the fried spice salt is left warm but not hot, apply evenly on the processed meat strips while it is hot. Put the salt-coated meat strips into the container and marinate for one week. Turn it over again.

5. Put the marinated meat strips on a string and hang them in the air for 3 days.

6. After a proper amount of dry firewood is lit, cover the firewood with fresh cypress branches and fresh orange peel to make it only smoke without an open flame. Put the marinated and air-dried meat strips on a cigarette butt and smoke it for a day, then hang it on the stove and smoke it with firewood.

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