The family buys flour, not the more expensive the better. Look at this indicator on the packaging, the taste is good and it is durable

2020/04/1015:28:12 food 2031

The hottest ingredient in 2020 will be flour. Flour is our main food. It can be said that all households cannot do without flour. In the north, most places mainly use pasta. We southerners, although we mainly use rice, we also prepare some flour in our homes, especially in special periods when we stay at home and don’t go out. Stocking up some flour at home can kill time, and secondly, we can relieve our gluttony. Why not do it? My family ate more than 30 kilograms of flour in a month, and made daily noodles such as steamed buns, fried dough sticks and sugar cakes. I watched the noodle bags bottom out and started to purchase.

The family buys flour, not the more expensive the better. Look at this indicator on the packaging, the taste is good and it is durable - DayDayNews

Nowadays, there are more and more types of flour on the market, and the grades of flour are uneven. The pasta made from high-quality flour is soft and delicious. The more chewy, the sweeter, and the lower-quality flour. The pasta is not fragrant or soft and tastes bad! To be more exaggerated, the flour that many people eat may be adulterated, and even whitened flour may be bought. How to choose the high-quality flour that suits you from the dazzling array of flours? In fact, flour is not only a kind of ordinary flour, but also roughly divided into low-gluten flour, medium-gluten flour and high-gluten flour. Different flours have different uses. After understanding their uses, you will know which flour is more suitable for you. When buying flour, it is not the more expensive the better. Instead, you should buy it according to actual needs. Today I will share with you how we do Choose flour. If this line appears on the packaging bag, it is usually relatively high-quality flour. These flours are more durable and taste good. Friends who are interested in pasta can store them first.

The family buys flour, not the more expensive the better. Look at this indicator on the packaging, the taste is good and it is durable - DayDayNews

1, low-gluten flour

low-gluten flour is referred to as low-gluten flour, also called cake flour, which is relatively white in color. The protein content of low-gluten flour is generally between 6.5-9. Many brands will also indicate the word low-gluten flour on the bag. Low-gluten flour has relatively low protein content and less gluten. The gluten is also relatively weak. Generally, the cakes, sponge cakes, and biscuits that we usually eat are all made with low-gluten flour.

The family buys flour, not the more expensive the better. Look at this indicator on the packaging, the taste is good and it is durable - DayDayNews

Keyword: National standard GB/T8608 quality level

There is a line of product standard code on the low-gluten flour packaging bag: GB/T8608, which is the national standard quality The guarantee means that only flour that meets the production standards can be marked. Low-gluten flour without this line of words does not meet the national recommendation, at most in line with industry standards. No matter what brand of low-gluten flour, you must check this line of numbers when you buy it.

The family buys flour, not the more expensive the better. Look at this indicator on the packaging, the taste is good and it is durable - DayDayNews

2, all-purpose flour

The protein of all-purpose flour is between high-gluten flour and low-gluten flour, and its properties are relatively better Loose, it is the most common flour on the market and the most commonly used flour in households. Used to steam steamed buns, steamed buns, dumplings, etc., they are all made with all-purpose flour. Generally, all the flour that we see when we go to the supermarket can be regarded as all-purpose flour. If the flour bag is marked as steamed buns, buns, noodles, pancakes, etc., it is also medium-gluten flour.

The family buys flour, not the more expensive the better. Look at this indicator on the packaging, the taste is good and it is durable - DayDayNews

Keyword: National standard GB/T1355 Level 1

When buying all-purpose flour, you must look at the product standard GB/T1355 on the back label, and the national standard quality assurance , Do not buy without this line of numbers. According to taste and fineness, it is best to buy first and second.

The family buys flour, not the more expensive the better. Look at this indicator on the packaging, the taste is good and it is durable - DayDayNews

3, high-gluten flour

The protein content of high-gluten flour is relatively high, and the protein content of general high-gluten flour is 10.5 Between -13.5, when we buy flour, we can check the ingredient list indicated on the packaging bag of the flour. We can determine whether the flour is a high-gluten flour based on the protein content indicated in the ingredient list, and some flour will also be packaged Note on the bagThe words high-gluten flour. The strongest high-gluten flour has a protein content of over 12%. The high-gluten flour has a darker color, is more active and smooth, and is not easy to form a lump when grasped. It is more suitable for making bread and some pastry pastry . These more chewy pasta have to be made with high-gluten flour.

The family buys flour, not the more expensive the better. Look at this indicator on the packaging, the taste is good and it is durable - DayDayNews

Keyword: National Standard GB/T8607 Level 1

When buying high-gluten flour, you must see that the standard number is GB/8607 before you buy it, which meets the requirements This production standard number can be used.

The family buys flour, not the more expensive the better. Look at this indicator on the packaging, the taste is good and it is durable - DayDayNews

The above are the main points of buying bagged flour, the rest you have to look at the quality, shelf life, etc. It is recommended that you go to a formal supermarket or shopping mall to buy it, and the quality can be guaranteed.

The family buys flour, not the more expensive the better. Look at this indicator on the packaging, the taste is good and it is durable - DayDayNews

Let’s briefly talk about the following when buying bulk flour. There are 3 situations where you can’t buy it.

1. The flour looks very white or very dark. Please buy with caution. Some businesses may add brighteners to look good, or it may be too deep or damp.

2. Don’t buy flour that feels particularly slippery. If it is very slippery, talcum powder may be added, which has a great impact on health. Normal flour has a frosted feel.

3. Don't buy moldy flour. When buying flour, use a spoon to hold it and smell it. If there is no flour aroma or musty smell, don't buy it.

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