As the old saying goes: "Eat 5 melons during the summer, your health will be strong." Because most melons in summer are cool, they are like "fire extinguishers" in our summer, which can help us eliminate the suffocation in summer and relieve our appetite. Lack of energy and exhau

2024/07/0209:37:33 food 1238

After entering July, we ushered in our Dog Days . July is also called the "Melon Moon". The reason why it is called the Melon Moon is not only because there are abundant fruits in July, but also because it is in season. This is the time when the texture, flavor and nutrition of fruits are at their best.

As the old saying goes:

As the old saying goes: "Eat 5 melons during the summer, your body will be in good health." Because most melons in summer are cool, they are like "fire extinguishers" in our summer, which can help us eliminate the suffocation feeling in summer and relieve We suffer from loss of appetite and fatigue. From July 16th to August 25th, we should pay attention to the changes in solar terms, eat according to the season, eat more melons, prevent heatstroke and dehydration, and spend the dog days safely.

Bitter melon

Bitter melon with fried eggs

1. Cut the bitter melon into quarters, remove the flesh and cut into thin slices with a diagonal knife. Add 3 grams of salt and 10 grams of white vinegar. Add water to soak to remove the bitter taste; break two eggs into a basin and add 1 gram of salt. Beat 1 gram of chicken powder.

As the old saying goes:

2. Boil water in a pot, add 2 grams of salt, 5 grams of white vinegar, and a little vegetable oil. After the water boils, pour in the bitter melon, blanch it for 30 seconds, take it out, rinse and control the water, then add the egg liquid to the bitter melon, and then add 5 grams of dry starch and mix well.

As the old saying goes:

3. Heat oil in a pan. Pour the mixed bitter melon and eggs into the hot oil and spread evenly. Fry over medium heat until the eggs are formed. Turn over and continue frying for about 1 minute. Fry the egg pancake until both sides are golden brown. Turn off the heat. pot.

As the old saying goes:

4. Place the fried bitter melon and eggs on the chopping board, cut them into equal pieces with a knife, then put them on a plate and serve.

As the old saying goes:

Winter melon

Winter melon and meatball soup

1. Cut the green onion into thin strips, smash the ginger and soak it in water, squeeze out the green onion and ginger juice inside; cut an appropriate amount of winter melon into thick strips and set aside.

As the old saying goes:

2.Add an appropriate amount of pork belly filling with chicken powder, salt, a little pepper, and a little cooking wine to remove the smell, then add an egg and stir in one direction until the meat filling becomes sticky. Pour in the green onion and ginger water in 3 times and stir until the meat filling becomes sticky. Absorb it all, grab a small handful of starch and mix well to lock in the moisture.

As the old saying goes:

3. Heat oil in a pot, add a small spoonful of flour, simmer over low heat until it becomes slightly yellowish oil, then pour in an appropriate amount of water and bring to a boil over high heat. When the water is slightly boiling, turn to low heat and add the meat filling. Squeeze the tiger's mouth into meatballs and put them into the pot. After the meatballs are finished, turn to medium heat and cook until the shape is set. Add winter melon strips and cook for 2 minutes. Add 2 grams of salt, 3 grams of chicken powder, and 2 grams of pepper. Stir to dissolve the seasoning. Skim off the foam, add the soaked wolfberry and red dates, cook for a while, and then take it out of the pot.

As the old saying goes:


Old-fashioned cucumber vegetable box

1. Put 300 grams of flour and 3 grams of salt into a basin and mix well. Add half of it with boiling water and stir it into dough, and the other half with cold water. Stir it into dough, and then knead it into a dough with moderate hardness. , after the noodles are mixed, cover it with a plate and let it rest for 10 minutes.

As the old saying goes:

2. Scrape two cucumbers into thin strips, add salt to remove the water; cut a few green onions into chopped green onions, and then put them into the cucumbers that have been squeezed out of the water.

As the old saying goes:

3. Sprinkle flour on the cutting board, take out the dough, knead the dough smooth and roll it into a long strip, divide it into dough balls, knead it into a round dough and cover it with gauze.

As the old saying goes:

4. Add 2 grams of salt, 2 grams of chicken powder, and 1 gram of pepper to the cucumber shredded basin, then add an egg and stir evenly, then add the washed Jingcai leaves and mix well.

As the old saying goes:

5. Take out 2 small dough pieces and roll them into a round dough piece with a slightly thicker middle. Place cucumber filling on one dough piece, add an egg, then cover the filling with the other dough piece and seal it tightly.

As the old saying goes:

6. Brush the electric baking pan with vegetable oil. After the electric baking pan is hot, put in the prepared cake and bake for 30 seconds, then turn it over. Flip a few more times and maintain low heat for about 3 minutes until both sides are cooked. Ready to serve when golden brown.

As the old saying goes:


Stir-fried zucchini and shiitake mushrooms

1. Remove the hard roots of the shiitake mushrooms and cut them into slices with an oblique knife; break the zucchini, remove the pulp and cut into slices with an oblique knife; cut half of the red pepper into diamond-shaped slices.

As the old saying goes:

2. Boil half a pot of water, add a little vegetable oil and a little salt, add the shiitake mushrooms to the boiling water and simmer for 1 minute. After the mushrooms are slightly transparent, add the zucchini and simmer for 30 seconds. Pour out the zucchini after it has shrunk and returned to green. Take a shower and control the water for later use.

As the old saying goes:

3. Heat oil in a pot, add onion, ginger and garlic slices and sauté until fragrant. Add oyster sauce, light soy sauce, a little salt and sugar and stir-fry to dissolve the seasoning. Then add the mushrooms and zucchini, turn up the heat and stir-fry evenly, then pour in After the red pepper slices are mixed well, you can take it out of the pan and put it on a plate.

As the old saying goes:

Eggplant and melon

Pan-fried eggplant

1. Purple eggplant Cut into thick slices about one centimeter, and then scoop out the flesh of the eggplant; Carrot Peel and cut into small pieces; Cut the ham into small pieces; Cut the shallot into chopped green onions; Cut the eggplant flesh into small pieces; put all the ingredients in the same basin, beat in three eggs and stir evenly, add a spoonful of salt and a spoonful of pepper and stir well, then add an appropriate amount of flour in batches to make a thick filling. spare.

As the old saying goes:

2. Preheat the electric baking pan for two minutes, brush evenly with vegetable oil, place the eggplant rings in the pot, add the prepared fillings one by one, cover the pot and cook for 2 minutes, then turn over and cook for another 2 minutes, both sides of the eggplant When they are all golden brown, you can take them out of the pan and put them on a plate.

As the old saying goes:

(First Food Editor: Cao Cao)

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