July 16th to August 24th is the 40-day Dog Days this year. The dog days of dog days are the best "catalyst" for the dog days of soy sauce produced in Youbu Sauce Shop in Youbu Town, Lanxi City.

2024/07/0110:34:33 food 1983

July 16th to August 24th is the 40-day Dog Days of and this year. The dog days of dog days are the best "catalyst" for the dog days of soy sauce produced in Youbu Sauce Shop in Youbu Town, Lanxi City. In the next dog days of summer, Youbu Jiangfang will enter a busy period.

July 16th to August 24th is the 40-day Dog Days this year. The dog days of dog days are the best July 16th to August 24th is the 40-day Dog Days this year. The dog days of dog days are the best

When I walked into Youbu Sauce Shop, the aroma of sauce hit my nostrils. More than 100 sauce vats are neatly arranged in the drying area, and the vats contain Sanfu soy sauce brewed at different times. Yang Dacheng, the person in charge of the sauce shop, shuttled between the sauce tanks, observing the brewing situation of this year's soy sauce by smelling the aroma and looking at the color.

"The color, aroma and taste of soy sauce brewed with traditional techniques will be improved to a higher level after the blessing of the dog days." Yang Dacheng told reporters, "At this time, the sun is the strongest in the year, which can fully stimulate the sauce vat. Through the reaction of various microorganisms in it, the molecular movement is more active, and the generated amino acid is also increased. Not only the aroma of the soy sauce is more mellow, but the color is also more beautiful. "

July 16th to August 24th is the 40-day Dog Days this year. The dog days of dog days are the best

To make Sanfu soy sauce with a pure taste, the soybeans must be soaked. There are five main steps: cooking, koji making, fermentation and exposure. Although the process is not complicated, this traditional production method is expensive, and it takes four tanks of raw materials to produce one tank of soy sauce. Brewing begins in the spring and takes about a year to complete.

In order for the soy sauce to be fully exposed to the sun in the dog days of summer, the first thing Yang Dacheng does when he enters the sauce shop every day is to open the lid of the sauce vat, then observe the color and taste of the soybeans and soy sauce, and stir them so that they can be exposed to the sun. More uniform.

July 16th to August 24th is the 40-day Dog Days this year. The dog days of dog days are the best

"Now you can obviously feel a strong sauce aroma when you turn it over, indicating that it has been dried well." Yang Dacheng said, "There is a relatively simple way to identify whether the soy sauce is dried well: look at the salt flowers on the surface. If there is a thin layer of salt flowers, it means that it is basically dried. If the soy sauce smells more mellow and has a brighter color, it means that the soy sauce has been dried well. "

July 16th to August 24th is the 40-day Dog Days this year. The dog days of dog days are the best

Sanfu soy sauce. Also known as Sanfu old oil, compared with ordinary soy sauce produced by assembly lines on the market, this soy sauce has a richer aroma and color, and a more mellow taste, making it suitable for braised in soy sauce.

July 16th to August 24th is the 40-day Dog Days this year. The dog days of dog days are the best July 16th to August 24th is the 40-day Dog Days this year. The dog days of dog days are the best

At present, the traditional brewing technique of Lanxi "Sanfu Laoyou" is an intangible cultural heritage of Zhejiang Province, and the sauce shop has also become a provincial intangible cultural heritage production and protection base. With centuries-old brewing skills and classic taste, Sanfu soy sauce has gained the favor of Lanxi locals and foreign tourists.

"This traditional brewed soy sauce tastes more mellow and fragrant. My family likes it better. My colleagues also think that the soy sauce from Youbu is better, so I brought a few pots back to them today." Zheng, a customer who came here to buy soy sauce. Yan said.

source丨Lanxi Media Center

reporter丨Zheng Bingjie Hu Zhiwei

editor丨Wang Jiali

review丨Lou Liwen Zhao Qian

producer丨Wang Yinfeng Xu Ying

director producer丨Xu Wenxiang

July 16th to August 24th is the 40-day Dog Days this year. The dog days of dog days are the best

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July 16th to August 24th is the 40-day Dog Days this year. The dog days of dog days are the best July 16th to August 24th is the 40-day Dog Days this year. The dog days of dog days are the best

[Source: Lanxi News 】

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