Is it reliable to learn brewing with self-purchased equipment? Expert: If you can't do these four things, it's best not to mess around with low-quality flavored blended wines that have dominated the liquor market for a long time. When will they become extinct?

2024/06/2915:26:33 food 1230

Is it reliable to learn brewing with self-purchased equipment? Expert: If you can't do these four things, it's best not to mess around with

. When will the low-quality flavor blended liquor that has "dominated" the liquor market for a long time be "extinct"?

I believe that many drinkers have drunk low-quality flavored wine, and the taste is probably very unpleasant, because after drinking it "the impression is too deep" , plus there have been reports of fake wine, branded wine, etc. in the news. Not so good news such as loose wine methanol exceeding the standard has led to some domestic wine lovers to start purchasing their own equipment to learn winemaking in recent years.

Is it reliable to learn brewing with self-purchased equipment? Expert: If you can't do these four things, it's best not to mess around with low-quality flavored blended wines that have dominated the liquor market for a long time. When will they become extinct? - DayDayNews

When the author was visiting a farmyard before, I was lucky enough to witness the whole process of a brother making wine himself. Finally, he tasted the wine he brewed. The taste of was pretty good. .

But for many wine lovers who want to learn to brew with their own equipment, they must have a common question, that is: Is ’s self-purchased equipment reliable?

has been discussed by many brewing experts before, and they finally summarized the four points that need to be achieved for self-brewing. Moreover, experts have repeatedly emphasized: If cannot be done, it is best not to "fiddle around" .

Is it reliable to learn brewing with self-purchased equipment? Expert: If you can't do these four things, it's best not to mess around with low-quality flavored blended wines that have dominated the liquor market for a long time. When will they become extinct? - DayDayNews

The first point: the craftsmanship must be "fine"

The exquisiteness of the winemaking process can, to a certain extent, determine the quality of the finished wine.

Even Merlot liquid known as "Guangdong Moutai", "Jiangbei Moutai" Yunmen Aged Wine, "Offsite Moutai" rare wine and many other famous wines are not satisfied with their existing brewing technology. Long Years and many batches of people have been sent to learn from Moutai, the "boss" of domestic sauce wine . Although ordinary people do not need to learn advanced winemaking techniques, they should also pay extra attention. For , it is best to learn from local professionals. People visit to learn .

Is it reliable to learn brewing with self-purchased equipment? Expert: If you can't do these four things, it's best not to mess around with low-quality flavored blended wines that have dominated the liquor market for a long time. When will they become extinct? - DayDayNews

The second point: the raw materials must be "excellent"

For Chinese people, the best raw materials for brewing are sorghum, rice, wheat and other grain crops.

Among them, sorghum is one of the most widely used raw materials for brewing. Take the red tassel glutinous sorghum used in Moutai brewing. It is characterized by tannin , amylopectin content, and "thin skin and thick filling", It can withstand repeated cooking and seven times of brewing during the brewing process. It can be said to be one of the best quality brewing sorghums in China.

For ordinary people, they have to choose sorghum with less pesticide residue and fuller particles as the raw material for self-brewing, so as to pave the way for high-quality finished wine.

Is it reliable to learn brewing with self-purchased equipment? Expert: If you can't do these four things, it's best not to mess around with low-quality flavored blended wines that have dominated the liquor market for a long time. When will they become extinct? - DayDayNews

The third point: The equipment must be "good"

brewing equipment made of food-grade materials to meet the equipment conditions required for self-brewing.

There are currently many manufacturers selling stainless steel self-brewing equipment in China. When choosing, it is best to find an introduction from an experienced acquaintance, otherwise it will be easy to get into trouble.

Moreover, subsequent wine storage equipment should also be selected with relatively sophisticated equipment, such as wine baskets, pottery jars, wine seas, etc. These containers will promote the aging of the wine body and also make the wine quality better.

Is it reliable to learn brewing with self-purchased equipment? Expert: If you can't do these four things, it's best not to mess around with low-quality flavored blended wines that have dominated the liquor market for a long time. When will they become extinct? - DayDayNews

The fourth point: the subsequent processing must be "stable"

Even if the process, raw materials, equipment, etc. are complete, the impurities in the wine (such as methanol) cannot be processed well after the wine is made, or the evil impurities in the wine cannot be eliminated remains at a stable, balanced and harmless level, but still cannot be consumed with confidence.

Those large and medium-sized domestic wineries all have very complete subsequent processing equipment and technology . Beidacang Liquor produced in Heilongjiang, Yulinquan Liquor in Yunnan, Tongshan Shaojiu in Zhejiang, and Jun in Renhuai, Guizhou. Zhongyuan private wine (the brewer is a disciple of Li Xingfa , once passed down the government to ) and so on, will store the finished wine for a certain period of time.

Is it reliable to learn brewing with self-purchased equipment? Expert: If you can't do these four things, it's best not to mess around with low-quality flavored blended wines that have dominated the liquor market for a long time. When will they become extinct? - DayDayNews

Take this wine produced in Renhuai as an example. Just choosing the raw materials for brewing requires careful screening before selecting some red tassels waxy sorghum for brewing. The whole process has 165 steps. In the first step, after the wine is made, it must be aged in pottery jars for at least 6 years. The purpose is to solve the problem of possible evil impurities and harmful substances in the wine.

After tasting it, many wine drinkers lamented that its taste is mellow, elegant, delicate and smooth. After drinking a glass, the flavor of soy sauce lingers in the mouth for a long time, and there is wine hanging on the wall of the cup. The quality is self-evident.

Is it reliable to learn brewing with self-purchased equipment? Expert: If you can't do these four things, it's best not to mess around with low-quality flavored blended wines that have dominated the liquor market for a long time. When will they become extinct? - DayDayNews

Although these wines are all high-grade wines brewed from pure grains, they are not well known to the public because the wine companies do not pay attention to publicity. has always been in the embarrassing situation of "not being able to go out of the local area" .

In other words, if you want to learn winemaking reliably with self-purchased equipment, the four conditions above must be .

writes at the end: Drink in moderation. What do you think of this article? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area for discussion.

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