It is well known that Chinese people like to drink. The main reason for drinking is that most of the wine they drink is white wine, while most people in other countries like to drink beer, red wine, or foreign wine, and few people drink white wine on weekdays. , that is, Chinese

2024/07/0114:18:33 food 1015

It is a well-known fact that Chinese people like to drink. The main reason for drinking is that most of the wine they drink is liquor. However, most people in other countries like to drink beer, red wine, or foreign wine, and few people drink it on weekdays. Liquor, the Chinese drink it like water.

I watched a video before. A foreigner just came to China. He always watched Chinese people drinking liquor at dinner parties. He even saw some people drinking liquor at least twice a day. He mistakenly thought that Chinese people are not good drinkers. He also thought that liquor is like Same as water.

I tried it myself one day and took a big sip. After drinking it, I felt bad all over. It felt very spicy and my throat was almost burning. I also felt dizzy. I kept saying that white wine was not what I should drink. Like water?

It is well known that Chinese people like to drink. The main reason for drinking is that most of the wine they drink is white wine, while most people in other countries like to drink beer, red wine, or foreign wine, and few people drink white wine on weekdays. , that is, Chinese  - DayDayNews

Although this video is funny, it also illustrates a problem. Even foreigners have discovered that Chinese people like to drink, which is enough to prove that Chinese people really love to drink, but long-term drinking is not good for health.

The harm of long-term drinking has been emphasized more than once, but there are very few people who are truly aware of the harm. There are also some people who drink every day but do not understand it.

I don’t even know how to distinguish between blended wine and grain wine. Here is a way to help you understand.

The production methods of blended wine and grain wine are different, but from the perspective of the finished product, it is not easy to distinguish, so many people may have been drinking blended wine. Blended wine is made from pure alcohol, water, and some flavorings.

Compared with grain wine, the production process is much simpler, and the price is not very expensive. The texture and taste are not bad, but if you taste it carefully, you can still understand the obvious difference.

It is well known that Chinese people like to drink. The main reason for drinking is that most of the wine they drink is white wine, while most people in other countries like to drink beer, red wine, or foreign wine, and few people drink white wine on weekdays. , that is, Chinese  - DayDayNews

People who have been drinking for a long time, if they are not particular, may not be able to quickly distinguish between blended wine and grain wine. In their opinion, as long as they can drink any wine, they are the same, and there is not much difference.

But for people who are particular about drinking, they can taste and taste judge which one is blended wine and which one is grain wine. However, this method varies from person to person, and not everyone can distinguish between blended wine and grain wine.

If you want to correctly identify it, you can know it from the line of characters on the bottle of . This line of characters is the production standard number . Blended wine and grain wine are different.

Generally speaking, the production standard number of blended wine is: GB/T20822, while the production standard number of grain wine is: GAB/T10781.

It is well known that Chinese people like to drink. The main reason for drinking is that most of the wine they drink is white wine, while most people in other countries like to drink beer, red wine, or foreign wine, and few people drink white wine on weekdays. , that is, Chinese  - DayDayNews

So, which one is more harmful, blended wine or grain wine?

Many people may think that blended wine is more harmful, mainly because the water content in blended wine will be more and the alcohol content will be less. Grain and wine are different. The alcohol content is higher , so drinking it is more harmful.

But in fact, whether it is blended wine or grain wine, it is wine. As long as it is wine, it may cause harm if ingested. It is safest not to drink alcohol.

Another point that many people overlook is that blended wine, because it is not as pure as grain wine, tastes pretty good and is not as strong. Therefore, it is easy to drink a lot of all at once. In this case, the amount of drinking is limited. The more it is, the more damage it causes to the body.

Moreover, blended wine also contains some additives . Excessive intake may also cause more harm to the body. Generally speaking, both blended wine and grain wine are alcohol, and they can cause great harm to the human body if they do not know how to limit their intake.

It is well known that Chinese people like to drink. The main reason for drinking is that most of the wine they drink is white wine, while most people in other countries like to drink beer, red wine, or foreign wine, and few people drink white wine on weekdays. , that is, Chinese  - DayDayNews

Is drinking two ounces of wine a day good or bad for your health?

Everyone knows that drinking too much alcohol can harm your health. Therefore, there has always been a saying that many people think that drinking less alcohol every day will not harm your health and can even support you. I don’t know when it started. , with such a statement.

The more people say this, the more people will believe it. Some people who can’t quit drinking will find comfort in their hearts. Drinking only two taels of wine a day will not harm the body and support people. The key is to relieve their cravings. .

I drink two ounces of wine every day. If I persist for a long time, what will happen? The Lancet has published a study in which a 126-year long-term follow-up analysis of about 1.6 million people in multiple countries was conducted.

discovered the impact of drinking on the human body. There is no safe dose at all. The so-called drinking less to nourish the body is simply wrong. As long as you drink, even just a drop, it will cause harm to the body in the long run.

It is well known that Chinese people like to drink. The main reason for drinking is that most of the wine they drink is white wine, while most people in other countries like to drink beer, red wine, or foreign wine, and few people drink white wine on weekdays. , that is, Chinese  - DayDayNews

The main reason why people drink moderate amounts of alcohol to maintain health is that some people have discovered that red wine can open blood vessels. Others say that two or two drinks a day have health-preserving effects, but they have ignored an important issue, which is that after alcohol enters the human body, it will be converted into ethanol. , the liver is needed to detoxify and excrete it.

Drinking it occasionally can be metabolized quickly. Drinking it every day will increase the workload of the liver. After the damage is gradually caused, the toxins cannot be completely removed, which will bring greater damage to the liver.

In addition, alcohol itself is an irritating drink . Long-term intake may cause damage to oral mucosa, gastrointestinal mucosa and vascular wall , thereby increasing the risk of disease and may even induce cancer.

It is well known that Chinese people like to drink. The main reason for drinking is that most of the wine they drink is white wine, while most people in other countries like to drink beer, red wine, or foreign wine, and few people drink white wine on weekdays. , that is, Chinese  - DayDayNews

Therefore, drinking only two taels of wine a day will have more harmful effects on the body. Even if it really has health-preserving effects, it will do more harm than good. Zero intake is the safest, no matter what kind of wine it is. Same.

Chinese people really have a special interest in liquor, but they should have a certain limit. If they drink a little occasionally, the liver can tolerate it. No matter how much they drink for a long time, it will cause more or less harm to the body.


1. "A Brief Discussion on Chinese Liquor and Health"·Li Lei, Li Yang, Mou Xiaoyan, Jiao Hongmei, Zhou Na, Jian He

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