On July 16, about 20 experts, scholars and senior netizens from Shijiazhuang City came to Huangzhuang Village in Gaocheng City to conduct a seminar on "Enter Huangzhuang on the tip of your tongue, taste the delicious food, and discuss the upgrading of the pastry and food industry

2024/07/0309:02:33 food 1503

On July 16, about 20 experts, scholars and senior netizens from Shijiazhuang City came to Huangzhuang Village in Gaocheng City to conduct a seminar on

On July 16, about 20 experts, scholars and senior netizens from Shijiazhuang City came to Huangzhuang Village in Gaocheng City to conduct a seminar on

On July 16, about 20 experts, scholars and senior netizens from Shijiazhuang City came to Huangzhuang Village in Gaocheng City to conduct a seminar on

On July 16, about 20 experts, scholars and senior netizens from Shijiazhuang City came to Huangzhuang Village in Gaocheng City to conduct a seminar on

html On July 16, about 20 experts, scholars and senior netizens from Shijiazhuang City came to Huangzhuang Village, Gaocheng City, and held a seminar on "Enter the tip of the tongue, taste delicious food, and discuss the upgrading of the pastry and food industry" .

This event is hosted by Shijiazhuang Internet Culture Research Association, Hebei Blog Alliance, and co-organized by Galaxy Yuedu Network. There are nearly 20 senior netizens, including strategic experts, financial writers, brand experts and industry experts, media reporters, self-media people, well-known doctors, etc. The style collection group visited the most advanced modern pastry food production line newly introduced by Shijiazhuang Jiaxiang Food Co., Ltd., listened to Tian Yafeng, deputy secretary of the Party branch of Huangzhuang Village, talk about the development experience of the pastry and mooncake industry in the village, and then focused on the development of Huangzhuang pastry food industry. A discussion was held to discuss the county economy. Experts and media reporters spoke highly of Huangzhuang people's efforts to seize market opportunities, constantly pursue quality and taste, and make mooncakes continue to develop from low-end to high-end. He also put forward suggestions on how to increase Huangzhuang food and pastry brand marketing and expand market share.

In Shijiazhuang Jiaxiang Food Co., Ltd., a "color-packed and multi-filling" mooncake has attracted everyone's attention. This mooncake has changed the image of traditional mooncakes in people's minds and integrates "color, aroma and taste". The mooncake filling changes from a hard core to a soft core, and is composed of five layers of white kidney bean noodles. The appearance is like a work of art, and it tastes soft and waxy with a fresh taste.

According to Zhu Jingjing, general manager of Shijiazhuang Jiaxiang Food Co., Ltd., they produce colorful multi-stuffed mooncakes. The crust is made of white kidney bean paste as the main ingredient, mixed with butter, milk, egg yolk and other materials, and the mooncake crust is The main ingredient is white kidney bean noodles, which are completed by soaking, peeling, steaming, washing and finally frying. White kidney bean is an ancient and valuable edible legume in my country. It has large particles, thick endoderm, white and bright color, delicious taste and high quality. It contains 19.94% protein, and contains amino acids and calcium, phosphorus and iron that are beneficial to the human body. and other substances. The company uses white kidney beans and other ingredients to make mooncakes with a variety of fillings and various exquisite patterns, which has greatly improved the quality of Huangzhuang mooncakes.

Huangzhuang Village has had a tradition of making pastry and mooncakes since the 1960s and 1970s. In recent years, the industry has developed better and better, and it has become a famous "pastry and mooncake professional village." According to Tian Yafeng, deputy secretary of the Party branch of Huangzhuang Village, at present, Huangzhuang Village has a tradition of making pastry and mooncakes. There are 50 pastry and mooncake manufacturers registered in the village, with a daily production of about 50 tons of pastry and mooncakes, creating employment for thousands of people in the surrounding areas. In recent years, the local government has increased its support and supervision of the pastry and mooncake industry, and various companies have also continued to do so. In recent years, various food companies have begun to focus on building their own brands and continuously innovating and upgrading pastries to provide consumers at different levels with delicious high-quality pastries and mooncakes. Business cards, going national


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