Gathering the essence of healthy food and inheriting the craftsmanship of a great country. In front of the booth of Hangzhou Hong Kong Bakery Institute, there are distinctive Taiwanese soft European bags. Each one has received rave reviews. Each one embodies the extraordinary ing

2024/07/0305:48:32 food 1867

Gathering the essence of healthy food and inheriting the craftsman spirit of a great country

In front of the booth of Hangzhou Hong Kong Bakery Institute, there are very distinctive Taiwanese soft European buns. Each one has received rave reviews, and each one embodies the extraordinary ingenuity of Binder teachers and students. , and this is the craftsmanship spirit of excellence that Hangzhou Hong Kong Baking College has been pursuing for many years.

In the past year or two, the bread industry has been quietly undergoing a "face change". On this side, some old bakery brand stores have added European bread products, Bread News , Maxim's Group has even launched a new brand focusing on European bread; on the other side, some new brands specialize in European bread brands also appear frequently. In addition to high-end bread products, stores have also begun to take the road of light luxury and fashion.

Phenomenon: High-end " soft European bread " has become the new favorite of the bread industry

Unlike Japanese bread with a soft and glutinous texture, European bread is thick, crispy on the outside and tough on the inside. It is characterized by high fiber, low sugar , low oil, It is characterized by low fat and focuses on the natural flavor of grains. However, when the traditional European buns with a hard texture and relatively bland taste encountered the "Asian stomach", they encountered the problem of acclimatization. In this context, soft European bags that suit the taste preferences of Easterners emerged.

It is understood that some old baking brands including Santa Ana, Luyeju, BreadTalk, etc. have introduced soft European buns.

Analysis: 80% of brands are aging and urgently need to attract young consumers

The trend of the entire baking industry is from ordinary bakeries to fashionable bakeries, with light luxury becoming the mainstream. It is conservatively estimated that the growth rate of the high-end bread market will be between 20% and 30%, which is higher than the growth rate of the entire baking market.

Professionals pointed out that most of the mainstream consumer groups in bakeries more than ten years ago have now become mothers and are no longer a group of customers who drive trends, so the positioning needs to be younger. Young people have huge spending power, and a brand-new bread brand is more suitable for new consumer groups.

Currently, 80% of companies in the bakery industry are on the verge of brand aging. If the post-85s to post-90s generation in bakery consumers accounts for less than 20%, it will be very troublesome. It took nearly 30 years for the baking industry to move from a fringe industry to a mainstream industry, but less than 5 years from food to fashionable food. In addition, few decision-makers in the baking industry understand brand operations, which is why 80% of companies are aging to varying degrees.

The future: the baking industry may face a reshuffle and eliminate the cooking pack category

In Japan, there is an average of one baking point for 7,000 people; in Hong Kong, there is one baking point for every 13,500 people; and in the mainland, there is one baking point for every 150,000 people. A bakery. The future space is still huge. It is recommended that enterprises should not be as strong as having more stores.

An in-depth research report on the market supply and demand prospects of China’s pastry and bread industry from 2016 to 2021 shows: Overall, the development prospects of the domestic baking market are optimistic, and the latecomer momentum is strong. In the past ten years, with the penetration of Western food, per capita bread consumption has gradually increased. However, the competition between brands still remains at a low level (such as price competition, location competition, etc.), and there is relatively little driven by brand culture and products. In addition, products cannot keep up with the changes of the times. Most brands still focus on traditional breads rich in oil and sugar, while ignoring consumers’ pursuit of healthy quality. The baking industry will undergo a major reshuffle in the next few years. The future direction of the industry must be to pay more attention to products and brand experience, and gradually abandon the traditional conditioning bag category


Gathering the essence of healthy food and inheriting the craftsmanship of a great country. In front of the booth of Hangzhou Hong Kong Bakery Institute, there are distinctive Taiwanese soft European bags. Each one has received rave reviews. Each one embodies the extraordinary ing - DayDayNews

Gathering the essence of healthy food and inheriting the craftsmanship of a great country. In front of the booth of Hangzhou Hong Kong Bakery Institute, there are distinctive Taiwanese soft European bags. Each one has received rave reviews. Each one embodies the extraordinary ing - DayDayNews

Gathering the essence of healthy food and inheriting the craftsmanship of a great country. In front of the booth of Hangzhou Hong Kong Bakery Institute, there are distinctive Taiwanese soft European bags. Each one has received rave reviews. Each one embodies the extraordinary ing - DayDayNews

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