Introduction: Niulanshan, Hongxing or Glass Fenjiu, who is the truly delicious and cheap "pure grain king"? China’s wine culture has a long history. Since ancient times, literati and poets have loved drinking. Many popular poems were written when people were drunk. Various poems

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Introduction: Niulanshan, Red Star and Glass Fenjiu , who is the truly delicious and cheap "Pure Food King"?

Chinese wine culture has a long history. Since ancient times, literati and poets have loved drinking. Many popular poems were written when drunkenness was high, and they appear in all aspects of people's lives. So what are the popular bull bars on the market now? Shan, Hongxing or glass Fenjiu, which one is closer to fine wine? Which pure grain liquor is truly delicious and inexpensive?

Introduction: Niulanshan, Hongxing or Glass Fenjiu, who is the truly delicious and cheap

There are generally three types of brewing techniques for liquor in my country: solid-state method, liquid-state method, and solid-liquid mixing method. Only liquor brewed using the solid-state method can be called pure grain liquor. Next, let’s look at the differences between the three types of wine one by one.


The raw materials and production process marked on Niulanshan’s product formula are solid and liquid liquor. This shows that Niulanshan is a blend of two kinds of liquor, and naturally it is not a liquor brewed from pure grains.

Introduction: Niulanshan, Hongxing or Glass Fenjiu, who is the truly delicious and cheap

The corresponding price in Niulanshan is also relatively low, and the consumer group it faces is basically middle-aged and elderly people. Their requirements for liquor are not very high. Judging the quality of liquor depends entirely on the taste, which is smooth and smooth after drinking. What is not unpleasant is good wine, so it basically doesn’t matter whether it is brewed with pure grains or not.

Red Star

People who love drinking are very familiar with Red Star. From large shopping malls to small canteens, from dining tables to wine tables, Red Star Erguotou is everywhere. Because the packaging is very simple, it is considered a sign of low-end wine.

Introduction: Niulanshan, Hongxing or Glass Fenjiu, who is the truly delicious and cheap

In fact, you cannot judge a wine based on its appearance. Red Star Erguotou definitely represents the mark of an era. Many older generations love Red Star Erguotou very much. So, is it a wine made from pure grains? We can take a look at its formula. The main ingredients include wheat, sorghum, corn and edible alcohol . Liquor with added edible alcohol is obviously not a pure grain liquor and can only be classified as alcoholic liquor.

Introduction: Niulanshan, Hongxing or Glass Fenjiu, who is the truly delicious and cheap

Glass Fenjiu

Fenjiu, as a well-known domestic wine company, has a very rich product line, and Glass Fenjiu, as the most memorable liquor of Fenjiu, is brewed using the solid-state brewing method. Although it looks very simple, it is actually a pure Liquor, as the saying goes, people should not be judged by their appearance. In the liquor industry, they are talking about powerful players such as Glass Fenjiu.

Introduction: Niulanshan, Hongxing or Glass Fenjiu, who is the truly delicious and cheap

Anyone who has studied Fenjiu well knows that the production process of Fenjiu is very exquisite and complicated. For example, the well-known Xinghuacun selects high-quality wheat and barley and other raw materials, uses a solid-state brewing process, and is produced after multiple fermentations. It's finished, slightly sweet in the mouth, and you'll have endless aftertaste after sipping it carefully.

has introduced the above three wines with simple packaging and very common ones on the market. Now it is clear to everyone who is the pure grain king. The answer is obvious - glass Fenjiu.

Introduction: Niulanshan, Hongxing or Glass Fenjiu, who is the truly delicious and cheap

Next, let’s do some popular science into the three categories of liquor based on the production methods, and what are the differences. One is to brew liquor, which is made from barley, corn and other crops. After full fermentation, it is filtered and pressed through layers of layers. This kind of liquor is generally below 20 degrees and has weak irritation. We often drink rice wine and beer. That's it.

Introduction: Niulanshan, Hongxing or Glass Fenjiu, who is the truly delicious and cheap

One is distilled wine , which is very strong. Grains and fruits are first fermented, and then the fermentation liquid containing alcohol is distilled. This alcohol content is generally relatively high, above 20 degrees, and accordingly there will be a higher Strong irritation, whiskey brandy and domestic liquor fall into this category.

There is also mixed wine , which is to add a certain amount of fruit grains to different edible alcohols for soaking. After a period of time, it is called a finished wine. Fenjiu Zhuyeqing is a typical representative.

Introduction: Niulanshan, Hongxing or Glass Fenjiu, who is the truly delicious and cheap

Now that you have learned so much, you will know better next time you buy wine for your parents or friends. However, drinking too much liquor can be harmful to your health, so to honor your elders, it is best to choose high-quality liquor for your parents to drink. You can rest assured that your children can buy it with peace of mind.

Next, the editor has carefully selected two kinds of liquor for everyone. They are delicious, not expensive, and of good quality. Come and take a look.

Jinpin Tuo brand

52 degree strong-flavor liquor , net content 500 ml, from Sichuan Shede Liquor Industry , carefully brewed with high-quality raw materials, rich in aroma and sweet body, it is indispensable Lots of good quality liquor.

Introduction: Niulanshan, Hongxing or Glass Fenjiu, who is the truly delicious and cheap

The transparent glass bottle looks elegant and elegant, inheriting the model of strong aroma, with well-proportioned wine lines and dense hops. Excellent quality creates excellent details. The packaging design is simple, abandoning repeated packaging design and keeping the shape simple.

Lao Bai Fen Liquor

comes from Shanxi. It is brewed from high-quality sorghum, barley, and peas. It adheres to pure grain brewing and separates fermentation in solid-state vats, allowing the wine to fully absorb the essence of the earth. It is a high-quality brand wine with a rich and fragrant flavor. The wine is fragrant and worthy of the name Xinghua Village Wine.

Introduction: Niulanshan, Hongxing or Glass Fenjiu, who is the truly delicious and cheap

uses the method of steaming and fermentation, and has an elegant fragrance. The wine jar is very retro and carries the memory of Fenjiu. It is a liquor with a story and is very suitable for collection. It should be sealed and stored in a cool and dry place to avoid direct sunlight. Slowly accept the precipitation of time.

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