"Pengcheng Fuyang makes a bowl of soup without a prescription from a miracle doctor." This is a saying that has been circulated among the people in Xuzhou for a long time. Indeed, Xuzhou people have a special liking for eating mutton. Starting from the first day of the festival e

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"Pengcheng Fuyang has a bowl of soup, and there is no need for a miracle doctor to prescribe a prescription." This is a long-standing saying among Xuzhou people. Indeed, Xuzhou people have a special liking for eating mutton. Starting from the first day of the festival every year, for a whole month, people gather in various hotels, restaurants, and special mutton restaurants and barbecue stalls to eat mutton and drink mutton soup. People in Xuzhou have a surprising appetite for mutton. During the Fuyang Festival , no one can calculate an accurate number of how many people eat Fuyang. Some people say that its scale is enough to apply for the Guinness Book of Records. The way Xuzhou people eat mutton is also different from other places. Blowing away the bright red chili oil and green minced coriander, the milky white mutton soup reveals its true colors. You drink the soup in big gulps and eat large pieces of meat until you are sweating profusely.

As we all know, eating mutton is "sweating". On a cold winter day, there is nothing better than eating steaming lamb. However, Xuzhou people who dare to be unconventional go the opposite way and eat mutton in Futian. This ancient custom not only coincides with the simple health concept of "harmony between man and nature", but also has considerable scientific content. Because goats are raised in spring and summer, they are fat and tender. After slaughtering, the meat tastes mellow and the soup is delicious. In addition, there is accumulated heat in the human body during the dog days of summer. After eating mutton soup, you will sweat profusely, which can drive away the accumulated heat in the five internal organs.

There are many words to describe taste, and the most commonly used word is "delicious". The word "delicious" is centered on "sheep", fish and sheep are fresh, and sheep are big and beautiful. As the saying goes, the soil and water support the people. Whether the mutton is delicious is mainly related to the breed of the sheep. Xuzhou is located in a hilly area with green mountains, green waters and lush grass. Green goat has a high reproduction rate, a long growth cycle, alternating fat and thin, and has minimal odor. People in Xuzhou also like to stew mutton over a high fire, so the traditional green goat meat is rich in flavor. Loved by the public. In terms of mutton parts, the most suitable ones for stewing soup are sheep head, mutton legs and sheep tripe. When stewing, use high heat in the early stage and low heat in the later stage; mutton oil needs low heat to get the pure aroma. the taste of. When drinking mutton soup, add seasonings according to personal taste. Generally, add some vinegar, mutton oil and chili oil, and then add green garlic and coriander.

The ancient Yellow River Road, with its undulating hills and fertile fields, has created the rich products of the Huaihai Plain. It contains not only the aesthetics of life about sowing and harvesting, but also the way of welcoming and accepting, and embracing all directions. There has always been a saying in Xuzhou that "there is no feast without sheep". Walking casually on the street, you can smell the aroma of meat flowing freely from a long distance away. All mutton restaurants, without exception, have a large iron pot set up at the door. The fire is blazing in the furnace, and the mutton in the pot is rolling "gurglingly", urging you to "get off your horse when you smell the aroma, and stop when you know the taste." When you walk in, you are guaranteed to have a delicious "Xuzhou flavor"!

Hanqiao Mutton Restaurant was originally a roadside restaurant. The honest boss will recommend a standard set meal based on the number of diners, which is neither wasteful nor more suitable than ordering a la carte. Lamb stir-fried with green onions Fresh and delicious, the braised lamb brain melts in your mouth. The carefully cooked lamb tastes delicious without any smell. Each dish is served on a large plate, allowing people to feast and feast their appetites. If there are many people and you want to officially satisfy your mutton addiction, you can also book in advance and have a whole table of " whole sheep feast ".

Yi Laichun is a restaurant with more than 30 years of history. Cumin mutton , cumin lamb loin, white water lamb chops, white water lamb legs, and white water lamb brains. These two types of dishes can be matched to create a rich taste. Boss Deng Ji loves to delve into new dishes, such as lamb eyes with chrysanthemums, whipped hydrangea, kid carrying a gun, etc. Just the name makes you think a lot. Qin Laosan's high-quality haggis uses only the four most delicious ingredients from sheep: eyes, brains, balls, and whips, plus liver, tripe, lungs, blood, tendons, and mutton. The 10 raw materials mean " "Perfect", very value for money. Chongyang is the most popular mutton restaurant in the North District. Roasted lamb legs and mutton are its specialties. The vegetarian dishes Stir-fried shredded potatoes Stir-fried mung bean sprouts are also must-orders for repeat customers. Qingnian Road Mutton Ramen Restaurant has also been open for more than 20 years, and its simple facade has remained standing for many years.The soup base is fragrant and the noodles are chewy. Sprinkle some coriander on top and add a large piece of red oil to melt into the noodles. Add the mutton as a plate. It is definitely a standard dish in small restaurants.

There is an old saying in Xuzhou: The poor are in Beiguan, the rich are in Nanguan, and the rich live in Hubu Mountain. Jiazigu at the foot of Tobeyama Mountain is a very inconspicuous alley, but it makes many diners linger. There is Liu Wu Mutton Restaurant here, which I think has been open for more than 20 years. Every day at dawn, there is a queue in front of the restaurant, a bowl of mutton soup and a sesame seed cake, simple and nutritious. The soup is clear, the meat is pink, the thin vermicelli is white, and the green garlic on top is green. When the chopsticks are turned down, a piece of mutton is picked up and put into the mouth, it is like a god. A bowl of mutton soup makes people sweat on the tip of their noses, warms up their stiff limbs, and brightens their mood. As noon approached, people came from all over and there was no room to sit in the store, so tables were set up in the shade outside the door to make do with the food. In the eyes of diners, as long as there is mutton, nothing else matters. The diners' gasps and hearty exclamations came one after another, and passers-by couldn't help but salivate.

Every time I go back to Xuzhou, I take bus No. 70 after leaving the high-speed rail station and go straight to Liu Wu Mutton Restaurant. Make an appointment with a few friends in advance and have a hearty meal just like celebrating the New Year. The mutton here only uses local kid goats as ingredients. It is fat but not greasy, lean but not woody, fresh and authentic, and you can't help but eat it.

In my childhood, goats were so huge, with white skin and tender meat, pink with red in them, and bright and juicy. I am familiar with sheep because of textbooks, but the taste of its meat is quite unfamiliar. The first time I ate mutton was around the mid-1960s, when my relatives in the countryside brought me a kid, weighing about 20 to 30 pounds. After the sheep was killed, my mother divided the raw mutton into several portions, and each of the neighbors had a portion. Those days were festivals in our yard, and the smell of meat was always wafting on the beams.

As the hometown of Peng Zu, Xuzhou has taken its love for mutton to the extreme. Not only mutton dishes from all over the country can be found here, but many classic mutton delicacies have also been created. It can be said that Xuzhou has a long history with mutton. feelings. If you happen to come to Xuzhou during the Sheep Festival, you will definitely be enveloped and infected by the aroma of mutton throughout the city. No matter how hot the weather is, there is a row of sheds stretching for tens of meters on the roadside. It is refreshing to squat on a small table and eat mutton, sweating like rain.

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