01 Speaking of hot and sour soup, we must first mention spicy soup. That year in Xi'an, I lived in a small alley near the Drum Tower. On the first morning when I went out, I emerged from the winding alley. The first thing I saw was a long queue on the opposite side of the road. T

2024/06/2719:21:32 food 1262

01 Speaking of hot and sour soup, we must first mention spicy soup. That year in Xi'an, I lived in a small alley near the Drum Tower. On the first morning when I went out, I emerged from the winding alley. The first thing I saw was a long queue on the opposite side of the road. T - DayDayNews


Speaking of hot and sour soup , we must first mention spicy soup .

When I was in Xi'an that year, I lived in a small alley near Drum Tower . On the first morning when I went out, I emerged from the winding alley. The first thing I saw was a long queue on the opposite side of the road. The tail of the queue had reached the middle of the road, and there were still people walking in. Followed one after another.

I was very curious and ran to the front of the line to see what was on sale that attracted so many people.

I saw that in a big black pot that could be used for bathing, steam was gurgling. The boss was stirring vigorously with a shovel like a broom. The food in the pot was a thick soy sauce-colored soup. You could see tofu skin, fungus and other ingredients. An unfamiliar aroma hit my face, and I couldn't help but drool.

I looked around at the furnishings in the store. Tables and benches of unknown colors were scattered randomly in the small room. Several diners were eating without raising their heads. They were carrying backpacks and talking about everything. , probably tourists passing by.

The proprietress put coriander and pepper into a bowl covered with a fresh-keeping bag in front of her, and answered my questions without raising her head. It took me a long time to realize that what she said was "Hu spicy soup". It turns out that this is the famous spicy spicy soup. People who bought

walked out with the same posture and movements: holding a convenience bag in one hand, which contained a full bag of Hu spicy soup; in the other hand, they held a meat sandwich bun , a mouthful of steamed buns. , take a sip of soup, eat and then go on your way.


This is my first memory of Hu spicy soup, and I will never forget it.

Later, I tried making spicy soup at home, but I couldn't get the same taste. A century-old store naturally has its own secret recipe that is unknown to everyone. It is still a little difficult for ordinary people to copy it.

In this case, we might as well build on others' strengths, avoid weaknesses, reform and innovate, and create our own flavor.

In such a hot summer, a bowl of "hot and sour soup" is a good choice, which suits my appetite very well.


Compared with the ingredients of hot and sour soup, my hot and sour soup is much simpler and more flexible.

An authentic spicy soup must have beef or mutton, vermicelli, day lily, tofu skin, fungus, qianzhang and other ingredients, so that they can complement each other in the cooked bone soup.

It is said that some operators of hot and spicy soup have begun to take the "high-end route", adding abalone, Liaoning ginseng, shark's fin, etc. to launch "sky-high price hot and spicy soup". Whether this marks progress in the catering industry, we will not discuss. However, eating requires sincerity.

Family version of hot and sour soup can be prepared according to your own taste. Carrots , Qianzhang, fungus, and eggs are essential because this combination contains vitamins, protein and fiber, which is comprehensive in nutrition and at the same time It can be full and low in fat.

Cut your favorite ingredients such as carrots, fungus, lettuce, mushrooms, etc. into shreds and set aside. Heat the pan with cold oil, pour in the ingredients and stir-fry until cooked, add water and bring to a boil, pour in the egg liquid and season to taste. Vinegar and pepper are essential. Otherwise, why would it be called "Hot and Sour Soup"?

Fortunately, my hometown is Zhenjiang . Zhenjiang balsamic vinegar is famous all over the world, making it easy to get jealous, and the hot and sour soup has a unique flavor.


From "Hot and Sour Soup" to "Hot and Sour Soup", it includes changes in time and space, as well as differences in region, taste, and hobbies.

Every morning, the spicy and spicy soup injects vitality into the fresh day with its spicy and smooth taste; every summer, the hot and sour soup, with its sweet and sour taste, dispels the heat and gives people a good appetite. They are all shining love on the table .

No matter where you are, as long as you have a heart that works hard and is kind, you can taste the various flavors of life. While enriching your taste buds, it can also fill us with joy.

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