The grand scene of the Xuzhou Fuyang Cultural Festival in previous years. As early as April, Xiaosanzi once posted a picture and text on "Why Xuzhou people love to eat sheep in the dog days", but unfortunately the response was mediocre and there was no hot discussion. Screenshot

2024/06/2318:40:32 food 1379

The grand scene of the Xuzhou Fuyang Cultural Festival in previous years. As early as April, Xiaosanzi once posted a picture and text on

The grand scene of Xuzhou Fuyang Cultural Festival in previous years.

As early as April, Xiao Sanzi once posted a picture and text on "Why Xuzhou people love to eat sheep in the dog days", but unfortunately the response was mediocre and there was no hot discussion.

The grand scene of the Xuzhou Fuyang Cultural Festival in previous years. As early as April, Xiaosanzi once posted a picture and text on html Screenshot of April's article.

The grand scene of the Xuzhou Fuyang Cultural Festival in previous years. As early as April, Xiaosanzi once posted a picture and text on html April's article Screenshot.

The grand scene of the Xuzhou Fuyang Cultural Festival in previous years. As early as April, Xiaosanzi once posted a picture and text on html Screenshot of an April post.

This year’s Xuzhou Fuyang Festival has been postponed due to the epidemic, but it has not affected Xuzhou people’s love for the “Fuyang Food Culture Festival”. Where did this “love” come from?

Pengcheng Fuyang A bowl of soup does not require a miracle doctor to prescribe.

Xuzhou has a profound food culture. As early as 4,000 years ago, Xuzhou was called Pengcheng. Pengzu established the Great Peng clan country here and created a brilliant future. Dapeng civilization. Peng Zu's cooking skills are still talked about by people, and he is regarded as the ancestor of Chinese cooking.

The grand scene of the Xuzhou Fuyang Cultural Festival in previous years. As early as April, Xiaosanzi once posted a picture and text on

"Fuyang" culture is a wonder in Xuzhou food culture and even Chinese food culture, with outstanding color, aroma and taste. Qi Doufang's Chinese Food Garden is unique in that during the Futian season, people gather in various restaurants to eat mutton and drink mutton soup, so it is called "Eating Fuyang". Xuzhou people have a long history of eating sheep during the Futian period. In the hilly areas, the grass is lush. From the time the grass sprouts to the time before it falls, the goats are fat, tender and delicious, with minimal odor. Boil a pot of mutton soup, add Xuzhou's unique chili oil, and cook it with green garlic, coriander, and various spices. It has a mellow taste, thick juice, and is very appetizing. There is a saying among Xuzhou people that "a bowl of Fuyang soup in Pengcheng does not require a prescription from a miracle doctor". Every summer, "eating Fuyang on a hot day" has become a popular custom among Xuzhou people. A major custom that follows summer.

In July 2002, Xuzhou people ushered in the first Fuyang Food Culture Festival. Xuzhou people regarded Fuyang Festival as a food festival and carnival. Hotels of all sizes were crowded with guests. The seats are packed, the food is overwhelming, and the hot water is flowing to the sky. If you come to Xuzhou during this time, you can not only taste delicious and diverse mutton delicacies, but also participate in the opening ceremony of the Fuyang Festival, the Fuyang Summer Food Carnival, and Peng Zu's food. Health Culture Forum and other colorful activities

The grand scene of the Xuzhou Fuyang Cultural Festival in previous years. As early as April, Xiaosanzi once posted a picture and text on

"Eat culture, eat health"

(1) The origin of eating sheep

As early as the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States or earlier, there was the habit of offering sacrifices. In many sacrifices, There is a kind of sacrificial activity called "Fula" festival, where you can find the shadow of Futian eating sheep. The so-called "Fu" refers to Futian; "La" refers to the twelfth day of winter, that is, from then on, people eat Futian in summer. The origin of "Yang Yun's Biography in the Han Dynasty": "The Tian family works hard, and when they are old, they cook lambs and wrap lambs, and fight with wine to work hard." This shows that worshiping Fu La has been a household name in the Han Dynasty. This is also the "eating Fu Yang in summer" in our country. The earliest record of "winter tonic".

The grand scene of the Xuzhou Fuyang Cultural Festival in previous years. As early as April, Xiaosanzi once posted a picture and text on

(2) The medicinal value of eating Fuyang

According to "Compendium of Materia Medica", different parts of the sheep body have different tastes. Eating Fuyang occurs in midsummer, which is related to the Five Elements theory. Traditional Chinese medicine believes: "The liver belongs to wood, the heart belongs to fire, the spleen belongs to earth, the lungs belong to metal, and the kidneys belong to water." There are five internal organs, and the four seasons are combined externally. According to the seasons, weather, food properties and tastes, the balance of cold and heat can be mastered. To keep the human body healthy, the metabolic and digestive functions of the human body are stronger in summer. It is also the season when the human body consumes the most nutrients and it is difficult to store nutrients. It can be said that every day makes ten points and nine points are given. Mutton has many functions such as nourishing the spleen and stomach, aphrodisiac, treating fatigue and coldness, calming the mind, and relieving pain. Therefore, nourishing yang in spring and summer and nourishing yin in autumn and winter are to lay a solid foundation for nourishing yin in autumn and winter.

(3) The best time to eat Fuyang

is 10 days after the mid-summer and 10th day after the end of summer. During this period, you can taste the taste of Fuyang, slightly replenish yang, store nutrients in autumn, and even achieve the health purpose of replenishing yin in winter. .

(4) How to eat mutton

clear soup mutton, braised mutton , Sichuan mutton, mutton chops... a bowl of mutton soup, two steamed buns with your favorite mutton, plus red chili oil, After eating, your mouth is full of oil and your body is sweating. There may be only one word left for the feeling after the meal - refreshing!

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