Liu Jiali edamame is a taste unique to summer. Jiangnan edamame has large and plump grains. After peeling it, add pickles such as pickles and mustard to stir-fry for a chewy texture. You can also add some seasonal loofah for a contrasting texture. If you want to eat some If you e

2024/06/2811:21:32 food 1749

Liu Jiali

Edamame is a taste exclusive to summer. Jiangnan edamame has large and plump grains. After peeling it, add pickles such as pickles and mustard to stir-fry for a chewy texture. You can also add some seasonal loofah for a contrasting texture. If you want to eat some If you eat cold food, dip it in bad marinade or soak it in drunken marinade, you will be a "thief" stealing wine.

However, in the eyes of many Guizhou people, Jiangnan edamame is not tasty enough. The particles are too big, the flavor is not concentrated, and the freshness when fried is not enough. Compared with these big edamame beans, they love the small edamame beans from their hometown more - the size of these edamame beans is about half the size of the edamame beans on the Shanghai market, and the edamame kernels are even smaller. It definitely takes more time to peel them manually. Yes, but fortunately it tastes fresh and tender, and the hard work seems to be worthwhile.

On the menu of 1877 Guizhou, which specializes in Guizhou cuisine, there is a dish made with Guizhou edamame. The edamame beans used come from Xifeng, Guiyang. They are small in size and full of flavor. They are fried with colored peppers . They are refreshing and delicious. Paired with some lager beer with added hops, it is really a good flavor in midsummer. But more importantly, you can also try to copy this combination at home. Although it may not taste as delicious as the restaurant chef, it can add some color and Guizhou flavor to the dining table at home, and it is also a 40℃ weather A wonderful thing happened.

Fried edamame with colored pepper


Guizhou Xifeng edamame, red pepper, yellow pepper, oil, salt

Liu Jiali edamame is a taste unique to summer. Jiangnan edamame has large and plump grains. After peeling it, add pickles such as pickles and mustard to stir-fry for a chewy texture. You can also add some seasonal loofah for a contrasting texture. If you want to eat some If you e - DayDayNews


1. Peel off the edamame shell, remove only the edamame kernels, and then rinse the edamame clothes with clean water. , set aside;

2, clean the red and yellow peppers, then cut into cubes, set aside;

3, put water in the pot, then add a little salt and oil, boil the edamame kernels and blanch them in water, about 10 seconds , take it out, put it into ice water to cool down quickly, then take it out and set aside;

4. Put oil in the pot, when it is 50 to 60% hot, pour in the diced colored peppers and stir-fry for about 20-30 seconds. After that, add the edamame and continue to stir-fry. When the ingredients are cooked until they are cooked, add an appropriate amount of salt to season, stir-fry evenly, and then take it out of the pot.


1. It is not easy to cook edamame just by frying it. Blanching it in advance can help reduce the frying time of edamame. Especially for people who are not good at cooking, blanch the edamame to seven or eight minutes in advance. Cooking helps ensure that you are eating edamame that is definitely cooked;

2, colored peppers are not spicy, and they will not have a green taste after being cooked. They are a vegetable variety that you can safely try, and its texture is relatively crisp. Tender, juicy and brightly colored, it is an ingredient that is very suitable for consumption in summer;

3, when frying this dish, it should be mainly refreshing, so the amount of oil can be reduced appropriately, and very few types of seasonings can be used , it is easy to feel the natural umami flavor of edamame when eating, which is very interesting.

Editor in charge: Yang Jie

Proofreader: Liu Wei

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