#summerlifecheck-inseason#〖Burned Luffa with Tomato〗〖Materials〗50 grams of tomatoes and 500 grams of tender loofah. A little each of refined salt, monosodium glutamate, ginger juice, wet starch, sesame oil, raw oil and cooking wine. 〖Operation〗1. Wash the tomatoes, peel the tende

2024/06/2222:56:32 food 1044

#summerlifecheck-inseason#〖Burned Luffa with Tomato〗〖Materials〗50 grams of tomatoes and 500 grams of tender loofah. A little each of refined salt, monosodium glutamate, ginger juice, wet starch, sesame oil, raw oil and cooking wine. 〖Operation〗1. Wash the tomatoes, peel the tende - DayDayNews

〖Tomato roasted loofah〗


50 grams of tomatoes and 500 grams of tender loofah. A little each of refined salt, monosodium glutamate, ginger juice, wet starch, sesame oil, raw oil and cooking wine.


1. Wash the tomatoes, peel the tender loofah, cut in half lengthwise, then cut into slices, blanch in boiling water and remove.

2. Add raw oil to the wok, heat it up and cook with ginger juice. Add cooking wine, refined salt, monosodium glutamate, tomatoes, and loofah. After boiling, reduce to low heat and cook until the flavor is absorbed. Thicken with wet starch, pour in sesame oil, and stir Remove from the pan and serve.

#summerlifecheck-inseason#〖Burned Luffa with Tomato〗〖Materials〗50 grams of tomatoes and 500 grams of tender loofah. A little each of refined salt, monosodium glutamate, ginger juice, wet starch, sesame oil, raw oil and cooking wine. 〖Operation〗1. Wash the tomatoes, peel the tende - DayDayNews

〖Peanut rabbit meat cubes〗


Rabbit meat 200g, fried peanuts 100g. Appropriate amounts of oil, chili, onion, salt, monosodium glutamate, starch, ginger, oil, cooking wine, and sugar.


1. Remove the blood from the rabbit meat, cut into dices, add starch and mix well. Cut the peppers into sections and mix soy sauce, vinegar, sugar and starch into gravy.

2. Heat oil in the pot, add diced rabbit meat and chili pepper segments and stir-fry until the meat changes color, pour in the gravy. When the soup thickens, sprinkle with minced green onion and peanuts, stir-fry evenly.


Rabbit meat is known as "beauty meat" abroad. It has a sweet and cool taste and is rich in protein, fat, sugar, inorganic salts, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and other ingredients. It has the functions of replenishing vital energy , nourishing yin and nourishing the skin, producing body fluids and quenching thirst. It can be consumed for a long time without causing obesity.

#summerlifecheck-inseason#〖Burned Luffa with Tomato〗〖Materials〗50 grams of tomatoes and 500 grams of tender loofah. A little each of refined salt, monosodium glutamate, ginger juice, wet starch, sesame oil, raw oil and cooking wine. 〖Operation〗1. Wash the tomatoes, peel the tende - DayDayNews

〖Green round stewed coral fish cubes〗


1500g fresh fish, 200g canned green round peas, 50g net carrot, 1 egg, 20g dry bean powder, 100g lard, 250 grams of clear soup, 425 grams of soybean flour, 10 grams of sesame oil, 7 grams of refined salt, 10 grams of cooking wine, 2 grams of MSG, and 1 gram of pepper noodles.


1. Open the can and pour the green balls into the bowl. Peel the carrots, cut into green round dices, blanch them in boiling water, and soak them in water to cool.

2. Cut the boneless and skinless fish into green and round dices, mix it into a paste with salt, cooking wine, pepper noodles, egg white, and dried bean flour and mix well.

3. Heat the lard in the pot until it is 30% hot, add the diced fish, spread it gently with chopsticks, and pour it into a colander.

4. Pour off the remaining oil in the pot, add soup, add green pepper, diced carrots, salt, cooking wine, pepper noodles, taste it, then add diced fish, MSG, water soybean flour thicken, add sesame oil, and start the pot Serve on a plate.


The diced fish mixed with egg white and soybean flour should be dry and moderately thin, so that it will not become lumpy when put into the pot. Don't thicken it too dry, otherwise it won't taste good.


The finished dish has distinct color, smooth and tender meat, fresh taste, light and refreshing.

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