National Specialty Snacks Inventory - Yongzhou

2022/04/1209:23:16 food 1756

1, Yongzhou rice noodles

National Specialty Snacks Inventory - Yongzhou - DayDayNews

Yongzhou rice noodles have a long history. According to historical records, as early as the Ming Dynasty, there were rice noodles in Lingling and Qiyang. As food, first home-cooked snacks, and later into restaurants. In the early years of the Republic of China, rice noodles were established in Qiyang, Lingling and other counties, and rice noodles were spread all over the streets and alleys.

2, Lingling drinking snail

National Specialty Snacks Inventory - Yongzhou - DayDayNews

, also known as Yongzhou drinking snail, is a famous snack in Yongzhou area. Use local iron screws. Drinking snails should not be boiled for a long time, and you should be careful when eating.

3, Jiangyong Yaoshan Camellia

National Specialty Snacks Inventory - Yongzhou - DayDayNews

Drinking Camellia is the food custom of Yao people compatriots, in Hunan Jiangyong , Lanshan , Jianghua and Guangxi Gongcheng , Fuchuan and other places are very popular prevail. Jiangyongyaoshan camellia has a long history and unique flavor, and has long enjoyed a high reputation.

4, Qiyang Liangba

National Specialty Snacks Inventory - Yongzhou - DayDayNews

Qiyang Liangba is also called Qingliang Ciba, it tastes sweet and refreshing, refreshing and refreshing. Eating cold cakes in summer has the effect of dispelling summer heat and quenching thirst. It is a famous specialty snack in Qiyang. Use high-quality glutinous rice, grind it into glutinous rice slurry, filter it, steam it in a basket for one or two hours, put it into a stone mortar hammer for half an hour, and then squeeze it into glutinous rice cake . Fill in sesame , peppermint oil , etc., and set the shape. The traditional cold cake has been popular for a long time, and it is an unforgettable snack memory for Qiyang people.

5, Yongzhou rice tofu

National Specialty Snacks Inventory - Yongzhou - DayDayNews

Rice tofu is not only a home-cooked dish in Yongzhou, but also a very popular snack.For example, of of of Maojun Town of of Lanshan County , rice tofu has become a masterpiece of local cuisine, and various restaurants have it for sale. A bowl of fragrant rice tofu expresses the unique nostalgia of Yongzhou people.

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