Zhongshan Diet: Where did my fried rice go?

2021/07/1521:42:10 food 1400
Zhongshan Diet: Where did my fried rice go? - DayDayNews

——Focus on taste buds , cherish life, care for wallet , stay away from landmines

This shop is an old Internet celebrity shop. At that time, it was all propaganda and drainage. Even if you haven't been there, many people have seen its push on the official account, DP, etc. Although the evaluation of by some of the big guys I follow is so-so, I still can't help the temptation of curiosity, and I finally stepped in this door. Zhongshan Diet: Where did my fried rice go? - DayDayNews

Comprehensive score

Taste: 6/10Environment: 4/10

kayangPrivate KitchenEast District Yihua Street Taste in Zhongshan

2 Environment

Although the name is private kitchen, in fact, the products are basically regular. maybe the name of private chef, just because the location of this store is hidden enough .

The restaurant environment is dominated by a pretentious nostalgic style. Why does say that pretends to be ? It is obviously a Thai-Vietnamese restaurant, but it is decorated in the style of a tea restaurant/fast food restaurant. The walls are carefully painted in brick and tile style and gray cement color. The seats are all foldable tables and chairs, which is outrageous. Although the folding stool is the first weapon, we are not the God of Cookery.
Zhongshan Diet: Where did my fried rice go? - DayDayNews

3 Dishes

Charcoal-grilled pork neck

Zhongshan Diet: Where did my fried rice go? - DayDayNews

The roasting temperature is relatively mild, the overall gravy is well preserved, and the elasticity is high.But the corresponding disadvantage of is that the fat is not baked enough and does not penetrate out, and the tendons of the fat net are still there, that is, the kind of chewy that cannot be chewed.

The meat slices are thicker and greasy, and may be uncomfortable for those who are sensitive and averse to fatty pork. seasoning is still good, sweet.

Lemongrass Shrimp

Zhongshan Diet: Where did my fried rice go? - DayDayNews

Lemongrass is available, shrimp is available, but, although it is fried shrimp, in fact, there is a lot of juice to the naked eye, is more like stewed shrimp .

The taste of lemongrass is shallow. Although I look at a lot of lemongrass, it is not enough to fry the fragrance. Zhongshan Diet: Where did my fried rice go? - DayDayNews and shrimp, the number is slightly less, and the blue-tailed white is used instead of big-headed shrimp. If it is ¥30+ for one case, it is just... is a bit free! Come on, who's in charge! The taste of
depends on the taste of the juice. This juice, sweet, is very similar to the taste of Cantonese braised chicken and pork ribs. Although is not unpalatable, this combination is indeed a bit strange.

Tom Yum Kung

Zhongshan Diet: Where did my fried rice go? - DayDayNews

Tom Yum Kung has some spice flavors, but the acidity and hotness are slightly lower and thinner. The soup base has not undergone much improvement, so it may not be suitable for Chinese tastes.

I've been a little bit on Tom Yam Kung recently... I'm tired, so I didn't take a few bites, so I won't comment too much.

Thai tofu

Zhongshan Diet: Where did my fried rice go? - DayDayNews

A snack of fried tofu.
has a slightly hot and sour taste and lemongrass flavor, the sauce is mild, and tasteless tofu is mild. If you want me to say, oil skin tofu still has to be served with chopped pepper to taste good.

4 Postscript

After such a meal, do you think... does not seem to be enough for ? That's right, although the price of a single product is roughly the same as the market price, this weight cannot be complimented.
However, that's not the point. The so-called man is iron rice is steel, as long as you eat, you will be full! If , what about ? yes, no rice. I ordered fried rice with shrimp paste. This thing, I ate up all other dishes, and my stomach was cold, but I didn't get . After urging the order, I didn't get any feedback for 20 minutes. In the end, I can only ask kindly again: If you really don't do it, why don't you retire.
In this case, the answer you get is either "it will be done right away" or "just wait for xx minutes", etc... But I didn't expect that really didn't do it in this kitchen!

Zhongshan Diet: Where did my fried rice go? - DayDayNews

If there are too many orders and it is not my turn, then it will not be a single dish that I did not do; If the kitchen forgot to do it, then there will be no feedback after urging the order. So there is only one truth, the chef was too hungry and accidentally ate .
This... is unreasonable. If there is a lack of materials or something, just tell me directly, and I can change it. Hey, no, it's just for fun, and it's only after the guests ask questions, and then they say they haven't done it. good guy, everything is ready, but I am missing a staple food. Therefore, the meal is withdrawn, but this meal is equal to not eating!

Zhongshan Diet: Where did my fried rice go? - DayDayNews

wrote another one.


If a relative or friend asks which is the best restaurant in Zhongshan, recommends him to take a look at the taste buds ICU~

Zhongshan Diet: Where did my fried rice go? - DayDayNews

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