Food recommendation: Kimchi three yellow chicken, golden fish head with handmade gluten, skillfully fried tomato production method

2021/07/1520:52:48 food 1853

Food recommendation: Kimchi three yellow chicken, golden fish head with handmade gluten, skillfully fried tomato production method - DayDayNews

Kimchi Three Yellow Chicken

Kimchi is combined with white-cut chicken. It has a novel flavor, tender meat, and full of flavor. It is especially popular in summer when served with smoothies.

Kimchi sauce production:

Ingredients: 1500 grams of local chili peppers, 250 grams of bright red millet, 250 grams of minced garlic, 300 grams of apples, 300 grams of pears, 250 grams of sugar, 50 grams of Cantonese rice wine, and appropriate amount of salt.

Production: Soak the local chili peppers with boiling water, soak them until soft, squeeze out the water, add hot millet, apples, pears, and garlic into a blender and puree, add rice wine, salt, and sugar, seal them, and put them in a fresh-keeping refrigerator to ferment for three days Serve with kimchi sauce.

Kimchi chicken production: Clean the three yellow chicken, marinate it in clear soup (similar to the method of braised white cut chicken), remove it and let it cool, cut it in half, immerse it in the kimchi sauce, seal it with plastic wrap and put it in a fresh-keeping refrigerator to marinate for 24 hours. Can.

cooking process: take out half of the chicken and cut it into small pieces (the kimchi sauce on the chicken does not need to be wiped off). Take a large deep bowl, put the smoothie, put the rice dumpling leaves on it, put the chicken nuggets on it and serve.

Technical advice: This red pepper sauce fermented by the Korean kimchi method is mild in spiciness, slightly sour and slightly sweet, with a strong fruit flavor. In addition to being used to marinate white-cut chicken, it is also very suitable for seafood, such as "Kimchi". Conch slices", "Kimchi Dalian Abalone", etc., the effect is very good. Note: Conch needs to be sliced ​​and soaked for 2 hours, while Dalian abalone can be soaked whole, and it will be delicious in half a day.

Food recommendation: Kimchi three yellow chicken, golden fish head with handmade gluten, skillfully fried tomato production method - DayDayNews

Golden fish head with handmade gluten

The head of silver carp is marinated and then fried, poured into pea soup made with peas and chili sauce, and then cooked with homemade gluten, the fish head is crispy on the outside, tender and delicious on the inside The color of the juice is bright red and the flavor of the sauce is strong. The highlight is the homemade gluten, which fully absorbs the taste of the juice in the pea soup, and the gluten is full of flavor. After eating the fish head and gluten, the diners can also use the delicious soup. Rice with sauce.

production process:

1, 1 silver carp head (about 1000 grams) after cleaning, cut into 8 pieces of the same size, add 20 grams of ginger slices, 15 grams of shallots, and 6 grams of salt Mix well, pour in 250 grams of cooking wine and marinate for 5 minutes (the cooking wine can be reused 2 times).

2. Coat the surface of the marinated fish head with a thin layer of starch, put it into the 60% hot oil, fry it for about 15 seconds until the color is golden and the skin is crispy, then remove and drain the oil.

3. Put the fried fish head pieces in the bottom of the pot, put 300 grams of prepared gluten, add 1000 grams of pea soup, turn to low heat after high heat, cover and cook for 5 minutes, sprinkle with pre-steamed Serve with 100 grams of soybeans and 5 grams of fresh fenugreek leaves.

Making pea soup:

1, put 1500 grams of cooked rapeseed oil in the pot and heat it to 70% heat, keep low heat and melt 2000 grams of lard, 500 grams of chicken oil, 150 grams of shallots, and 100 grams of ginger slices and fry until The skin is slightly dry, add white cardamom 425g, 20g cumin, 20g star anise, 15g bay leaf, 410g mountain stalk, 10g dried red peppercorns, fry until fragrant, add minced garlic, 250g minced ginger, 150 grams of onion.

2. Add 650 grams of Pixian red oil bean paste and stir-fry for a few times. Add 3,000 grams of peas and stir-fry until it turns sandy. Add 750 grams of Lameizi chili sauce and stir-fry for 15 seconds. Add 100 grams of fresh red millet hot rings.

3. Pour in 26 catties of broth, boil over high heat and turn to low heat for 20 minutes, add 260 grams of oyster sauce, 160 grams of chicken essence, and 90 grams of sugar, and remove the residue.

Gluten production:

1, 190 grams of golden arowana blended oil, 175 grams of egg white, stir in a bowl, add gluten flour (starch flour, cornstarch , medium gluten flour in a ratio of 1:1:1 and mix well) 500 grams , 100 grams of water, whisk vigorously and put into a piping bag.

2. Boil wide water in a pot, turn off the heat and let it cool to 90°C. Squeeze the gluten paste into hot water to make it shape, then turn on the fire and cook until the gluten strips have risen by 1/3. , add a little salad oil, mix well, spread on a tray and set aside.

Technical key:

1. During the initial processing of the fish head, the fish scales should be scraped off, the gills and clouds of the fish should be cut off, and the black film should be removed. When marinating, a sufficient amount of cooking wine should be poured into the fish head to ensure that the fish head has no fishy smell.

2. During the process of cooking the fish head, use chopsticks to turn it properly to prevent the ingredients from sticking to the pan.

3. When boiling pea soup, pour in the stock and bring it to a boil, and then turn to low heat to prevent the soup from evaporating too quickly, resulting in a salty taste.

4. After the gluten is done, add a little salad oil and mix well to prevent the surface from drying and hardening after contacting the air, and then flatten it into a tray to prevent the gluten from sticking together.

Food recommendation: Kimchi three yellow chicken, golden fish head with handmade gluten, skillfully fried tomato production method - DayDayNews

Fried tomato

This dish cleverly uses the cheese element. The main ingredient is a tomato, which is easy to make, with very low cost and high gross profit. Moreover, the tomatoes are sweet and sour, with the milky aroma of cheese, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, very popular. Women and children are welcome.

production process:

tomatoes are changed into rectangular slices, dipped in a layer of sugar and covered with a small slice of cheese (as shown in the picture below), wrapped in wafer paper into a long square, dragged with egg wash, dipped in a layer of bread crumbs, and put into oil at 170°C Fry for 2 minutes, remove and drain the oil and place on a plate. The key to making


1. Tomatoes should be well-ripened, otherwise the sweet and sour taste will be insufficient.

2, need to use glutinous rice paper to wrap it neatly and tightly, otherwise it will be easily deformed after frying.

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