[Source: Huaian News Network] The cells are welded to the welding strips and formed in series by the bus bars. The robots are then accurately arranged according to the design drawings, and the laminator is used to evacuate and package at high temperatures... Recently, in Jiangsu

2024/07/0116:59:33 finance 1686

[Source: Huaian News Network]

Weld the battery slices to the welding strips, and form them in series with bus bars . The robots are then accurately arranged according to the design drawing size, and the laminator high temperature vacuums and is packaged... … Recently, on the production line of Jiangsu Xinyuan Solar Technology Co., Ltd., 15 newly added intelligent welding robots skillfully performed the above operations, and the processing efficiency increased by about 30%.

"The company carries out technological transformation and production line upgrades every year, and also attaches great importance to breakthroughs in new technologies and new processes. After the 'intelligent hot spot-free component' developed by it was put on the market, the supply was once in short supply, and orders are now scheduled until the end of the year." New Chen Shouhui, Vice President of Yuan Solar, is well aware of the potential of technological innovation for corporate development.

[Source: Huaian News Network] The cells are welded to the welding strips and formed in series by the bus bars. The robots are then accurately arranged according to the design drawings, and the laminator is used to evacuate and package at high temperatures... Recently, in Jiangsu  - DayDayNews

Innovation breeds change, and innovation leads action. This year, the Ministry of Science and Technology issued the "Notice on Supporting a New Batch of Cities in the Construction of Innovative Cities" to support 25 cities across the country in the construction of innovative cities, and Huai'an was among them. The successful approval to build a national innovative city not only fully affirms Huai'an's comprehensive capabilities in scientific and technological innovation, but also points out the direction and path for Huai'an's urban transformation and innovation-driven development.

The "oxygen delivery" policy establishes a fertile ground for innovation.

Peng Hualong's R&D team of Jiangsu Qixiang High-tech Materials Co., Ltd. breaks technical barriers and overcomes the "Devil's Triangle" problem in tire manufacturing. It develops green high-end rubber additives and has developed more than 20 new products. technology, with more than 50 core technology authorized patents. Over the years, with the help and support of relevant departments in Huai'an, Jiangsu Qixiang has caught up in the industry and achieved a breakthrough in economic benefits from "tens of millions" to "hundred million". The company has developed into a national high-tech enterprise and Jiangsu Province's " "Little Giant" enterprise has created provincial-level R&D platforms such as "Jiangsu Provincial Engineering Research Center" and provincial-level talent platforms such as "Science and Technology Service Station". Peng Hualong himself was rated as "Innovation Talent for the Promotion Plan of the Ministry of Science and Technology".

[Source: Huaian News Network] The cells are welded to the welding strips and formed in series by the bus bars. The robots are then accurately arranged according to the design drawings, and the laminator is used to evacuate and package at high temperatures... Recently, in Jiangsu  - DayDayNews

Technological innovation is the "source power" of enterprise development. This year, Huai'an has formulated and issued policy documents such as the "2022 Work Plan for Cultivation of High-tech Enterprises to Make Breakthroughs", "The City's Work Plan for Enterprises' R&D Investment to Make Breakthroughs", and "The City's 2022 Work Plan for Breakthroughs in Technology Investment Promotion" to gather high-quality scientific and technological resources into leading industries. Efforts should be made to guide enterprises to play a leading role and show their talents in scientific and technological innovation. In order to enable enterprises to fully understand relevant policies, Huai'an organizes all-round publicity and training activities, and holds a series of activities such as innovation policy conferences, high-tech enterprise application training sessions, and R&D investment statistical briefing sessions, so as to make enterprise-related policies well-known and fully stimulate enterprise innovation. Enthusiasm promotes enterprises to increase investment in R&D, introduce high-level scientific and technological talents, deepen industry-university-research cooperation, and continue to tackle key problems around key core technologies in the industry. At the same time, we will increase efforts to transform scientific and technological achievements, promote the transformation and upgrading of enterprises, expand industrial scale, and enhance core competitiveness.

"Intelligent digital transformation" empowers industrial upgrading

In the production workshop of Jiangsu Stadler Elevator Co., Ltd., the machines roared, but there were basically no operating workers in sight. In 2020, Stadler Elevator invested in a new intelligent production base, upgraded production equipment, and automated the entire production process; in 2021, it cooperated with Jiangsu Telecom to build a "5G + Industrial Internet" benchmark factory project. Through a series of intelligent transformations, the company's production efficiency has increased 15 times compared with before the transformation, product accuracy has increased to within 0.1 mm, and the yield rate has increased to 99.8%. The company has been awarded provincial-level demonstration smart workshops and smart factories.

[Source: Huaian News Network] The cells are welded to the welding strips and formed in series by the bus bars. The robots are then accurately arranged according to the design drawings, and the laminator is used to evacuate and package at high temperatures... Recently, in Jiangsu  - DayDayNews

Huaian actively seizes the opportunities for the integration of new generation information technology and manufacturing industry, innovatively promotes the intelligent transformation of manufacturing industry and digital transformation , and makes efforts in policy, service, cultivation and other aspects to accelerate the "intelligent transformation to digital transformation" benchmarking demonstration system Construction, empowering the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry with digital technology. The city has issued the "Three-year Action Plan for Intelligent Transformation and Digital Transformation of Huaian's Manufacturing Industry (2022-2024)". In the next three years, the city will implement three major projects: "intelligent transformation to digital transformation" application upgrade, infrastructure guarantee, and supporting industry cultivation, to continuously improve the application level, basic support level and independent supply level of "intelligent transformation to digital transformation" in Huaian's manufacturing industry.

Industry-university-research cooperation accumulates "intelligent fire"

html On the afternoon of July 8, Huai'an Economic and Technological Development Zone "Government-school-enterprise" working alliance founding meeting and cooperation signing ceremony were successfully held. With the theme of "Deep Integration Promotes Win-win, Collaboration and Stable Development", this conference aims to promote in-depth cooperation between "government, school and enterprise" and improve the level of tripartite collaboration.

"As a local enterprise grown in Huai'an, with the help and care of government departments such as Huai'an Economic Development Zone and Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, it has been able to carry out extensive cooperation with local universities such as Huaiyin Institute of Technology and Huaiyin Normal University ." Zhang Dabing, chairman of Jiangsu Hanbang Technology Co., Ltd., said that on the one hand, the establishment of joint laboratories and the signing of multiple industry-university-research and horizontal cooperation agreements have produced a series of fruitful results; on the other hand, Huaiyin Institute of Technology and Huaiyin Normal University Such universities have provided a large number of talents to the company, and now they have grown into the backbone of the company in various fields, making great contributions to the company's development.

[Source: Huaian News Network] The cells are welded to the welding strips and formed in series by the bus bars. The robots are then accurately arranged according to the design drawings, and the laminator is used to evacuate and package at high temperatures... Recently, in Jiangsu  - DayDayNews

In the important opportunity period when multiple national strategies such as Yangtze River Delta Integration and Huaihe Ecological Economic Zone are overlapping and regional conditions are significantly improved, Huai'an continues to promote the reform of the scientific and technological system, continues to optimize the construction of the technology transfer system, and deepens the "one core, one The "1135" innovation map of "Three Districts and Five Bases" has been created, and the "20 Points for Concentrated Innovation", "20 Points for Scientific Reform" and "16 Points for Innovation" have been successively introduced to encourage and support enterprises to carry out joint research and joint construction with universities and colleges inside and outside the province. There are various forms of cooperation such as school-enterprise laboratories and joint training of talents. Up to now, the city has established 921 school-enterprise alliances, and 514 experts have been selected from universities and colleges inside and outside the province to serve as vice presidents of corporate science and technology, promoting the continuous development of industry-university-research cooperation in an in-depth direction. The reason behind the

innovation drive being oriented is Huai'an's continuous enhancement of its scientific and technological innovation capabilities in recent years. Next, Huai'an will focus on the implementation of the national innovative city creation implementation plan, continue to deepen the reform of science and technology systems and mechanisms, promote the high-end and digital transformation of traditional industries, promote the widespread application of scientific and technological achievements in education, medical and other fields, and strive to become a science and technology center in 2022. 2,200 small and medium-sized enterprises have been evaluated and entered into the database, 230 are newly recognized as high-tech enterprises, the company has invested more than 9 billion yuan in R&D, 330 new enterprises above the municipal level, and 8 provincial engineering technology research centers have been added, and the effect of scientific and technological assistance to enterprises has been significant. promote.

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