Since the first company settled in Putuo in 2015, to date, Shanghai Yanli Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Yanli Bio") has incubated 7 companies in Putuo, covering the upstream, midstream and downstream of the life and health industry chain. The total producti

2024/07/0306:27:33 finance 1092
Since the first company settled in Putuo in 2015, to date, Shanghai Yanli Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as

The first company settled in Putuo in 2015. So far, Shanghai Yanli Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Yanli Bio") has incubated 7 companies in Putuo, covering the upper and middle parts of the life and health industry chain. , downstream, the total production and tax level exceeds 100 million yuan.

"'People are reliable (Pu), things are done well (Tuo)' is not a slogan here, but a personal experience over the years. We have been in Putuo these years and have deep feelings for Putuo." Chairman of Yanli Biotechnology Yang Hua said.

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Confidence in "universal" development

In 2015, Yanli Biotech settled in Putuo. Yang Hua, who had just started his own business at that time, chose Putuo because of his feelings for his alma mater, East China Normal University . "My alma mater is in Putuo, and I am very familiar with the environment here." Yang Hua recalled that he stayed here for seven years. During these seven years, his relationship with Putuo became increasingly close, and the company's business here became bigger and bigger.

Yanjin Biotechnology is a high-tech enterprise with long-term diversified roots in the fields of innovative drug research and development, gene testing , stem cells , immune cell storage, medical institution construction, health management, health care and other fields. With the growth of corporate R&D teams and business expansion, new companies have been hatched in Putuo. "Yanli Pharmaceutical is a new biopharmaceutical R&D platform we established in the China-Israel (Shanghai) Innovation Park in 2020." Yang Hua said that more than half of the R&D team are Israeli experts, and the first choice for settling in Putuo China-Israel (Shanghai) Innovation Park. “One after another, companies have incubated 7 companies in Putuo, covering traditional Chinese medicinal raw materials, biomedicine research and development platforms, cell drug research and development, health care hospitals and other businesses, opening up a whole industry of company-related businesses. chain.”

Since the first company settled in Putuo in 2015, to date, Shanghai Yanli Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as

Appearance renderings of Yanli Life and Health Industrial Park

From “falling one” to “leading a string”, the extension and expansion of Yanli’s biological industry chain is inseparable from the development confidence rooted in Putuo. “In Putuo over the years, I have personally experienced the concern of government departments at all levels for our development, which makes companies feel at ease and comfortable to develop here.” Yang Hua said, “After learning that we urgently need a larger office space, With 1,000 employees, it only took Taopu Town staff three or four days to help us implement nearly 4,000 square meters of office space, so that our staff who work in multiple locations can gather together for such services. The speed makes me feel reliable!”

Build a landmark life and health industrial park in Putuo

In October 2021, Yanli Biotech invested 400 million yuan in the “Yanli Life and Health Industrial Park” project in Taopu Town, Putuo District. , will build a cell storage, preparation, expansion, and research and development base in East China here, providing a public and open laboratory platform for the cultivation of key life and health industries in Putuo District.

"We empathize with Putuo's service spirit and recognize Putuo's business environment. That's why we, together with our parent company Zhongyuan Xiehe , invested in a new life and health industry project in Putuo." Yang Hua said. , in the future, a stem cell base serving East China will be built on Jinmai Road, Taopu Town. According to the plan, the podium building of the project will be equipped with a stem cell research and development center and a public experimental development platform. The main building will cooperate with Pacific Insurance to establish a tertiary rehabilitation hospital, forming an integrated platform integrating drug research and development, precision treatment, and rehabilitation hospitals.

Since the first company settled in Putuo in 2015, to date, Shanghai Yanli Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as

Rendering of public experimental development platform

Since the first company settled in Putuo in 2015, to date, Shanghai Yanli Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as

Rendering of stem cell research and development center

In order to ensure the development of this project, several parties in Putuo District have collaborated to provide heart-warming services to enterprises. The District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau applies for subsidies for foreign employees of enterprises, the District Science and Technology Commission creates supporting policies for public laboratories for enterprises, and Taopu Town coordinates and connects multiple talent apartments for enterprises to solve employee accommodation problems, etc. The project is expected to be officially completed by the end of 2023.

According to reports, during the epidemic, companies also took the initiative to donate more than 30,000 doses of new coronavirus interferon and other protective materials. "We have been rooted in Putuo for many years. During the epidemic, we are very happy to do our part to support the region." Yang Hua said.

reporter: Ding Wanxing

editor: Wu Xingting

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