Dear guests: Good morning everyone! I am very happy to hold the "2022 China Industrial Blockchain Conference" in Nanjing. On behalf of the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing, I would like to welcome everyone and thank all sectors of society for their support of China In

2024/07/0101:42:32 finance 1253
Dear guests: Good morning everyone! I am very happy to hold the Dear guests: Good morning everyone! I am very happy to hold the

Dear guests:

Good morning everyone! I am very happy to hold the "2022 China Industrial Blockchain Conference" in Nanjing. On behalf of the China Logistics and Purchasing Federation, I would like to welcome everyone, and thank all sectors of society for their support of China Internet of Things! During this special period, all guests are asked to take precautions and take care of themselves!

blockchain technology , as an important underlying supporting technology in the digital economy era, plays an important role in promoting digital industrialization and improving the digital economic governance system. The central and local governments are also constantly proposing various policies to support the development and application of blockchain technology. The market size of industrial blockchain has continued to grow over the past year. The "China Industrial Blockchain Development Report (2022)" compiled by the China Blockchain Branch shows that throughout 2021, the number of blockchain companies increased by 42,000, accounting for 42.7% of the total number. Industrial Blockchain in 2021 The overall market size is 231.79 billion yuan, an increase of 58.35% compared with 2020.

At present, while the industrial blockchain is developing rapidly, it also needs to be further improved in terms of social cognition, top-level design, technological development, application requirements, security and reliability. I would like to take this opportunity to share some insights and suggestions on how to better apply industrial blockchain technology based on the business of China Internet of Things for your reference.

First, blockchain technology involves many professional fields and requires experts from multiple industries to participate in cooperative innovation to accelerate the improvement of the original innovation capabilities of the blockchain. should rely on universities to build industrial blockchain talent training mechanisms, rely on enterprises to establish blockchain open source communities and development alliances, rely on industry associations to establish industry application cases and demonstration transformation bases, actively carry out industry-university-research cooperation, and cultivate the development of industrial blockchain. ecology.

Second, accelerate the construction and evaluation certification of the blockchain standard system. standardizes the blockchain product market and promotes technology implementation and industrial development more efficiently.

Third, actively explore the application scenarios of blockchain in the real economy. accelerates the application of blockchain technology in logistics and supply chain, government affairs, finance, industrial manufacturing and other industries. Promote the large-scale commercial application of blockchain + real economy solutions. The Blockchain Application Branch of our association has done a lot of work in case collection and promotion. We also hope that our member units and industry colleagues can continue to innovate and actively report excellent cases, so as to promote excellent experience and promote industry progress.

Fourth, accelerate the training of blockchain talents. promotes and supports the establishment of blockchain-related courses in key domestic universities and attaches great importance to the professionalism of teachers and the effectiveness of course development and training directions. Encourage cooperation between enterprises, universities, and industry associations to carry out relevant industry-education integration, and build a multi-level industrial blockchain talent training system. The block chain application branch should also actively build a platform for talent training, so that more people who understand the industry can understand blockchain technology, and more blockchain technology practitioners can go deep into industrial practice.

Fifth, promote the legal and compliance development of blockchain. grasps the relationship between innovation and compliance. On the one hand, the development of industrial blockchain must abide by relevant national regulations and truly and effectively promote the deep integration of blockchain technology and industry; on the other hand, as an important foundation for the future digital economy, it must be allowed to be piloted and tested at appropriate times. Try some new breakthroughs in regions and appropriate fields.

Finally, I wish this conference to go smoothly! thank you all!

Source: China Internet of Things

Editor-in-Chief: Xiao Li Fat Pig

Review: Xixi Producer: Tingyu

Dear guests: Good morning everyone! I am very happy to hold the

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Dear guests: Good morning everyone! I am very happy to hold the


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