Dear old friend, you are here, I am the principal of Wenguang: When you are starting a business, do you feel that you don’t know which project is suitable for you? Just have an idea but don’t know how to implement it? Wondering how to find the precise niche for your project? Want

2024/07/0217:33:33 finance 1321

Dear old friend, you are here, I am the principal of Wenguang:

When you were starting a business, did you feel that you didn’t know which project was suitable for you?

I only have an idea, but I don’t know how to implement it?

Want to know how to find the precise positioning of your project?

Want to find the core competitiveness of your project?

Then, today’s article is specially prepared for you! ! !

Because today I’m going to teach you how to lay out your project accurately!

shared with you the previous article: How to start a business by learning Sun Tzu’s Art of War so that you can win every battle?

teaches you today how to use Sun Tzu’s Art of War to start a business!

The core of Sun Tzu's Art of War is the strategy chapter. The outline of this article is about the Twelve Strategies, Seven Strategies, and Five Virtues.

Today we are going to talk about the core of the Twelve Tricks: Soldiers are also tricks.

How do you understand it? It means that fighting with troops is a kind of strategy, not the courage of an ordinary man.

In today’s Red Sea market, there are false and false, false and true, and the competition pressure is huge.

should be consistent and win with surprise!

I will focus on sharing three essences with you today:

First: enter the industry situation

When starting a business, there are three situations: 1. Camouflage offensive, 2. Seducing the enemy, 3. Preventing the enemy

1, Camouflage offensive

Follow When we start a company, which market are we going to attack?

If your strength foundation is not very good, for example, you don’t have many connections or much funds.

At the beginning, your strategic play style is to be low-key. You have to enter unknowingly and the situation cannot be too high.

We must lay a good foundation and not act in a high-profile manner. At the same time, we must prevent our opponents from attacking. Only when we have the strength can we attack high.

2, tempting the enemy

If you are in the capital market and have enough funds and artillery, then you are welcome and just use the money-burning model to create a leading industry trend.

3. Prevent enemy forces

Find your own superior capabilities and resources, and use the tactics that best suit you.

Only by focusing on subdivided fields can you build your own core competitiveness by choosing the project that best suits your mind!

Second: Industry survival rules

That is, how should we survive in the market?

Unless the entrepreneur has a strong background and funds, I suggest you listen carefully to the following three methods:

(1) Disguise your strength

If you are targeting a niche market, I suggest you develop well and make a fortune quietly! For many small bosses, their lives are better than those of big bosses.

(2) Avoid the sharp edges

When doing strategic positioning and user positioning, you should pay attention to this.

If your users have been monopolized by large companies, you should avoid large companies.

Luo Yonghao is not not powerful, the competitors are all kings and giants!

Therefore, it is important to choose to avoid its sharp edges and find the right track!

Doesn’t the small company have no chance? I'll tell you next.

(3) Attack the enemy unprepared and take them by surprise.

To compete with large companies, it is better to create different customer groups yourself and differentiate yourself from large companies.

Only in this way can you find your company's unique advantages, find refined user positioning that suits your company, and avoid direct competition with large companies, which is the blue ocean strategy.

must develop its own unique products or exclusive technologies or exclusive patents so that competitors cannot imitate and compete.

Third: Integrating with the market track

is to follow the trend and carry out complex and changeable marketing and products.

should always pay attention to user needs and market changes, and use it for innovation and research and development to ensure that it is not eliminated by the market and competitors. The only way to keep pace with the times is to keep pace with the times!

Remember one sentence: You don’t create the times, it’s the times that create you.

Author: Li Wenguang | Founder of Li and Li Consulting

Founder of Chinese Academy of Mind and Thought

Listing platform column tutor

Enterprise top business model consultant

National dual certification Senior psychological counselor

China Academy of Management Sciences Senior lecturer of traditional culture

Dear old friend, you are here, I am the principal of Wenguang: When you are starting a business, do you feel that you don’t know which project is suitable for you? Just have an idea but don’t know how to implement it? Wondering how to find the precise niche for your project? Want - DayDayNews

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