News from this newspaper (Reporter Li Jia) Yesterday, the "2022 Beijing Consumption Season·Night Beijing" event was launched at the international style waterfront of Liangma River. On the premise of epidemic prevention and control, we have cooperated with more than 20 key busines

2024/07/0104:44:33 finance 1619
News from this newspaper (Reporter Li Jia) Yesterday, the

News from this newspaper (Reporter Li Jia) Yesterday, the "2022 Beijing Consumer Season·Night Beijing" event was launched at the international style waterfront of Liangma River. On the premise of epidemic prevention and control, we have cooperated with more than 20 key business districts and nearly 10,000 brand merchants in the city to launch Beijing Night Show·Night Shopping, Beijing Night You Material·Night Taste, Beijing Night Fun·Night Entertainment, Beijing Night You There are five major activities: Dong·Night Movement, Jingye Youfan·Night Shopping, and the activities will last until November.

On the day of

, the Beijing International Consumption Center City Leading Group Office released the night economy 3.0 version policy. The policies and activities are driven by two wheels, highlighting the "Beijing style", "fashion trend", "cultural core" and "technological core" to create an inclusive, diverse, and The “Night Capital City” with integrated business formats, appropriate activity and quietness, safety and convenience can better meet the people’s high-quality and multi-level nighttime consumption needs.

Night Economy Version 3.0 Policy states that in order to promote the development of the city's night economy and better meet the people's high-quality, multi-level nighttime consumption needs, we will focus on creating 10 "Night Capital" characteristic consumption landmarks and 30 integrated Consumption check-in areas, 40 high-quality consumer life circles, 5 to 10 city-wide night tour boutique routes, cultivate 10 municipal-level "late night canteen" special nighttime landmarks and scenes such as dining blocks, further optimize the night travel traffic guarantee mechanism, and increase Night-time consumption supply, accelerate the boosting of night-time consumption, further promote the prosperity and development of the night-time economy, adhere to the main idea of ​​​​centering on departmental linkage and urban coordination, and accelerate the presentation of a "Night City" that is inclusive and diverse, integrated with business formats, suitable for movement and quiet, safe and convenient.

Last night, the international style waterfront of Liangma River in Chaoyang District opened a new night tour experience. At Lufthansa Pier, a number of cruise ships of different styles ready to go made their collective debut for the first time. Visitors can not only enjoy the projection show, but also enjoy the international style waterfront. During the

event, Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce will also organize various commercial complexes and characteristic streets to carry out five series of activities such as night appreciation, night taste, night entertainment, night activities, and night shopping in order to seize the prime time for night consumption and cultivate nighttime consumption. New driving forces for consumption create new supply at night and open a new chapter of richer, more novel and better nighttime consumption for consumers. Photography/Reporter Fu Ding


Highlighting the "Beijing Style" and "Fashion Trend" Night Economy 3.0 Policy Release

In order to further stimulate consumer demand and encourage the development of the night economy, yesterday, the Beijing International Consumption Center City Leading Group Office released the "Beijing Municipal Government" "Several Measures to Promote the Prosperity and Development of the Nighttime Economy" (i.e., "Nighttime Economy Version 3.0 Policy"). It is reported that the 9 specific measures focus on "Beijing style", "fashion trend", "cultural core" and "technological core".

First, benchmark against international standards and create a city card of "Night Capital". Create about 10 "Night Capital City" characteristic consumption landmarks with domestic and international influence, about 30 "Night Capital City" integrated consumption check-in spots with significant vitality for night consumption, and about 40 "Night Capital City" quality consumption sites with regional support Life circle, providing operating entities with listing support.

The second is to combine dynamic and static activities to upgrade the “cultural core” of nighttime consumption in the capital. Extend the nighttime opening hours of theaters, theatres, museums, libraries, cultural centers, bookstores and other major entities. Launch night performances with brand effect , and create "cultural IP" with special themes such as night exhibitions, night readings, and "Museum Wonderful Night" to meet the needs of night cultural consumption.

The third is to use technology and art to enrich new nighttime entertainment and shopping experience scenarios. Promote the construction of smart supporting facilities such as urban streetscape decoration, night signs, landscape sketches, lighting facilities, and leisure facilities. Support the "Night Capital" landmarks, check-in areas, and living areas to create a national-level night culture and tourism consumption gathering area, and create a dynamic and fashionable "trendy play base." One-time financial support will be provided for the transformation and upgrading or digital construction of commercial entities. A maximum of 5 million yuan in financial support will be provided for a single project of commercial entity transformation and upgrading, and a maximum of 2 million yuan will be provided for a single project of commercial entity digital construction.

The fourth is to integrate cultural tourism and business entities to expand distinctive nighttime diversified consumption. Develop special tourism projects such as night tours on the Grand Canal and Liangma River at night, and create 5 to 10 high-quality night tour routes in the city. Implement financial subsidy policies for new sports venues that meet the conditions.Support market entities to carry out nighttime special activities around the theme of the Beijing Consumption Season "Night Beijing" event, and provide financial support to applying enterprises that comply with the Beijing Consumption Season support policy. Support domestic and foreign brands to hold new product launches and first exhibition events in landmarks, check-in places, and living areas of "Night Capital City", and provide financial support of up to 2 million yuan to operating entities to create a "Night Capital City" launch center.

The fifth is to cultivate characteristic business districts and activate the "pyrotechnics" of urban nighttime consumption. 10 newly cultivated municipal-level "late night canteen" specialty dining blocks. According to seasonal characteristics, high-quality nighttime special consumption areas are set up, and nighttime special business activities such as nightclub cultural experiences, intangible cultural heritage night markets, and exploring Beijing are carried out.

The sixth is to highlight the "fifteen-minute" convenience and improve the convenience of quality nightlife. Accelerate the construction of a quarter-minute convenient service circle in the city and stimulate community business vitality. Convenience stores, pharmacies, etc. are encouraged to extend their business hours as appropriate, and can operate 24 hours a day if conditions permit.

The seventh is to launch unique and exquisite rural routes to prosper and activate the holiday and night economy in the suburbs of Beijing. Deeply explore the traditional culture and rural customs of Beijing suburbs, launch a number of Beijing suburban travel routes, create a number of rural homestays and towns, and improve the city's rural tourism reception capacity and service level.

Eighth is to strengthen the application of big data analysis and optimize the traffic guarantee mechanism for night travel. Based on Beijing’s climate characteristics, we will strengthen nighttime travel data analysis and establish a long-term mechanism for rail transit delayed operation. We will do a good job in signal timing for "Night Beijing" characteristic landmarks, check-in areas, and areas around the living area, promote the integration of parking space data into the digital travel platform, and improve the nighttime parking environment and order.

Ninth, we must adhere to inclusive and prudent supervision to ensure the safe and orderly operation of the night economy. Continuously innovate supervision methods, formulate prevention and control plans to ensure social security at night, adjust and strengthen night patrol police force in a targeted manner, and improve safety and security levels. Encourage streets, communities and related business entities where "Night Capital" landmarks, check-in areas and living areas are located to establish regional nighttime economic development alliances to guide merchants and surrounding residents to jointly carry out self-discipline management and build a harmonious environment. Text/Reporter Li Jia

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