In order to fully help enterprises affected by the epidemic overcome difficulties, resume development, and boost confidence, Gumei Road Street promptly cashed in support funds, accelerated the implementation of relevant measures to benefit enterprises such as tax cuts and fee red

2024/07/0306:26:32 finance 1487

In order to fully help enterprises affected by the epidemic overcome difficulties, resume development, and boost confidence, Gumei Road Street promptly cashed in support funds, accelerated the implementation of relevant measures to benefit enterprises such as tax cuts and fee reductions, and strived to optimize the business environment. Comprehensively improve corporate services. Up to now, Gumei Road Street has supported a total of 405 enterprises, with a support amount of 25.654 million yuan.

Targeted assistance

Helps enterprises out of difficulties

During the epidemic, all store merchants and catering customers of the Xingbao Shopping Center on Gumei Road were closed, and sales dropped sharply. Its owner, Shanghai Baoting Real Estate Co., Ltd., faced many difficulties.

"After we submitted the application, the support fund of 340,000 yuan was like a 'timely rain', which solved our capital operation problem in time. We used this part of the support fund for rent subsidies for merchants on the one hand, and for grassroots employees on the other. Salary subsidies were paid. In addition, some epidemic prevention facilities and equipment were purchased,” said Jin Hui, general manager of Shanghai Baoting Real Estate Co., Ltd., saying that thanks to the government’s support and help, the company has been able to survive even in the most difficult times. No layoffs.

In order to fully help enterprises affected by the epidemic overcome difficulties, resume development, and boost confidence, Gumei Road Street promptly cashed in support funds, accelerated the implementation of relevant measures to benefit enterprises such as tax cuts and fee red - DayDayNews

Shanghai Yongbao Chemical Trading Co., Ltd. is a chemical plastic raw material sales company. During the epidemic, we faced difficulties such as warehouse express stagnation, partial shutdown of suppliers and customers, inventory backlog, falling sales, and difficulty in collecting sales. At the same time, we had to bear various operating costs and labor costs. This was very important for a startup company. All are severe tests. After

fully resumed production, Shanghai Yongbao Chemical Trading Co., Ltd. received a support fund of about 180,000 yuan with the help of the street business office, which solved part of the company's capital operation problems and allowed the company's entrepreneurs to regain confidence. After

received the support funds, companies sent letters of thanks one after another. The letter expressed gratitude to the government for providing help in times of need, and said it would boost the spirit and accelerate the economy back to the track of development.

In order to fully help enterprises affected by the epidemic overcome difficulties, resume development, and boost confidence, Gumei Road Street promptly cashed in support funds, accelerated the implementation of relevant measures to benefit enterprises such as tax cuts and fee red - DayDayNewsIn order to fully help enterprises affected by the epidemic overcome difficulties, resume development, and boost confidence, Gumei Road Street promptly cashed in support funds, accelerated the implementation of relevant measures to benefit enterprises such as tax cuts and fee red - DayDayNews

Simplified process

Efficient cashing of support funds

In order to ensure that enterprise support funds are implemented as soon as possible and solve the actual difficulties of enterprises, on the premise of policy compliance, Gumei Road Subdistrict optimized and simplified the cashing method, and established a working group to jointly review and speed up the cashing operation. process.

According to reports, the tax refund process for enterprise support is relatively complicated, including determining the list of supported enterprises, calculating the support amount, making a document with the smart investment management system, notifying the enterprise on the "Minqitong" platform to confirm the support amount, filling out the support application form, and submitting online materials. Approval, submitting offline materials, preparing materials for meetings, etc.

In order to fully help enterprises affected by the epidemic overcome difficulties, resume development, and boost confidence, Gumei Road Street promptly cashed in support funds, accelerated the implementation of relevant measures to benefit enterprises such as tax cuts and fee red - DayDayNews

In order to shorten the cashing cycle of support funds as much as possible and help funds be released to enterprises as soon as possible, street workers often work overtime and complete the entire process in only half the usual time. The efficient realization of support funds provides enterprises with "timely relief" to help them overcome difficulties, and enhances their confidence in development and their sense of policy success.

Reporter: Su Mingshan

Contributor: Gumei Road Street

Editor: Su Mingshan

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