In the midsummer of July, North Lake is covered with beauty. On July 12, the Changchun Beihu Science and Technology Development Zone Investment Promotion Conference "Moving Beihu to Lead the Future" was held at the Xipai Tangsong Sales Center. It comprehensively promoted Beihu Sc

2024/06/2923:17:33 finance 1616

In the midsummer of July, North Lake is covered with beauty. On July 12, the Changchun Beihu Science and Technology Development Zone Investment Promotion Conference

In the midsummer of July, Beihu is covered with beauty. On July 12, the Changchun Beihu Science and Technology Development Zone Investment Promotion Conference "Moving Beihu to Lead the Future" was held at the Xipai Tangsong Sales Center. It comprehensively promoted Beihu Science and Technology Development Zone commerce, culture and tourism and other life service industries, and introduced Beihu The business situation at the base of the Science and Technology Development Zone has attracted various service companies to invest and start business in Beihu. This is a platform for governments and enterprises to discuss good cooperation strategies and development plans. More than 50 entrepreneurs gathered in Beihu Science and Technology Development Zone to talk about friendship, collide ideas, and work together for development.

“I am honored to participate in this investment promotion conference. Beihu Development Zone is very vigorous in attracting investment. I believe that everyone will seize the development advantages of cultural tourism industry in Beihu Development Zone and find opportunities in this land with great development potential. "The entrepreneurs who were invited to the symposium were very optimistic about Beihu's development opportunities and could not hide their excitement.

In the venue where many distinguished guests gathered, the unique ecological environment, long-term strategic thinking and first-class business environment of Beihu Science and Technology Development Zone conveyed this message to everyone: It is the right time to invest in Beihu!

In the midsummer of July, North Lake is covered with beauty. On July 12, the Changchun Beihu Science and Technology Development Zone Investment Promotion Conference

Changchun Beihu Science and Technology Development Song Gang, Secretary of the District Party Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee, said in his speech that Beihu Science and Technology Development Zone is an important part of Changchun New District and has been "leading the way" in the development of the new district. This event is to make Important entrepreneurs in the life service industry of Changchun City understand Beihu Science and Technology Development Zone and Beihu Science and Technology Development Zone, and recommend the rich resources and high-quality conditions of Beihu Science and Technology Development Zone to entrepreneurs in the city. At the same time, Beihu Science and Technology Development Zone is actively promoting the development of regional commerce and trade, boosting development confidence, creating more investment and entrepreneurial opportunities, further gathering popularity, and promoting regional commerce and trade to be more prosperous and urban.

In the midsummer of July, North Lake is covered with beauty. On July 12, the Changchun Beihu Science and Technology Development Zone Investment Promotion Conference

In recent years, Beihu Science and Technology Development Zone has been unique and full of vitality in terms of ecological creation, environmental facilities, and humanistic atmosphere. It is surrounded by Beihu Park city business card, and has comprehensively created a green, natural and healthy living circle; it has built high-quality municipal facilities and comprehensively It has created a well-connected and exquisite garden metropolitan area; gathered high-quality education and medical resources to comprehensively create a high-end education and medical service circle; leveraged the development advantages of industry-city integration construction to comprehensively create a scientific and technological talent gathering circle. In the future, Beihu Science and Technology Development Zone will focus on building four major characteristic business districts to further meet the needs of regional business development. That is, combining the cultural and tourism resources of Beihu Park, expanding cross-regional attraction, and striving to create a characteristic cultural and tourism business district; relying on Beihu Business Center, Wuyue Plaza and other commercial buildings will develop high-quality business formats and create a high-end service consumption business district; combine Changchun Olympic Park resources to develop the sports surrounding economy and strive to create a characteristic sports business district; combine Changchun University of Technology and the under construction Changchun Normal University resources develop the university town economy and strive to build the university town business district. Through the creation of four major business districts, the development level of Beihu's business, trade, culture and tourism will be comprehensively improved, the cross-regional consumption attraction will be enhanced, and entrepreneurs will be attracted to invest and start businesses in Beihu.

Subsequently, Xixi Group and China Railway Construction Xipai Tang Song respectively conducted promotions and promotional video demonstrations, introducing in detail the development status of the two enterprises and their recommended business layout. At the same time, all parties participating in the meeting also conducted free exchanges and We visited the Changchun Beihu National Wetland Park together.

In the midsummer of July, North Lake is covered with beauty. On July 12, the Changchun Beihu Science and Technology Development Zone Investment Promotion Conference

This event will further activate the investment atmosphere in the commercial, cultural and tourism industry in Beihu Science and Technology Development Zone, attract more life service companies to pay attention to and invest in Beihu Science and Technology Development Zone, further enrich commercial formats, make up for shortcomings, and stimulate the region The in-depth and three-dimensional development of commerce will promote Beihu to further gather business popularity and provide strong support for the development of regional commerce, cultural tourism industry.

Those who strive hard work day and night, and those who do hard work have a sonorous pace. Changchun Beihu Science and Technology Development Zone will make every effort to promote the "magnetic attraction" effect of industrial concentration and upgrading of talents, assist economic development with technological innovation, and accelerate the release of industrial "welfare" that helps enterprises and the people. Beihu Science and Technology Development Zone is good now and will be even better in the future. It is the right time to move into Beihu Science and Technology Development Zone.

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