Friday, July 15, 2022 I don’t know if you have heard of the term sunny before. I didn’t check the information. It should not be a new term. In fact, we often use “trust leverage”. We engineers often use it to deal with a matter and need to find a stranger with resources to help.

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Friday, July 15, 2022 Qing I don’t know if you have heard of the term

before. I didn’t check the information. It should not be a new term. In fact, we often use “trust leverage” .

We engineers often use it. To deal with a matter, we need to find a stranger with resources to help. At this time, if we go to him directly, it is impossible to get the thing done.

We usually find an intermediary that he trusts, and use this stranger with resources to trust the intermediary to assist us and achieve our goals.

This behavior is actually a kind of "trust leverage" .

uses the fulcrum of the middleman to leverage the other party's resources to achieve our goals.

On today's mobile Internet, many platforms have also borrowed "trust leverage". Nowadays, many aggregation platforms and intermediate traffic platforms use the fulcrum of the intermediate platform to leverage the traffic resources of the consumer market, and ultimately achieve their own goals.

Our personal marketing model, how to use "trust lever" to leverage unfamiliar resources to create value for us.

If you master this, at least you will not be eliminated by the market, and the income you earn through mobile phones will at least exceed your current salary income. How to use


First find your industry benchmark, that is, the first, second, and third place in your industry, then study his process, copy his process, and cooperate with him.

If you want to become an industry leader, you must either cooperate with the boss, integrate the boss to work for you, or copy the boss's process.

So what do we noobs do?

Use "trust leverage" well, find a benchmark person, and let this person recommend you!

I have too much experience in this regard. I am engaged in technology and once had my own data studio. I often accompany my boss to dinner.

I met a boss who had a high social status and was very good at dealing with things. At the dinner table, he praised me very ceremoniously. At that time, I felt a significant change in the attitude of the leaders. They are all leaders of the overall situation. I am a data manager. , you feel that no one respects me, and my introduction is very weak.

But after that recommendation, I linked to the resource. When the work was progressing and running the process, I found that the leader only recognized me. Every time I signed, a bureau leader asked me to go by name.

This is the "trust lever" . It is through the social status and influence of this boss that I can leverage the trust of the leaders here to trust me, which ensures that I can advance very smoothly in the later work.

I have served dozens of bosses over the years, and most of them do not know how to use "trust leverage" . If it were not for the network resources I have accumulated over the years, there are many things that I would not be able to handle.

After talking about it here, I believe you should understand how to use "trust leverage" .

If you are in sales, you can link to people you recognize as powerful people in the industry, and you can directly use his marketing model and his content system.

Friday, July 15, 2022 I don’t know if you have heard of the term sunny before. I didn’t check the information. It should not be a new term. In fact, we often use “trust leverage”. We engineers often use it to deal with a matter and need to find a stranger with resources to help.  - DayDayNews

To leverage your own resources and unfamiliar resources, you only need to praise this person, and then after the link gets the results, if this person also praises you, there will be a doubling effect.

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