[Fans are confused] Lao Wu previously shared an article with you, "These 4 signals appear in individual stocks, and you can catch the trend of chasing up the market with a single board, it is simple and easy to learn", teaching you how to shrink the big negative line after the bo

2024/07/0123:21:32 finance 1294

[Fans are confused] Lao Wu has previously shared with you an article "[Fans are confused] Lao Wu previously shared an article with you,

Picture 1

. After reading the principle of this high opening and buying strategy, Lao Wu will share with you a case to deepen your understanding of this battle. For the understanding and memory of the method, see Figure 2. If you can’t understand it at once, remember to save Lao Wu’s article and read it several times. Your trading knowledge will definitely be greatly improved in the future.

[Case Sharing]

[Fans are confused] Lao Wu previously shared an article with you,

Figure 2

Lao Wu would like to add a little more explanation here. This tactic is suitable for high openings after 2-3 consecutive straight boards. If there are more than 4 straight lines in a row, everyone should not blindly chase the high. After 4 straight lines, the profit margin of the main force is enough for them to sell goods. If you miss it, you will miss it. Don’t hold on. With the mentality of a gambler, continue to participate in the subsequent gambling and stupid market.

The above is all what Lao Wu shared today. It is really hard to write such free articles in . Your little red heart is the strongest motivation for Lao Wu to update every day. If you think you have gained something, remember to follow, like and collect Lao Wu’s article. Otherwise, you may not be able to find this article after crossing it. If you have any questions, you can communicate in the comment area below, and let us work together on the road to financial freedom. Make progress and achieve common prosperity!

[A solemn reminder at the end of the article] The content of this article is only for the exchange of investment experience for everyone to achieve financial freedom as soon as possible. It does not make any investment recommendations. Please do not follow the trend blindly. Investment is risky, so be cautious when entering the market.

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