With the improvement of my country's comprehensive national strength and rapid economic development, China has received 6 good news today. I wish the motherland prosperity and the people live and work in peace and contentment! According to a report by the National Bureau of Stati

2024/06/2913:00:33 finance 1892

With the improvement of my country's comprehensive national strength and rapid economic development, China has received 6 good news today. I wish the motherland prosperity and the people live and work in peace and contentment! According to a report by the National Bureau of Stati - DayDayNews

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The first good news: China's second quarter GDP increased by 0.4%

With the improvement of my country's comprehensive national strength and rapid economic development, China has received 6 good news today. I wish the motherland prosperity and the people live and work in peace and contentment! According to a report by the National Bureau of Stati - DayDayNews

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According to the National Bureau of Statistics report on July 15, my country's economy recovered steadily in June, and there was positive growth in the second quarter. . Preliminary statistics show that GDP in the first half of the year was 56,264.2 billion yuan, an increase of 2.5% over the same period last year. The worst impact of the epidemic in our country has passed. The GDP in the second quarter was 29,246.4 billion yuan, an increase of 0.4% over the same period last year.

With the improvement of my country's comprehensive national strength and rapid economic development, China has received 6 good news today. I wish the motherland prosperity and the people live and work in peace and contentment! According to a report by the National Bureau of Stati - DayDayNews

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I think it is not easy for our country to achieve good results in economic development. Thumbs up for our motherland and people!

2022 is an extraordinary year. Global economic growth is weak, the international environment is complex, and foreign exports and economic exchanges are affected. In the first half of the year, due to the epidemic, many places in our country implemented closed management. Under the influence of internal and external factors, our country's economy has been growing positively, which shows that the impact of the epidemic on us is weakening, and our country's economy is developing in a stable and positive direction.

html In June, China's various measures to stabilize employment were gradually implemented, accelerating the resumption of work and production, and stabilizing employment. In the second quarter, my country withstood internal and external pressures, resulting in China's second quarter economic growth of 0.4%.

At present, my country's real estate investment is declining, the property market is sluggish, the unemployment rate is rising in some industries, and it is difficult for people to increase their income.

If we can speed up the resumption of work and production in the second half of the year, stabilize the manufacturing industry, expand export trade, increase investment in infrastructure, stimulate consumption, and allow the property market to recover, I hope that in this case, our economy will continue to exert strength in the third and fourth quarters and complete the economic growth for the whole year. Target.

Come on China!

The second good news: China's industrial production stopped the downward trend and turned from decline to increase in the second quarter.

With the improvement of my country's comprehensive national strength and rapid economic development, China has received 6 good news today. I wish the motherland prosperity and the people live and work in peace and contentment! According to a report by the National Bureau of Stati - DayDayNews

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According to a report from China News Service on July 15, the person in charge of China's National Bureau of Statistics said that China's growth in the first half of the year The industrial added value of and increased by 3.4% compared with the same period last year. China's industrial added value above designated size increased by 0.7% in the second quarter compared with the same period last year. The decline in April was 2.9%, the increase in May was 0.7%, and the increase in June was 3.9%. The increase is significant and gratifying. Congratulations!

With the improvement of my country's comprehensive national strength and rapid economic development, China has received 6 good news today. I wish the motherland prosperity and the people live and work in peace and contentment! According to a report by the National Bureau of Stati - DayDayNews

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I think there are several reasons why China's industry has stopped its downward trend.

On the one hand, my country's energy supply continues to advance, driving the growth of the coal and mining industries;

On the other hand, although China's industrial development has been affected by the epidemic, the overall growth trend has not changed, and high-tech manufacturing has grown steadily, and its performance Show strong resilience!

As the adverse impact of the epidemic gradually weakens, a series of national measures to stabilize the economy and expand industrial production have taken effect, and China's industry has developed steadily.

China keep up the good work, China come on!

The third good news: In the first half of this year, my country's three major shipbuilding indicators continue to rank first in the world

With the improvement of my country's comprehensive national strength and rapid economic development, China has received 6 good news today. I wish the motherland prosperity and the people live and work in peace and contentment! According to a report by the National Bureau of Stati - DayDayNews

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According to a report by Guangming.com on July 15, in the first half of this year, China's ship orders, new orders, and handheld orders Three indicators continue to rank first in the world. From January to June, our ship completions, new orders and handheld orders accounted for 45.2%, 50.8% and 47.8% of the world respectively, ranking first in the world and creating a new milestone for China's shipbuilding industry!

Why has China's shipbuilding industry achieved such success? I think there are several reasons.

① China’s shipbuilding industry is gradually integrating into the world, the global supply chain is stable, and its international competitiveness is very strong.

② Our country has advanced technical capabilities in shipbuilding and strict quality control, and is loved by other countries.

China's shipbuilding industry is developing in an all-round way and can manufacture a wide variety of ships that can meet customers' energy-saving, environmentally friendly, and intelligent requirements. Among the new orders received, the high-end ship types and special ships developed are popular. The number of orders for liquefied natural gas ships has doubled, and the number of orders ranks among the top in the world!

④China Ship Design demonstrates quality and excellent service, winning many repeat customers.

With the improvement of my country's comprehensive national strength and rapid economic development, China has received 6 good news today. I wish the motherland prosperity and the people live and work in peace and contentment! According to a report by the National Bureau of Stati - DayDayNews

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It is precisely because of the vigorous development of China's shipbuilding industry that Chinese manufacturing has reached every sea area in the world, spreading Chinese culture and driving economic development. We must continue to promote the steady development of China's shipbuilding industry and make the world fall in love with Made in China!

China’s shipbuilding industry, thumbs up for you!

The fourth good news: University of Science and Technology of China The scientific research team has made important progress in ultracold atom quantum simulation

With the improvement of my country's comprehensive national strength and rapid economic development, China has received 6 good news today. I wish the motherland prosperity and the people live and work in peace and contentment! According to a report by the National Bureau of Stati - DayDayNews

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According to Xinhua News Agency reported on July 15, University of Science and Technology of China worked together with foreign scientific researchers to The ultra-low temperature atomic quantum simulation device has for the first time experimentally verified the "loss" of initial information caused by quantum multi-body thermalization under standard symmetry conditions, putting my country's quantum technology at the forefront of the world. Applaud Chinese scientists!

With the improvement of my country's comprehensive national strength and rapid economic development, China has received 6 good news today. I wish the motherland prosperity and the people live and work in peace and contentment! According to a report by the National Bureau of Stati - DayDayNews

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The current research results were published in the journal "Science" on July 15th, Beijing time.

What is the significance of this research? The reviewer of the "Science" journal gave his professional opinion: He believes that this research has made a significant contribution to the development of ultra-low temperature atomic simulation grid gauge field , and is the forefront of the field of quantum simulation. The scientific research of

will never end. We look forward to the results of this research being used in more fields in the future to benefit the people! Chinese scientists, you have worked hard and I salute you! Thumbs up for Chinese scientific research!

The fifth good news: Chinese scientists discovered the fossil of the real Qianbotherium for the first time in China

With the improvement of my country's comprehensive national strength and rapid economic development, China has received 6 good news today. I wish the motherland prosperity and the people live and work in peace and contentment! According to a report by the National Bureau of Stati - DayDayNews

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According to a report by Zhejiang Daily on July 15, recently, Chinese Academy of Sciences scientists discovered it in the late Permian of Daqingshan, Inner Mongolia, China. A skull with an almost complete mandible was found. After careful repair and morphological comparison, it was confirmed that it was a real Qianbo beast, and it was named Liu's real Qianbo beast. This is the first time that a 255-million-year-old fossil of a real Qianbotherium has been discovered in China.

With the improvement of my country's comprehensive national strength and rapid economic development, China has received 6 good news today. I wish the motherland prosperity and the people live and work in peace and contentment! According to a report by the National Bureau of Stati - DayDayNews

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After years of research, scientists have concluded that the real hamster has no venom glands and no venom. This research conclusion proves that the description in the documentary "Walking with Monsters" published by the British Broadcasting Corporation that "Chambora can poison and prey on adult water dragons" is wrong. Their research results were published in Biology Letters.

is proud and proud, the Chinese scientific research team praises you!

The sixth good news: The construction of Asia's first deepwater jacket platform "Haiji No. 1" was completed

With the improvement of my country's comprehensive national strength and rapid economic development, China has received 6 good news today. I wish the motherland prosperity and the people live and work in peace and contentment! According to a report by the National Bureau of Stati - DayDayNews

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According to a report from China News Service on July 15, today, Asia's first deepwater jacket drilling platform "Haiji" "No. 1" has completed the installation and commissioning of all underwater and surface equipment in the Pearl River Mouth Basin , and has entered the production preparation stage. This is a series of key technologies for the construction of China's deepwater pipeline platforms, providing Asia's advanced technology for China's offshore oil and gas development capabilities and energy security.

What are the characteristics of "Haiji No. 1"? Its total height is 340.5 meters and its total weight is more than 40,000 tons. Both its height and weight have set a record for a single offshore oil production platform in China.

"Haiji No. 1" is China's first fixed drilling well designed, constructed and installed in 300-meter-deep waters. This drilling platform has multiple functions and is highly comprehensive. It can produce and live on this platform, which is very convenient.

It can be seen that China’s ability to develop offshore oil fields is getting stronger and stronger, and the functions of its drilling platforms are becoming more and more powerful!

With the improvement of my country's comprehensive national strength and rapid economic development, China has received 6 good news today. I wish the motherland prosperity and the people live and work in peace and contentment! According to a report by the National Bureau of Stati - DayDayNews

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How to overcome super strong internal flow waves and accurately launch the drilling platform into position is a world problem before us. Chinese scientists innovatively applied the overall design technology of deepwater jackets and successfully realized the design and construction of deepwater jackets by using China's first advanced technologies such as joint hoisting of multiple cranes to overcome the above problems. After the

drilling platform is put into operation, it will inject new vitality into the local economic development and protect China's energy security!

Made in China, thumbs up for you! I wish the motherland prosperity and the people live and work in peace and contentment!

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