According to news on July 15, China Southern Airlines, one of China's three major airlines, disclosed a pre-loss announcement for its semi-annual performance in 2022. The announcement shows that from January to June 2022, China Southern Airlines is expected to achieve a net loss

2024/06/2909:12:32 finance 1138

7 July 15 news, China Southern Airlines, one of China's three major airlines, , disclosed a pre-loss announcement for the 2022 half-year performance.

According to news on July 15, China Southern Airlines, one of China's three major airlines, disclosed a pre-loss announcement for its semi-annual performance in 2022. The announcement shows that from January to June 2022, China Southern Airlines is expected to achieve a net loss  - DayDayNews

The announcement shows that from January to June 2022, China Southern Airlines is expected to achieve a net loss attributable to the parent company of 10.2 billion to 12.1 billion yuan. In the same period of 2021, China Southern Airlines achieved a net loss attributable to its parent company of 4.688 billion yuan.

Regarding the performance loss, China Southern Airlines explained that during the reporting period, the domestic civil aviation industry was affected by multiple impacts such as repeated epidemics, high oil prices, and depreciation of the RMB. In the first half of 2022, the company's capacity investment and revenue passenger kilometers (the revenue generated by an airline transporting one passenger for one kilometer, reflecting the average fare level) fell by 34.3% and 42.6% respectively year-on-year. Compared with the same period in 2019, fell 54.8% and 64.8% respectively.

The main operating data disclosed by China Southern Airlines shows that in June 2022, China Southern Airlines’ domestic and international revenue passenger kilometers increased by more than 70% month-on-month, but still fell by more than 26% month-on-month. From January to June 2022, China Southern Airlines' average passenger load factor was only 64.37%, a year-on-year decrease of 9.32%. (Article | "Financial World" Weekly Liu Zhen)

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