On July 14, the Second China (Jiangsu) Intelligent Connected Automobile Talent Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition Finals Award Ceremony and Jiangsu Intelligent Connected Automobile Industry Innovation Forum were successfully held in Suzhou Industrial Park. Technology fro

2024/07/0114:41:33 finance 1921
On July 14, the Second China (Jiangsu) Intelligent Connected Automobile Talent Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition Finals Award Ceremony and Jiangsu Intelligent Connected Automobile Industry Innovation Forum were successfully held in Suzhou Industrial Park. Technology fro - DayDayNews

On July 14, the Second China (Jiangsu) Intelligent Connected Vehicle Talent Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition Finals Award Ceremony and Jiangsu Province Intelligent Connected Vehicle Industry Innovation Forum were successfully held in Suzhou Industrial Park . Participants from enterprises, universities, Technical experts from R&D institutions gathered together to discuss the innovative development of Jiangsu’s intelligent connected vehicle technology and industry.

On July 14, the Second China (Jiangsu) Intelligent Connected Automobile Talent Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition Finals Award Ceremony and Jiangsu Intelligent Connected Automobile Industry Innovation Forum were successfully held in Suzhou Industrial Park. Technology fro - DayDayNews

This competition, with the theme of "Connected Vehicle Talents·Creating the Future with Intelligence", is hosted by Jiangsu Artificial Intelligence Society, Jiangsu Intelligent Connected Vehicle Industry Innovation Alliance, Jiangsu Intelligent Connected Vehicle Innovation Center, and is managed by Suzhou Industrial Park Organized by the committee, it is jointly guided by 10 units including the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Provincial Department of Public Security, the Provincial Talent Office, the Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Transportation, the Provincial Department of Education, the Provincial Association for Science and Technology, the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, and the Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League . The

competition attracted 110 teams from 25 provinces and cities including Beijing and Shanghai to sign up. In the end, 24 participating teams advanced to the finals. There are two categories in the finals: Innovation and Entrepreneurship Group and Enterprise Growth Group. The participating projects involve software open scenario applications and other fields. During the

On July 14, the Second China (Jiangsu) Intelligent Connected Automobile Talent Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition Finals Award Ceremony and Jiangsu Intelligent Connected Automobile Industry Innovation Forum were successfully held in Suzhou Industrial Park. Technology fro - DayDayNews

event, ChiXing Future Automotive Research Institute released the "White Paper on Internet of Vehicles Talents in Jiangsu Province". Technical experts in the field of intelligent connected vehicles gave keynote reports on industry technology development trends, talent training, investment opportunities and other aspects, and discussed Jiangsu intelligent connected vehicle technology with entrepreneurs.

On July 14, the Second China (Jiangsu) Intelligent Connected Automobile Talent Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition Finals Award Ceremony and Jiangsu Intelligent Connected Automobile Industry Innovation Forum were successfully held in Suzhou Industrial Park. Technology fro - DayDayNews

It is understood that Jiangsu Province is rich in human resources in enterprises, scientific research institutes and universities. The province has gathered more than 500 intelligent connected automobile companies and scientific research institutions, covering 11 industries such as vehicle environment sensing, vehicle software systems, vehicle terminals and chips. chain links, forming a complete upstream and downstream industrial chain supporting system. In 2021, the operating revenue of the province's intelligent connected automobile companies will exceed 100 billion yuan, and the development level of high-performance computing chips, autonomous driving software algorithms, testing and verification, and Internet of Vehicles facilities and equipment will lead the country.

As the organizer of this competition, Suzhou Industrial Park is working hard to build a high-end industrial cluster. The intelligent connected automobile industry has huge development potential. It is at the international leading level in the research and development and production of key components of intelligent connected automobiles and has built a full-scale industrial park. It is the first public road in the province to be officially certified for intelligent network testing. It is reported that the park has completed the top-level planning and design of the intelligent connected automobile industry in the next five years, and will gradually realize the transformation and construction of the park's full-scale intelligent network connection.

(Source: Jiangsu Radio and Television Media News Center/Editor Huang Meng/Guozheng)

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