Zhong Jianbo and his party visited Nanxian Tianchi Car City Construction Co., Ltd., Nanxian Lierda Electronics Co., Ltd., Hunan Huacheng Sports Protective Equipment Co., Ltd., Yiyang Sanyi Glass Products Co., Ltd., Nanxian Xingxing Logistics Co., Ltd., Nanxian Xingxing Logistics

2024/07/0113:44:32 finance 1952

[Source: Nan County Release]

Zhong Jianbo and his party visited Nanxian Tianchi Car City Construction Co., Ltd., Nanxian Lierda Electronics Co., Ltd., Hunan Huacheng Sports Protective Equipment Co., Ltd., Yiyang Sanyi Glass Products Co., Ltd., Nanxian Xingxing Logistics Co., Ltd., Nanxian Xingxing Logistics  - DayDayNewshtml On July 15, Zhong Jianbo, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, led a team to investigate the enterprises in the park.

Zhong Jianbo and his party visited Nanxian Tianchi Car City Construction Co., Ltd., Nanxian Lierda Electronics Co., Ltd., Hunan Huacheng Sports Protective Equipment Co., Ltd., Yiyang Sanyi Glass Products Co., Ltd., Nanxian Xingxing Logistics Co., Ltd., Nanxian Xingxing Logistics  - DayDayNewsZhong Jianbo and his party visited Nanxian Tianchi Car City Construction Co., Ltd., Nanxian Lierda Electronics Co., Ltd., Hunan Huacheng Sports Protective Equipment Co., Ltd., Yiyang Sanyi Glass Products Co., Ltd., Nanxian Xingxing Logistics Co., Ltd., Nanxian Xingxing Logistics  - DayDayNews

Research site

Zhong Jianbo and his party visited Nanxian Tianchi Car City Construction Co., Ltd., Nanxian Lierda Electronics Co., Ltd., Hunan Huacheng Sports Protective Equipment Co., Ltd., Yiyang Sanyi Glass Products Co., Ltd., and Nanxian Xingxing Logistics Co., Ltd. and Nanxian Nanzhou Logistics Park Co., Ltd., to learn more about the development status of the enterprise, patiently listened to the voice of the enterprise, and put forward guiding opinions on how to promote the development of the enterprise.

Zhong Jianbo emphasized that enterprise development must focus on increasing revenue and reducing expenditure. All enterprises must clarify product positioning, provide high-quality services, actively explore local markets, make full use of modern sales methods such as e-commerce platforms, and expand online sales channels; parks and relevant departments must increase support for enterprises, especially in the local area. Efforts have been made in market resource integration and cross-border e-commerce training to help companies expand sales.

Enterprises must make full use of local supporting industries to further reduce production costs; relevant departments must conduct inspections of high-energy-consuming enterprises, guide enterprises to upgrade and reduce energy consumption, guide enterprises to use electricity in off-peak periods, and improve the accuracy of electricity consumption; parks must Strengthen communication with logistics companies in the park, do a good job in the overall planning and design of logistics park factories and charging piles, make overall plans and implement them step by step, gradually improve the three-level logistics distribution system in counties and rural areas, and drive down the cost of express logistics in south county .

Deputy County Magistrate Gong Jingbang participated in the survey.

Pictures and text: Tu Yi

Editor: Duan Jian Xiao Yufan

Review: Cui Zhiwen Wenwei

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