Let’s review today’s data first. The net outflow of northbound funds was 8.9 billion, and the net outflow of main funds in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets was 36.8 billion. The three major A-share indexes collectively fell, and the market’s profit-making effect was poor. At t

2024/06/3015:35:32 finance 1947

Let’s review today’s data first. The net outflow of northbound funds was 8.9 billion, and the net outflow of main funds in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets was 36.8 billion. The three major A-share indexes collectively fell, and the market’s profit-making effect was poor. At t - DayDayNews

Let’s review today’s data first. The net outflow of northbound funds was 8.9 billion, and the net outflow of main funds in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets was 36.8 billion. The three major A-share indexes fell collectively, and the market’s profit-making effect was poor. At the same time, northbound funds have had a net outflow for 5 consecutive trading days, and the main funds in the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets have had a net outflow for 6 consecutive trading days. It can be seen that the current market is still weak.

In addition, among various industry sectors, the large financial and real estate sectors are the main factors in the current market crash. Since these two sectors have a large weight, they will drive the market to fall together after falling. Therefore, today A-shares saw rise and fall back to , and finally dived and closed in the green. Some people also say that they just took a lunch break and what was originally a profit suddenly turned into a loss.

In addition to the above two factors, recent overseas market fluctuations are also one of the reasons for the weakening of A-shares. US stocks fell, US dollar index rose and harvested the world, so A-shares were also dragged down and unable to rise. Taken together, there are three major negative factors in the market, namely:

(1) Northbound funds continue to flow out, and market confidence is insufficient; (2) Financial and real estate crashes, domestic real estate explodes; (3) Overseas market fluctuations, the US dollar The index surged.

Generally speaking, as long as these three reasons are gradually alleviated in the future, the rebound of A shares will come by then. Of course, A shares are currently at a low level, and even the extent of adjustment is limited.

Let’s review today’s data first. The net outflow of northbound funds was 8.9 billion, and the net outflow of main funds in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets was 36.8 billion. The three major A-share indexes collectively fell, and the market’s profit-making effect was poor. At t - DayDayNews

Regarding the industry sectors:

Semiconductor sector: Semiconductors rose and fell back today. In the end, they did not rise or fall. However, semiconductors still did not break through the 60-day moving average. We still need to wait and see next week. Simply put, only if the sector breaks through the 60-day moving average, the trend can be considered improved.

photovoltaic sector: Photovoltaic originally rose today, but it was still driven down by the market . Photovoltaics' performance in the first half of the year was outstanding, and it is now the main line of the market. Therefore, as the market stabilizes and rebounds in the future, photovoltaics needs to make more efforts, and it can continue to be optimistic now. .

Liquor section: Liquor Today, has been protecting for a day, but it was still dragged down in the end. At present, Baijiu has closed an long upper shadow line , which may be " fairy guiding the way ", so as long as Baijiu breaks through today's highest level next week, then the upward trend of Baijiu will appear.

Real estate sector: The decline in real estate can be regarded as a continuation of the recent real estate explosion. At present, although the regulators have spoken out, the solution will take time, and the real estate sector will not improve so quickly, so everyone still needs to wait.

is European! The market is under pressure today, but it does not mean that it will go into a bear market again. A-shares are still at a low level, and the domestic determination to stabilize the economy is still there, so the market is not pessimistic and is still optimistic about the market in the second half of the year.

Knowledge sharing

Commonly used indexes for market viewing: Shanghai Composite Index Shenzhen Component Index GEM Index Shanghai and Shenzhen 300

Industry Sector index: CSI Liquor CSI Coal CSI Medical New Energy vehicles CSI Military Industry Securities Company

Finally, Datou simply shared his own investments. I hope my sharing will be helpful to everyone. Of course, I also have shortcomings, and I will work hard to improve them in the future. OK! Friends who like Datou, remember to like + follow , stay steady with Datou, and you will eventually make a lot of money!

Let’s review today’s data first. The net outflow of northbound funds was 8.9 billion, and the net outflow of main funds in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets was 36.8 billion. The three major A-share indexes collectively fell, and the market’s profit-making effect was poor. At t - DayDayNews

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