Chinese people love to save money more. Data released by the central bank on the 11th showed that household deposits increased by 10.33 trillion yuan in the first half of this year, setting a new high compared with previous years. All told, an average of 571 deposits flow into th

2024/07/0210:03:33 finance 1333

Chinese people love to save money more. Data released by the central bank on the 211th showed that household deposits increased by 10.33 trillion yuan in the first half of this year, setting a new high compared with previous years. All told, an average of 571 deposits flow into the bank every day!

Chinese people love to save money more. Data released by the central bank on the 11th showed that household deposits increased by 10.33 trillion yuan in the first half of this year, setting a new high compared with previous years. All told, an average of 571 deposits flow into th - DayDayNews

Looking at it this way, we ordinary people love to save money more than before. Why is this? Some experts gave reasons.

First, save money to prevent risks. During the past three years of epidemics, especially the epidemic that occurred in Shanghai in March this year, everyone has a long memory. Such a long period of isolation, factory shutdowns, company closures, salary cuts, unemployment, it is really difficult to have no savings. maintain lifehood. Therefore, after the epidemic, everyone realized that risks and accidents may come one day. Only when you have money in your hands can you feel at ease.

Second, save money for your children. The biggest characteristic of the Chinese people is their extremely strong sense of responsibility. Unlike in Western countries, children become independent when they reach 18 years old and their parents no longer care about them. However, this is not the case in China. Children who have just entered college at the age of 18 still need to be nurtured. In another 10 years, the child will be 28 years old, and they are faced with buying a house and getting married, especially if there are boys in the family. It is impossible without savings. In another 10 years, the child will be 38 years old, and the parents should just leave it alone, right? No, I still have to worry about the grandchildren starting school again. Therefore, Chinese people live downward, doing everything for their children.

Third, save money for retirement. As we grow older and our bodies gradually weaken, it is inevitable to get sick if we eat whole grains. Once we get sick, it means spending money. Although almost everyone has medical insurance now, it is not 100% reimbursed and you still have to pay part of it. Therefore, it is definitely not possible without a little savings.

Fourth, saving money is helpless. For those who have investment ideas, they are certainly willing to invest. However, judging from the current investment environment, no matter whether it is stock trading, real estate speculation, or buying insurance, there is no guarantee of high returns. On the contrary, the risks are greater, so it is better to invest money It is safer to deposit it in the bank and wait and see.

Being diligent and thrifty is a traditional virtue of the Chinese people. Old people love to save money. After the epidemic, young people today have gradually changed their habits of lavish spending and excessive consumption. They have become budget-conscious and have joined the ranks of saving money.

Although deposits can enhance people's ability to resist risks, they also reduce consumption, which means that business in all walks of life is now difficult and economic development has become slow. How to stimulate consumption and promote economic growth?

Some experts pointed out that the first step is to introduce relief policies to restore the real economy, stabilize employment, and increase residents' income. The second is to cultivate the growth of mid-to-high-end consumption. Now, many places are trying to find ways to promote automobile and real estate consumption. For example, methods such as reducing purchase tax for car purchases, refunding deed taxes for house purchases, and reducing down payments are used to stimulate consumption.

However, in the long run, further improving the social security system and alleviating people's worries in education, medical treatment, and elderly care are the long-term solutions to increase consumption and promote economic development.

What do you think about people’s love of saving money? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area.

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