On July 15, an on-site observation of the province's key project of "Breakthrough in Five Years" for the conversion of old and new kinetic energy went into Weihai, where they observed the city's Marquardt Automotive Intelligent System Manufacturing, Guangwei Composite High-Perfor

2024/06/3015:28:33 finance 1256

On July 15, the province's key project of "Breakthrough in Five Years" for the conversion of new and old kinetic energy was observed on site. We walked into Weihai and observed our city's Marquardt automobile intelligent system manufacturing and Guangwei composite high-performance carbon fiber industries. chemical, Weigaolitong biological vaccine and Purui new pre-filling, Jabil printer production, Dishang smart fashion creative innovation and other projects.

builds the first vertical ecological supply chain platform for textiles and clothing in China, breaks through the "stuck neck" technology of the Guangwei composite high-performance carbon fiber industrialization project, and breaks the monopoly of foreign companies in the pre-filled syringe project... During the observation, one project after another is presented The characteristics of high-end, precision and newness are refreshing, and we can deeply feel the remarkable results and dividends brought by Weihai's continuous promotion of the conversion of old and new driving forces.

product technology is "new" and multiple projects have achieved "leading" and "first"

". The entire workshop adopts the industry's most advanced German Modan central feeding system . All supporting pipelines of the equipment are connected to each injection molding machine through underground pipe galleries. equipment..." In the injection molding workshop of Marquardt's Weihai factory, General Manager Ahrendts confidently introduced the technical secrets of this German factory. The sample injection molded parts displayed on site are all fully automatically produced. Since

settled in Weihai, Marquardt’s development in Weihai has grown rapidly: On April 11 this year, Marquardt signed an investment agreement for the second phase of the project with Weihai Lingang District; a few weeks ago, Marquardt successfully won the bid for an Audi car A major project, this project will be produced in the Weihai factory, further accelerating the implementation of the second phase of the project. "The main product of the second phase of the project is the Audi Audi new generation high-end electric vehicle platform battery management system. This product will be mainly used in Audi and Porsche Porsche new generation high-end pure electric vehicles." Ahrendts said.

On July 15, an on-site observation of the province's key project of

Weihai has achieved remarkable results in converting old and new driving forces, and Weigao Group's development has attracted media attention.

This observation gave people a deep impression, that is, the project has a high technical level, many innovative elements, high quality and good benefits. Not only the Marquardt Automobile Intelligent System Manufacturing Project, but also the Guangwei Composite High-Performance Carbon Fiber Industrialization Project achieved a major breakthrough in "stuck neck" technology and broke the triple blockade of "technology, equipment, and products"; Weigaoli Tong Biotech's vaccine project adheres to independent research and development, breaking through technical barriers in key technologies, breaking the monopoly of foreign patented technologies, and fully possessing independent intellectual property rights; the Weigao prefilled syringe industrialization project has achieved the localization of prefilled packaging materials for vaccines. Filling the domestic gap and breaking the monopoly of foreign industries...

's series of "breakthroughs", "leads" and "firsts" fundamentally lie in technological innovation. Guangwei Group Chairman Chen Liang felt deeply about this: "Guangwei has only concentrated on making two products for more than 30 years since its establishment: one is fishing rods, and the other is carbon fiber. We have spent 15 years focusing on carbon fiber. In recent years, Guangwei Group has invested more than 3 billion yuan in R&D. Each production line has more than 40,000 parts and will encounter more than 2,000 problems, each of which must be overcome one by one." All are above 10%, and the R&D investment in carbon fiber accounts for more than 15%.

The "complete" industrial chain has broad future development space.

Rows of brand-new factories, projects accelerating one by one... The vehicle drove to Weihai Electronic Information and Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Park, Jabil , Lenovo , Zhengwei, Yihe's enterprise factories, which represent the advanced production level of modern printers, come into view. Who would have thought that in less than 7 years, what was once a deserted beach would become a global printer base.

"In the four years since it settled in Weihai, Jabil has made qualitative leaps in development every year. It is expected that this year's output value will be more than five times that of 2019." Standing in front of the production workshop of the latest scanner , Jabil Electronics Li Jun, general manager of Weihai Co., Ltd., is full of confidence. He said that the rapid development of Jabil Weihai is not only supported by Weihai's complete supply chain system, but also nourished by the government's good business environment.

The arrival of Jabil has also brought more complete supporting facilities to the local supply chain.Li Jun said that Jabil will further adjust its industrial layout and plans to integrate smart home appliances, digital printing, automobiles and transportation, medical care and packaging and other businesses into Weihai, making Weihai the most important manufacturing industry in the world for Jabil in the United States. One of the bases. The development history of the global printer base in

High-tech Zone shows that the more the entire industry chain develops, the broader the development space will be. Weihai insists on focusing on the characteristic and advantageous industries and making full efforts, vigorously cultivating seven major industrial clusters and ten industrial chains, accelerating chain extension, strengthening and expanding, and promoting the development of advanced manufacturing industry that represents new driving forces to continue to accelerate and benefit constantly improving.

The level of digitalization is "high" and the "old tree" continues to "send new branches"

As one of the "Top Ten Innovations", the power and engine role of "digital transformation and innovation" is becoming more and more obvious.

is located in the cloud design center on the sixth floor of of Dishang Group. From here, you can see various clothing design styles, the number of designers, and background conversion data. Click on the page to see Dishang's design studios around the world, as well as more than 20 creative gathering places in Beijing, Shanghai, the United Kingdom, Spain and other places.

The first domestic textile and apparel vertical ecological supply chain platform created by Dishang Group allows "data" to shine fashionably in traditional industries -

In the entire supply chain platform , the "cloud design platform" has attracted attention at home and abroad More than 3,000 designers; the fabric platform links more than 4,000 fabric suppliers and more than 500,000 fabric resources around the world; Dishang flexible manufacturing base achieves highly specialized production, small batch quick response and personalized customization; digitalization Factory store, explore new clothing consumption scenarios...

"Thanks to the construction of the supply chain platform and the application of new technologies, the company's business has developed greatly, the new product development cycle has been shortened by two-thirds, and global sales revenue has continued to rise in the past two years. Growth of more than 15%. " Zhu Lihua, chairman of Dishang Group, said that in the next step, Dishang Group will focus on research and development, create more professional and fashionable clothing, and promote the clothing industry to enter the era of "intelligent manufacturing". During the

observation, the implementation of many projects has served as a demonstration for the digitalization and intelligence of the manufacturing industry. Among them, Jabil's production lines are intelligent, and production, assembly, and warehousing are all built in accordance with automated factory standards, with a daily production capacity of 30,000 units. According to reports, to seize the development opportunities of " digital economy ", our city has successively issued policies to support the development of new industries and new models such as integrated circuits, 5G networks, and industrial Internet, and promote the deep integration of the Internet, big data, and the real economy.

Traditional industries are upgrading and emerging industries are rising. Following the tour group’s footsteps to see Weihai, the most striking feeling is that it has been four years since the transformation of old and new driving forces, and new industries and new products are accelerating development and gaining momentum in Weihai. Everyone expressed that they must follow the deployment of "getting a full start in one year, achieving initial results in three years, making breakthroughs in five years, and building advantages in ten years", continue to promote the conversion of new and old driving forces, and unswervingly implement this major strategy. If we continue to advance, it will provide strong impetus and solid support for the high-quality development of economic and social development. (Hi Weihai Client Reporter Sun Shichao/Text Sun Dawei/Photo)

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