Introduction: When it comes to Brother Dayi, everyone must know him. After becoming famous as a "grassroots star", he has done a lot of good things for the village. However, he did not expect that not only did he not receive the gratitude and respect of the villagers, but the vil

2024/07/0213:42:33 entertainment 1373

Introduction: When it comes to Brother Dayi , everyone must know him. After becoming famous as a "grassroots star", he did a lot of good things for the village. However, he did not expect that not only did he not receive the gratitude and respect of the villagers, but the villagers felt that Brother Dayi should do this. , and the villagers often borrow money from Brother Dayi. Of course, no one has ever repaid the money. Fortunately, the villagers have become more friendly in recent years.

Introduction: When it comes to Brother Dayi, everyone must know him. After becoming famous as a

Brother Dayi has been doing his job honestly over the years and has never had any negative news. It was not until his son Zhu Xiaowei married Chen Yanan that everything changed drastically. Chen Yanan has been particularly ostentatious since he met Zhu Xiaowei. This is obviously related to The Zhu family has completely different styles of painting, so Zhu Xiaowei and Chen Yanan divorced after more than a year of marriage.

Introduction: When it comes to Brother Dayi, everyone must know him. After becoming famous as a

The appearance of Chen Yanan caused Brother Dayi to suffer a heavy blow in his career and reputation, so much so that no villagers now barged in to secretly take photos. This is not a bad thing. Later, about half a year after Zhu Xiaowei and Chen Yanan divorced, Zhu Xiaowei and Chen Yanan divorced. Meng got engaged, which also brought Brother Dayi back into the public eye, but his fame and reputation are no longer as strong as before.

Introduction: When it comes to Brother Dayi, everyone must know him. After becoming famous as a

Not long ago, Brother Dayi showed up at the market to buy a nail rake and no one was following him. Only Brother Dayi’s agent was filming. Brother Dayi in the video went to an iron shop, picked up a nail rake and looked at it carefully. After thinking that there was no problem, he paid the owner of the iron shop and took the rake away.

Introduction: When it comes to Brother Dayi, everyone must know him. After becoming famous as a

The editor doesn’t understand why Brother Dayi doesn’t tidy up when he goes out. His oily hair and dirty face and his clothes are also very shabby. He doesn’t have the image of a “grassroots star”. How dare Brother Dayi have the nerve to let his agent follow him for the photo? Could it be that Brother Dayi wants to create a simple and honest persona for netizens? Even if you have a character design, there is no need to dress yourself up as a beggar.

Introduction: When it comes to Brother Dayi, everyone must know him. After becoming famous as a

However, despite Brother Dayi's appearance being so "exaggerated", netizens are focusing on Brother Dayi's mask. Netizens bluntly said in the comment area, " Hahaha, the mask is not worn properly", "It's been a long time since the mask was changed", " What’s the difference between wearing a mask and not wearing one?” They all complained about the mask worn by Brother Da Yi.

Introduction: When it comes to Brother Dayi, everyone must know him. After becoming famous as a

As we all know, the correct way to use a mask is to cover your mouth and nose and change it frequently to ensure hygiene. However, in the video, Brother Dayi's mask only covers his mouth, and it can be seen that it has been used for a long time. As a public figure, who would believe Brother Dayi if he said that he has no money to buy a mask?

Introduction: When it comes to Brother Dayi, everyone must know him. After becoming famous as a

Let’s not talk about anything else. Even to ensure the safety of those around you and yourself, you need to wear a mask correctly, or else you don’t wear it at all. Brother Dayi’s method of wearing a mask that only covers your mouth is completely ineffective. I don’t understand why they let their agent shoot a video and post it online. It’s a completely negative image.

Introduction: When it comes to Brother Dayi, everyone must know him. After becoming famous as a

No wonder Brother Dayi’s commercial performances have dropped sharply. With such an image appearing, which event dares to invite Brother Dayi to attend? Nowadays, Brother Dayi has fewer and fewer commercial performances, but the wedding of his son Zhu Xiaowei and Chen Meng is approaching. The father can only worry about staying at home. Zhu Xiaowei has no skills and no job, which is also difficult for Brother Dayi.

Introduction: When it comes to Brother Dayi, everyone must know him. After becoming famous as a

Conclusion: Brother Dayi now works in the fields when he has time. He will attend any commercial performance. He has even expanded into a new business, which is shooting blessing videos. Although the money is small, the quantity is large, and the integration is not a small sum. wealth. I hope Brother Dayi will get better and better in the future, but it’s best to pay attention to personal hygiene first.

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